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Led Zeppelin: Texas Hurricane (EVSD NEW SOUNDBOARD)

Sue Dounim

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After listening to it two times now I can safely say that it's one of the better shows from the 77 tour, maybe not top ten but definitely in the early teens, definitely worth a grab

I did the same exact thing. I listened Thursday evening and then again on Friday afternoon. I enjoyed it better the second listen too. And it's definitely worth getting like you mentioned! Of course, I'd still be checking it out even if it was a horrible recording just to make sure I wasn't missing anything too :-)


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I presume EVSD try to target the average-mainstream audience with their later releases without aud patches. Pity. People that ordered that stuff may throw it into a trash can. I'm gonna wait for a patched version on DIME.

You do realize someone has to buy this and upload it for you to hear it, no? If you don't like it the way it is, edit/patch it yourself!

Edited by Sathington Willoughby
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Yeah, like I did!

Indeed, and how long did it take ya, five, ten minutes maybe? Point being, fans can take the time and effort that bootleg companies can't be arsed to do...

Having listened to the SBD now, I have to admit -and this should come as no surprise to some of you- but I reckon I still prefer the audience tapes (I've got the Wendy Complete Tarrant Concert version)...

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Indeed, and how long did it take ya, five, ten minutes maybe? Point being, fans can take the time and effort that bootleg companies can't be arsed to do...

Having listened to the SBD now, I have to admit -and this should come as no surprise to some of you- but I reckon I still prefer the audience tapes (I've got the Wendy Complete Tarrant Concert version)...

Well the cut in the Noise Solo was a bit tricky, but yeah, ten minutes sounds about right.

I think I'll prefer the soundboard for the clearer sound, but I don't plan on deleting my flacs of It'll Be Zep any time soon.

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Why wait for dime when I can send one to you?

The reason why people are confused about the cuts is because EVSD overlapped the tape so the cuts wouldn't be as noticeable, and they added crowd noise between Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp and White Summer, which also cuts in, so it wouldn't immediately jump from one song to the next.

Hi, ive been reading this forum for a while now. (quick introduction), 19 years old human 13 year old zep fan. from Finland.

Ill start posting like a proper asshole. can you send one to me? (just the three or so songs where there is a cut(s) is enough)

The audience source is harder to find now.

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Yeah i probably dont. Its a skill of its own to find zep boots, good fun also.

Just started listening to the show, i found my new fav version of evermore live!

Found one :superman:

Sorry. I Will patch myself.

Did anybody read the old review of the show on the gigs site http://www.ledzeppelin.com/show/may-22-1977

Its pretty hilarious

Edited by rebeldhipi
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Just finnished listening to it and it was a pretty damn good show.

The sound quality was also damn good for a 77 soundboard.

There were a few funny things said by Plant as ussual. Especially about Bonzo on the toilet and hearing him swear at Plant. Ha ha.

At the start of the guitar solo I was a bit turned off but after a couple of minutes he really got it together and it took on a new life.

Over all I am very impressed. :)

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Thanks to Sue, I'm listening to this show now. I'll still get the show on silvers...I refuse to stop collecting bootleg vinyl and silver cds. But I may wait for Godfatherecords to come out with their version instead of getting EVSD's, especially if Godfather patches the cuts with the audience tape like Sue did.

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