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Jimmy Page to give a talk on his photo autobiography on November 3 in NYC


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Oh Jimmy...I would rather a EP of new material than a 512 page tome of long past historical photos and experiences

set to book form.

If Jimmy would only pick up an instrument and play, either in studio or on stage, that would make the majority of us

so much more happier than another discussion of Jimmy's old days and his long gone triumphs.

Oh Jimmy...archivists' of past glories...future unknown.

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^Hi stz!!! :wave: Stargroves, I hope you can join us on Monday prior to the event. A few of us from the forum are getting together :party:

Hi Debs! ( have you checked out the beautiful men thread lately ...... )

Thanks STZ!

Hi Deborah! That sounds awesome please keep me posted, thanks!

No probs, Dear! :)

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^^ Hello again stz!..I have not checked that out lately, may take a peek in a few minutes..you are too funny wonderful lady!

I am really looking forward to seeing Jimmy (and on a stage as I will take anything at this point to see him on a stage! :-). Then to have the opportunity to meet a few other members here I know we are going to have a blast :)

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^^ Hello again stz!..I have not checked that out lately, may take a peek in a few minutes..you are too funny wonderful lady!

I am really looking forward to seeing Jimmy (and on a stage as I will take anything at this point to see him on a stage! :-). Then to have the opportunity to meet a few other members here I know we are going to have a blast :)

That is so wonderful - I would be just as excited to meet you and starry as Jimmy! :)

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The Barnes & Noble event says "In lieu of a signature, author will stamp book"

That indicates to me that Mr. Page's handlers are expecting masses of people storming B&N for a close up glimpse of the man himself. Signing 100s of signatures in the course of a few hours could be excruciating.

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I spoke with Brad Tolinski earlier tonight at the venue where he was playing with a band I think he hooked up with fairly recently (they are young!). He said he was originally supposed to be the interviewer at the 92nd St. Y event, but the Y wanted Koons instead. He claimed he was ok with that (not sure I believed him). He said he's probably going to be the interviewer at a similar event in Los Angeles, I think.

Tolinski's not a bad guitarist! He also played electric violin, which was interesting.

Electric violin!?! I didn't know such an instrument even existed. I'm trying to imagine what one sounds like.

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That indicates to me that Mr. Page's handlers are expecting masses of people storming B&N for a close up glimpse of the man himself. Signing 100s of signatures in the course of a few hours could be excruciating.

While there will indeed be a large crowd for Jimmy, Barnes & Noble stores in New York are very experienced in managing massive crowds for the highest level of celebrity.

The choice to sign or not sign is an author's choice.

For example, Lenny Kravitz appeared at both the 92Y and a Barnes & Noble tonight. While signing books at the 92Y is protocol, he was not inclined to sign books at B&N. He was (for sales sake) persuaded otherwise.

There is no doubt that signing hundreds of books is a difficult physical task but the choice to stamp has nothing to do with physical exertion or eBay reselling.

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That indicates to me that Mr. Page's handlers are expecting masses of people storming B&N for a close up glimpse of the man himself. Signing 100s of signatures in the course of a few hours could be excruciating.

I've been to several book signings that numbered 1,000 or more. Anne Rice, Howard Stern twice, Hilary Clinton. Howard Stern was the largest by far...several thousand. And he stayed for hours to make sure everyone got their book signed. What a trouper!

Electric violin!?! I didn't know such an instrument even existed. I'm trying to imagine what one sounds like.

Never heard of Jean-Luc Ponty? Laurie Anderson? Papa John Creach from Jefferson Starship? All those prog bands like King Crimson, Gentle Giant and Hawkwind? Warren Ellis from Nick Cave's Bad Seeds?

Youtube 'em and you'll hear what an electric violin sounds like. You might start with "Willie the Pimp" from Frank Zappa's "Hot Rats" album.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You all know that this event will be streamed live on Livestream right ??

Mon Nov, 3 2014 6:30 PM CST — Mon Nov, 3 2014 8:00 PM CST

I ran across the listing on the Livestream channel on Roku.

Any, here's the 92Y Livestream link:



From the 92Y Listing of the JP event:

Can't make it to the event? Leave your questions for our guests below, and they might be used on stage during the Q&A. Keep an eye on 92Y On Demand after the event for any video clips we might share! You might see your question used on stage.


Edited by The Rover
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Electric violin!?! I didn't know such an instrument even existed. I'm trying to imagine what one sounds like.

My experience with the electric violin was in 1975 at the concert for Rubin Hurricane Carter. It was Scarlet Rivera with Bob Dylan. Here's a studio clip for "Hurricane".


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I don't know how the retail ticket prices are determined, but on first glance, it appears that the Jimmy Page event may have set a 92Y record with the $150 seats. Most other events range from $30 - $90 for the starting price...

I bought my ticket the 2nd day they were available. I only paid 40.00. They sold out within hours of my purchase. Then tickets started becoming available from some promoter in the prime center orchestra area for 1000.00 and up. They also had some creepy criteria that the ticket holder in the first few rows had to be under 35. Then 92Y opened up some balcony seats for 150.00. I think all the tickets are now sold out.

My seat isn't that great but it doesn't appear to be a huge theater.

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Hello all,

I'm so glad I found this forum!! I received my tickets a few days ago. I'm making the trip from Canada (flight already booked, just looking for a hotel/BnB). This will be my first time in NYC and I'm travelling solo. I read some of you might be planning on meeting before/after the event, If there's room for one more, I'd be more than happy to come.


Edited by Miguelre
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Hello all,

I'm so glad I found this forum!! I received my tickets a few days ago. I'm making the trip from Canada (flight already booked, just looking for a hotel/BnB). I read some of you might be planning on meeting before/after the event. If there's room for one more, I'd be more than happy to come.


Welcome to the forum! :welcome2: Glad to have you here! I'll be going as a few others will be here as well and probably be meeting up for the event. Not sure what the plans are yet, but that should come together shortly as it's four weeks from tomorrow!

I'm guessing we'll do it through some PMs as that's probably best to see who's going, plans, meeting times etc.

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Thank you, SuperDave! =)

I'm looking forward to this event, as I said, it will be my first time in NYC and I'm travelling solo. I tried PM Deborah, as she mentioned to PM her if interested, but I got a message saying that she's not taking PMs for the moment.

Where in NYC are you staying (or anybody else reading this thread)? if you don't mind me asking.

Anyway, I'll be checking the forum often for news.


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Thank you, SuperDave! =)

I'm looking forward to this event, as I said, it will be my first time in NYC and I'm travelling solo. I tried PM Deborah, as she mentioned to PM her if interested, but I got a message saying that she's not taking PMs for the moment.

Where in NYC are you staying (or anybody else reading this thread)? if you don't mind me asking.

Anyway, I'll be checking the forum often for news.


Should be fun and I know you'll love NYC. I won't be staying in NYC as I live within an hour of there. Not sure what time I'm getting there as I work that day, but should be able to get out a bit early. Looking forward to seeing everyone and of course JPP!

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