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I whistled The rain song-an owl landed next to me


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I know this sounds crazy and I don't claim the song actually had any effect, but there is a strong consensus on genius music and perhaps it has a specific effect on animals and the thing is,

last night I wast walking at the edge of the town and I was whistling while listening to The rain song on the phones and while doing the guitar outro, an owl landed next to me on a traffic sign and we were a few meters appart for a few minutes, while I still whistled and it was amazing and as I walked away, the owl stayed for quite a while! Incredible stuff! Thanks Jimmy!

I'm just thinking now, I should have taken a photo!

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Oh cool reswati, nice to hear from you again!! Hope you enjoy the topic, it's about the owls, hope that makes it clever enough from me heh!

Do you train owls? I can hardly train myself, I tell you, whistling the end of The rain song, is one tricky thing! I guess it worked!! ;)

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I know this sounds crazy and I don't claim the song actually had any effect, but there is a strong consensus on genius music and perhaps it has a specific effect on animals and the thing is,

last night I wast walking at the edge of the town and I was whistling while listening to The rain song on the phones and while doing the guitar outro, an owl landed next to me on a traffic sign and we were a few meters appart for a few minutes, while I still whistled and it was amazing and as I walked away, the owl stayed for quite a while! Incredible stuff! Thanks Jimmy!

I'm just thinking now, I should have taken a photo!

Boy, you must be one heck of a whistler! The power of music everybody! :D

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