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Backward Masking of Satanic Messages


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Just to play the devil's advocate (no pun intended), while it really does seem like a waste of time to do something like this to a song, and certainly someone like Robert Plant would not at all be interested in doing something like this, isn't it a known fact that Jimmy was very interested in the occult, etc. Working on soundtracks to films like Lucifer's Rising, buying Crowley's home, owning the Equinox, I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that for fun or for other unknown reasons. Just a thought... (personally, I don't belive it, but I consider both sides)

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A few years ago a friend lent me a video about the whole backward masking thing, it was by a group of American Born Again Christians and to be honest I have never seen such a load of silly rubbish, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles and Judas Priest to name but a few got the 'devil worshipper' treatment, they played clips that sounded like jibberish and then said 'did you hear it, satan is my lord' it then went on to sugest that 'our teenagers' should only listen to wholesome Country Music, it really maes me sad when people like this try and rubbish music they dont understand and then label it evil, as Ozzy Osbourne said in a song once 'they say I worship the devil but Im just a rock n roll rebel' backward masking is in my opinion a creation of the evangelical church to try and belittle rock music. this of course is just my opinion :)

Av fun


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:thanku: :thanku: :thanku: :thanku: :thanku: :thanku: :thanku:"A few years ago a friend lent me a video about the whole backward masking thing, it was by a group of American Born Again Christians and to be honest I have never seen such a load of silly rubbish, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles and Judas Priest to name but a few got the 'devil worshipper' treatment, they played clips that sounded like jibberish and then said 'did you hear it, satan is my lord' it then went on to sugest that 'our teenagers' should only listen to wholesome Country Music, it really maes me sad when people like this try and rubbish music they dont understand and then label it evil, as Ozzy Osbourne said in a song once 'they say I worship the devil but Im just a rock n roll rebel' backward masking is in my opinion a creation of the evangelical church to try and belittle rock music. this of course is just my opinion

Av fun

Andy "

so wait if theres messeges like you say, and they are imfluencing you to listen are you saying that that might be the only reason you listen and you might not in fact or in whole be a fan?

Edited by Olipticle
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*maybe it's the old "build it and they will come" happening. ie: zep didn't put it there "they" did. to get to the bottom of the cracker jack box and get the prize ask yourself what was built.

* = a load of shit

what really happened is. rock music and the church were in competition for souls (and cash). at one point a minister need only to point out the obvious "it's lewd" "it's animistic" "against our ways" etc.. and that worked for a while. then people started going "maybe i like what i'm feeling down there, tell me it's bad again, the shame is half the pleasure". ministers eventually had to try another game plan. "the bands are out to harm you and brain wash you. they are the devil's right hand". that worked for a while in some demographic areas (still does). they tried to imply bands were putting backwards messages and tones and such to cause malicious harm to those who listened. and what a goddamn cop out to teach such trash and how revealing. they like to switch back and forth an awful lot. one minute they're teaching that you are responsible for your sins and it's all your fault. then it's switched to you're being brainwashed and led astray by satan and

music unknowingly against your will. truth is they are the ones of "the devil" they are the ones who will do anything to control your mind and life and keep you in bondage and servitude. rock n roll fucks that up for them... the vileness and anger and outright wickedness in much of today's music is sort of their fault. it's a reaction to them and authority in many ways. and it will only get more rebellious until people are allowed to be totally free. the only choices given are: you can be considered a good person only if you become a slave. or you can follow your own souls will and path and be wicked and be cast into hell. that mentality is what is rotting our world from the inside out. not the freedom fighters whose weapon is a guitar and the loosed chains of this beast we call morality.

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I tried playing Stairway backwards twenty years ago. Got out the turntable and went through the track,put on tape,and to me clear as day I heard "Here's to my sweet satan". This was before youtube and internet and I had never heard a sample so I did not know what to listen for.

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Try listening to those without looking at the lyrics that they post for you. You will no longer hear much of what is claimed to be there. It is just lyrics played backwards that sound vaguely similar to what they have posted. If you listen while reading the given lyrics it sounds plausible, but if you just listen to it by itself without the predisposition of the suggested lyrics, then it sounds like a song played backward.

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Robert Plant said many times this (STH) was a song about hope. I do not believe STH has all that Satanic crap backmasked on it. The mind plays many tricks when you want it to.

It is a crime to blasheme that beauitfully written song. Once and for all, leave it alone.

Oh yeah, I forgot...remember "Paul is dead" . Ha!

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Sorry, I am about to go off. I don't mean to, but I can't help myself. LOL I have such issues with the hypocrite shallow Christians where all of this comes from.

I am very spiritual and very much a Christian. I grew up with the hypocrisy shallow church that all music but gospel is evil and you will go to hell if you listen to all this satanic music. The problem is everything but gospel was satanic. Because so many bands were accused and they lumped all music(outside of gospel) as "satanic" just because it was rock. Hell, even Elvis Presley was even satanic because of the way he moved or something I don't know. Anyway, when I was growing up. I tried to listen to their ways and couldn't. I always felt like a failure. I am a huge music lover. HUGE. I own thousands of music. I love it! I sing at my church. My dad before he died tried to teach me some guitar. I was involved with singing while I was growing up. This shallow Evangelical church that I went to as a kid had many many other rules that were ridiculous and I could not measure up. I always felt like a failure. I thought that was what you had to do to be a Christian. That led me away from my faith for many years. Now I have my faith. Sorry, didn't mean to tell my life story.

Long story short. I am so glad I walked away from that shallow faith and came to my faith where it is now richer and deeper and more meaningful. They would have these stupid rules but treat people like crap. I still have issues with hypocrite Evangelical crap kind of Christians. It's like nails to a chalkboard. Hell, it might not be a bad idea to play around with their minds. LOL Just kidding!

Anyway to the point, there were and still are so may stupid rumors about so many other bands that it is so ridiculous. A lot of this comes from these Christian groups. And in talking about rumors, wasn't the Beatles even satanic and playing satanic messages backwards or something??? Wasn't there also some stupid rumor that Paul McCartney was dead or something. And weren't they satanic as well or something. I don't know. Anyway, there are so many stupid rumors that I think are just ridiculous.

I was an unsuccessful product of these Evangelical's brainwashings.

So let's see, I have been listening to Stairway since I was kid. I heard the song because of my parents since I was around 2 and actually even younger, as a baby, because the song came out the year I was born. LOL. Anyway to the point, I have been a Christian for most of my life. If there was Satanic messages and I have been listening to this song since I was a baby And I am Christian???? I have no interest in Satan (laughing). And the problem is???? What????

If the song was satanic, then sorry Robert and Jimmy, you have failed your mission. I guess it wasn't satanic enough!

This was my previous nonsense post that I tried to delete, but it would not let me.

Wow! Sorry for this. (laughing) I was drunk when I wrote this. I came home from a Christmas party and was too wound up and was just killing time. I knew I wrote something, but I didn't really remember what I wrote. Everything about it is true, well that being Christian groups, but why I felt the need to display this information here I have no idea.

Pay no attention to my nonsense. I am an ass!!! LOL :D

Edited by JPFan-Kimberly
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