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Showing the love between band mates

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At the end of the last encore (rock and roll), there is lots of love going on between band members, but it looks like JPJ was left out a bit... even by Jason. I watched Kashmir on youtube to see if the end of the official set was any better, but the video cuts off just as the tune ends. Can anyone who was at the show tell me if it was any better after Kashmir?

To me, it's always seemed JPJ was on the outside, and under appreciated. Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive on his part.... I just want to make sure he's loved and appreciated!


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Geesh.. didn't mean to offend anyone. This seemed like the place to ask questions related to Led Zeppelin. If you don't like the subject of a post you can always ignore it... that way you don't come off as a mean spirited soul, even though I'm sure you are a fine person.

We could always talk about what you wanted to talk about artur....

Edited by Moonliner
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Forgive Artur He's nothing better to do than be obnoxious. Your right about JPJ he has been a bit of a loner since Bonzo's demise, they were very close. Planty by his own admission is not a great pal of Jonesy, they work together when they have to and thats about all.

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Geesh.. didn't mean to offend anyone. This seemed like the place to ask questions related to Led Zeppelin. If you don't like the subject of a post you can always ignore it... that way you don't come off as a mean spirited soul, even though I'm sure you are a fine person.

We could always talk about what you wanted to talk about artur....

Yes you're right, and i'm very happy to see that on earth all men are not stioupide ^^

I just said that because as far as I'm concerned by the subject, i think the most important is that they played together and gave us a great show.

I don't see what's interesting in searching how do they live together...I mean if they are some troubles between them that's not as important as that.

In fact, it is even a good sign...everyone should bear in mind that robert isn't as young as before and that this show must have been pretty hard to prepare for him and thus for his friends...it is easy to play drums or guitar well even if you're 70 years old...but it's harder to catch certain high pitched notes as far as you're a singer...I believe robert have done a great great work on that.

Thus, after such a show, and the load of tension that must have been pesent throughou the show, it may be normal that they didn't know how to behave or were a little bit "lost"

That's why i still believe such details aren't as important as the event we've been the witness of...

Best regards dear friend and sorry for my first reply to your thread.

Artur B)

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Forgive Artur He's nothing better to do than be obnoxious. Your right about JPJ he has been a bit of a loner since Bonzo's demise, they were very close. Planty by his own admission is not a great pal of Jonesy, they work together when they have to and thats about all.

Thanks a lot, I just learned a new word!! ^^

No, my goal was not to be obnoxious, damn it is so hard to say and to write ^^, as far as I'm concerned it is not very important...that's all...i think it is stupid because... :D

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Why is it stupid?

It is a stupid detail to look at because we should see how great the show was, such details are part of their own problems and should'nt bother us...or at least we should not go on asking questions about:

How robert behave, how they behaved to each other, was the sound great and other whildish questions...

We had the opportunity to see them all toghether live, is thath not much more important than such foolish details?

PS: the word stupidities did not refer to the author of the thread but rather to the detail itself...

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after Kashmir, JPJ and Jason Bonham were hugging and I think they were after WLL too, from what I remember.....but I also remember thinking to myself after the Rock and Roll encore "isnt anyone gonna give JPJ a pat on the back?" Nobody did. Highly doubt it means anything --- but I just found it strange that Jimmy or Robert didnt go over to Jonesy or visa versa.

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It's actually Jonsey who's a bit rocky with plant, not the other way around.

There was that story a while back (2003?) where in a "business" meeting with the members, Robert begged for forgiveness from JPJ on bended knee and JPJ wasn't going to have any of it. JPJ's remarks about the whole thing in recent interviews is simply "it was a long time ago". So I think JPJ still feels bad about that whole episode and is only relying on time to heal old wounds.

I think JPJ is more accomodating towards Jimmy in the sense that Jimmy really just wanted a way to play again and had to do so under Robert's terms. At the end of the show, JPJ keeps a safe distance from Robert but he he does put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder.

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i am one also that just wants to concentrate on how AWESOME that show was and how blessed we all are as fans to have witnessed this event (live in person or not). i am going on the sound of what we heard (shout out to slowburn ;) and what we heard was LED ZEPPELIN.

as far as the people saying we can't ever know what happens out of the public eye, so true. what happens on stage regarding interaction between bandmembers (non-musical interaction) isn't NECESSARILY a representation of their inner feelings for each other.

i just went over to mr. ross halfin's website - and let me take a moment to say, ross, you are the man. i have loved your site for years and i hope it will be there for years to come. anyhow, go to mr. halfin's site and check out the pics he has of the rehearsals. i see plenty of smiles. plenty of positive energy.

(side note, ross' description of the holiday party he went to the other day was great...i love how the guy writes in his blog. and not enough can be said about his photos...)

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There was that story a while back (2003?) where in a "business" meeting with the members, Robert begged for forgiveness from JPJ on bended knee and JPJ wasn't going to have any of it. JPJ's remarks about the whole thing in recent interviews is simply "it was a long time ago". So I think JPJ still feels bad about that whole episode and is only relying on time to heal old wounds.

I think JPJ is more accomodating towards Jimmy in the sense that Jimmy really just wanted a way to play again and had to do so under Robert's terms. At the end of the show, JPJ keeps a safe distance from Robert but he he does put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder.

Let's not forget one of the primary reason's for agreeing to this reunion was for Jason Bonham's benefit. I don't know how much involvement Jonesy has had in Jason Bonham's life, but Robert especially and Jimmy have been very active in encouraging and supporting that man since his father's death. It was the right thing to stand back a little and let Jason have the spotlight with the other two.

The fact that Robert did get down on bended knee suggests that there is some love there. I'm sure they all hugged plenty afterwards. Anyone know what they did or where they went?

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