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Jimmy Page's photographic autobiography to be re-released October 2014


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I don't wish to be a contrarian but I can't help but admit I have been underwhelmed by the quality of this edition and overall, by the selection of photos, almost none of which were new to me. Perhaps, it is the curse of the internet but I'm glad the price I paid was reasonable. The photo quality is disappointing to me and the frequent inclusion of contact sheets, irritating.

The original Genesis edition appeared to be worth the price but this edition...

Having said that, I still find the choice of cover photo - that illustrates struggle and melancholy - intriguing and revealing.

I'm not a fan of the contact sheets, either, but overall, I think the book is a gem and well worth the price. Hoping my issue with quality is one-off.

:ohmy: Yeesh, that's a pretty bad wham-o on the back cover! Sorry you got a faulty copy D! :( Surely these problems arose during shipping, maybe you should just get a refund and go get it at a bookstore? Kinda wish I did that, the corners on my back cover were pretty banged up.


Good point, and I will definitely check out the local book stores as I would prefer to see the book before purchasing.
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Although I'm glad I bought the book, as I prefer real books and real photos, and also I did learn a few things, I'm puzzled that there is, as far as I can tell so far, not one single non-music related photo. This is not an "autobiography." It is a record of a musical career. It is a pretty definite statement that Jimmy does not want people to know anything about his personal or family life/lives.

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ha my Mom said that was her favorite too! One that stood out to me was the aerial shot of Knebworth. That was a shitload of people. I'm not great with numbers, but I think that qualifies as a shitload of people!

that was a very impressive number of people, definately a shitload :)

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Although I'm glad I bought the book, as I prefer real books and real photos, and also I did learn a few things, I'm puzzled that there is, as far as I can tell so far, not one single non-music related photo. This is not an "autobiography." It is a record of a musical career. It is a pretty definite statement that Jimmy does not want people to know anything about his personal or family life/lives.

I felt the same way. I don't have any complaints about the physical makeup of the book (maybe I just got lucky), but it's strange that there are no references to his family (not even his children), friends, or personal life. It's more a "musical journey" or "musical autobiography" than an autobiography. I read an interview in which he referred to the book as "honest," with which I'd have to disagree.

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I absolutely LOVE this book.

It is an amazing life our Mr. Page has led!

When you see the vast amount of experiences laid out in chronological order it is simply stunning what he has accomplished in his 70 years.

I came away with a great sense of how much Mr Page's music and musical legacy means to him, his life was/is chock full of creative energy. Also it is very apparent how much in control and determined he was/is with his own legacy.

Also I was able to glean several new answers to questions I had, and now I have some NEW questions. ?

I really do love this book. ..Lol

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I felt the same way. I don't have any complaints about the physical makeup of the book (maybe I just got lucky), but it's strange that there are no references to his family (not even his children), friends, or personal life. It's more a "musical journey" or "musical autobiography" than an autobiography. I read an interview in which he referred to the book as "honest," with which I'd have to disagree.

Mr Page clearly states the purpose of this book in the introduction.

This book is a visual documentary to reflect my contribution to music.

I think the book adeptly fulfills his purpose.

It shows how his whole life was immersed in music, I don't know how you perceive it as dishonest. It is a pretty unflinching look at his life in music.

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I'd seen it billed in many places as a "photographic autobiography," so that's what I was expecting. Fair enough if he intended it to only be a chronicle of his time in music with the photos reflecting only his musical career. I like Jimmy and am happy I purchased the book, but I would have preferred him to use this medium to give us a glimpse into his whole life, not just his career.

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I felt the same way. I don't have any complaints about the physical makeup of the book (maybe I just got lucky), but it's strange that there are no references to his family (not even his children), friends, or personal life. It's more a "musical journey" or "musical autobiography" than an autobiography. I read an interview in which he referred to the book as "honest," with which I'd have to disagree.

I'm not surprised there aren't any photos of his children. With the possible exception of his eldest daughter, Scarlet, his children aren't public figures. Page probably wants to protect his family's privacy. What about other musicians?

Edited by Disco Duck
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Imagine the weirdness that would ensue should he have posted private photos. Recall a month or so ago he was photographed standing at bus stop next to a young woman. The world tilted on it's axis in speculation.

His children are probably grateful their father puts their privacy and security above his career image. Didn't Sean Lennon just write a song about his childhood fear of being kidnapped?

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The point is moot because it's obvious he didn't want to include any "personal" photos (which is fine, I was only expecting a bit more), but I don't think including pictures of his children would have put them in any danger. He's not John Lennon at the peak of his fame or even himself at the peak of his fame, and I don't think any of his children are young at this point. I think the idea that there's a ring of people who are out to capture the offspring of celebrities (especially those not even in much of the spotlight anymore) is a myth.

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... but I don't think including pictures of his children would have put them in any danger. He's not John Lennon at the peak of his fame or even himself at the peak of his fame, and I don't think any of his children are young at this point. I think the idea that there's a ring of people who are out to capture the offspring of celebrities (especially those not even in much of the spotlight anymore) is a myth.

Uh, it's about the music ....

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Uh, it's about the music ....

Okay, Jimmy. Man. Still can hold the opinion (and I'm not the only person who's expressed this here or elsewhere) that a more personal book would have been even better than what we got, which I still enjoyed very much.

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I'm just so happy that this version was made available for purchase. Could have left it at the Genesis version for the lucky few. It's great to have a photo essay on his musical journey, but like many I would loved to have seen more about the other facets of his life. Maybe some day Jimmy will write a proper memoir, which would be lovely, but I highly doubt this will ever happen, as he is a fairly private man, who has always valued a bit of mystery. And rightly so.

On a practical note, if there are any Barnes & Noble members on here, check your mail, & check out the price of his book at the store. It's on a gift book sale right now (20% off) & they have sent members a couple of 20% off coupons in the mail- so I bought a copy of the book with my member disc & coupon including tax for a cool $37.02.

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^ Ooo, I can smell that wonderful new book smell just looking at this! So much pleasure in a cardboard box. That beautiful red cover looks so tempting...Don't have one of those...

What a pity your JP book isn't quite perfect - it should be tho! Third time lucky for you I hope :)

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^ Ooo, I can smell that wonderful new book smell just looking at this! So much pleasure in a cardboard box. That beautiful red cover looks so tempting...Don't have one of those...

What a pity your JP book isn't quite perfect - it should be tho! Third time lucky for you I hope :)

Thanks, WLL4LZ, keeping my fingers crossed as that beautiful book deserves to be flawless. My husband said that when I was unpacking the boxes I looked like it was Christmas. Well...YES! Only at Christmas I don't take pictures of every step of the opening! :)

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