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Do Zep fans still seek bootlegs in a hard copy?


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To be honest, I download flacs.

I save my money for official releases but maybe that will change depending on the quality of the boot recordings?

Some official cd's I wont even play again so I do waiste some money even backing the artist ligitimately.

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I can no longer afford to buy the new sets that pop up every now and then. Back in the day I loved searching bins for shows I didn't have or a better product of shows I did have. Now all that's gone away. Another thing that has happened is that I don't actually need to buy them any more since I have been able to download just about each and every show that's been booted or shared digitally on the net so the thrill is somewhat gone but I still love Bottlegs and wish I could afford to collect until I have no more room to sit down.

Edited by juxtiphi
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I am at a kind of crossroads...it's getting expensive to buy the cd's from Empress Valley Supreme and such, but I am old and haven't learned where and how to do the download thing. I mean vines, flacs, etc...What's all mean Basil? LOL, So I listen to my vinyl and cd boots whilst pondering the future. Personally I prefer having a hard copy, with artwork and booklets to look at.

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I agree the artwork and booklets are awesome and will be missed,

But a High Def well recorded and mixed digital file with good equipment can take it to another level of listening pleasure.


CD's deteriorate and so does vinyl as well as hard drives as a medium.

I cloud (store on the intenet) and also have multiple hard drives for backups with all my music.

I burn my CD's as images.

I convert to flacs / lossless.

I also have some DVD-A suround sound audio.

Flac can be anything up to 24 bit /high Hz where CD's are 16bit 44.100 Hz.

Many people claim the human ear cannot hear anything better than what CD's have to offer but to my ears and feel thats pure bollocks.

Hard Drives are cheap these days for a lot of storage room and with a few basic softwares you can convert / copy CD's and download flacs/ High Rez audio along with other lossless high rez audio standards.

They are starting to make High rez audio portable players much cheaper now just like MP3 players.

Just be sure to not use earbuuds and get some decent cans / headphones.

I still have much too learn from this and from what I have heard and experienced with my moderate home equipment it has changed my audio listening experience in an amazing possitive way.

I have my Fathers B&O 70's record player and amp to set up and experiment as well but that will have to wait until he allows me to dig it out of storage. :)

44,100 Hz
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I've never bought a bootleg in my life. The only silvers I've ever gotten was Godfatherecord's Conquering Kingdome, and that was a gift from Strider. Everything I've ever had has been acquired through downloads. I'm sure some members would turn up their nose at me for that and write me off as being a part of the gimme-gimme crowd, but I simply have never had the money to buy silver boots.

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Only hard copies I own is the 4 lp destroyer set from the 80s, got it cheap on ebay. Ive also got Tour de Force LA 1975 (27/3) on cd, a silver set of cds from the fillmore 69 and various dvds (Seattle 77, earls court etc). I have a couple of stones boots on vinyl as well.

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I'm not really into spending $100+ on 3cds of soundboard tape that I can get for free online (after someone who actually likes to collect silvers buys and uploads them for the community).

I do have two briefcases of unknown gen cassettes and a couple vinyl boots, and I actually bought my first silvers a week or two ago. I usually download everything but only seek out/buy the shows that I've heard and really enjoy.

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^^^Unless a soundboard of this show ever happened to turn up! :smiley_pray:

I'd bankrupt myself buy the fucking master tapes if I had the chance, I'd kill for a soundboard, like damn

And on topic I have only bought vinyls for the collector value and those are only the great sounding ones(BBC sessions and One More Night) mostly because I prefer listening to bootlegs over my headphones

Edited by BlyZeppelinaren
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I'm sure some members would turn up their nose at me for that and write me off as being a part of the gimme-gimme crowd

Sue, only assholes who have never contributed thing one to the trading pool themselves would consider you part of the gimme gimme crowd. You've more than paid yer dues sharing-wise in this community.

And let's face it, we ALL have a bit of a gimme gimme streak in us, whether we care to admit it or not...

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Yes I still collect, have been for 20+ years. I have many rarities and hard to find items, both CD and vinyl. I have parted with a few over the years but not many. My favorites are usually due to nostalgia, being the first ones I ever got back when I was a younger man.

I in no means collect everything that has ever been made though - it has to be either a great show or a great release (artwork, concept, materials). Due to this many of my items are EV or Tarantura, but I have a few lesser known labels too.

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Over the last thirty years or so I have collected quite a few bootlegs on cd's and vinyl, probably around two hundred or so, never ever counted. I haven't bought one in a long time now, it would have to be a real good recording of a demo, outtake or live show that I really wanted, but yes if it was something that I really wanted I would buy the hard copy. Makes no difference how you get your Zep whether it be downloads, hard copies or trades with other fans etc as long as you enjoy the great music.

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As in, do you guys still actively seek vinyl, tape, cd Zep bootlegs for your collections or have you all gone the modern way? Do I sound old? Hahaha.

I have all 3 of the above mentioned formats, mostly cd. BTW.

I burned out on bootlegs a while ago but I've kept all the Led Zeppelin releases I acquired thru the years. Every now and then I'll pick up a few more titles (old and new) but the last time I paid $200.00 or more for a new release was the 02 rehearsals. I just can't see spending that kind of money anymore on bootleg cds in the digital download era. A couple of years ago my eyes were opened to the future when a friend of mine began offering all the audience and soundboard recordings from nearly every Page/Plant concert they had ever performed from '94-98 on one external hard drive. As I recall the asking price was less than what I paid for that one Empress Valley 02 rehearsals title!

The Tokyo bootleg merchants are still in business and I imagine Jimmy will want to go there again when he's in town next month to promote his book, but there are fewer merchants and fewer "must have" titles being released every year. It'll be interesting to see how many merchants are still in business five years from now.

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I started buying bootlegs when they first came out on CD in the late 80's. I collected about 50 or so when they were only about $40 a pop. The last one I bought was the Uncensored box set...but since the internet came along I've stopped buying obviously . The only reason I can see for buying them now would be for the packaging ...which for me isn't strong enough a reason.

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That's how I have all of them now. In FLAC format. A ton of shows. A lot of the early CD's had shows or songs from different tours on them making organizing things very difficult. Now all the shows are pretty much complete and from the same source making it easy to keep track of things.

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It so happens I was back in the bootleg district tonight. Robert's two recent Japanese festival dates were available on compact disc but I did not get them. I did pick up an Eric Clapton dvd (Yokohama 2014) as well as a four disc set from Eric's Baloise sessions late last year. Other than that all I picked up was a three disc set of Velvet Revolver festival dates from 2007 (soundboard recordings). Like I said, I'm burned out on bootlegs.

Edited by SteveAJones
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