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Jimmy's 2015 Live Tour


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This is only my opinion/thoughts on this issue. I would be the first in line as any of you here IF this was to ever happen. Jimmy has been stating this for a very long time and other than the fact that he cannot let go of Led Zeppelin in any form saddens me that he has not done anything as far new music/playing live.

For so long people have unfairly blamed Robert for a lot..even after Robert suggested new music/acoustic set. JPJ and Jason were both on board at one point and not to mention that most musicians would love to play with Jimmy. It's Jimmy who for whatever reason has chosen not to be out on stage or making new music. I am one of the few who has that 5% belief/hope that he may surprise us, but I do not hold my breath on this. It's not disrespect in any way..Hell, I am taking time to go see him in NY on 11/3 (taking two days off of work, airfare, hotel, pet sitting cost) just so I can see him on a stage one way or another! :peace:

Point taken Deborah. For me, the only things I've ever criticized or blamed Robert about is his sarcasm.. Some of his throwaway one liners and clever wit have caused a lot of hurt feelings over the years.

That and the fact that anything Led Zeppelin related these past 30+ years has completely revolved around whatever Robert Plant wants or doesn't want … He knows he has the veto power.. and it usually involves leaving John Paul Jones out … like I'm sure the new acoustic thing Robert suggested would have done...which is bullshit..

Still, it's no excuse for Jimmy not being more active outside of his Producer role… which by the way is a serious undertaking and hard work… Most everyone acts like he's just sitting in his mansion all day long scratching his ass…

Agreed, Robert has nothing to do with the fact that Jimmy hasn't recorded more solo music. The Legacy of Led Zeppelin has everything to do with it…

LZ will always be Jimmy's top priority.. over a solo career and probably everything else..

I admire that Robert won't allow Led Zeppelin to reform.

I don't ever want to see a new Led Zeppelin studio album with someone other than John Bonham on the drums..

That won't happen because of Robert Plant, so Robert will get credit from some and blame from the others.... that's the way it is..

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That and the fact that anything Led Zeppelin related these past 30+ years has completely revolved around whatever Robert Plant wants or doesn't want … He knows he has the veto power.. and it usually involves leaving John Paul Jones out … like I'm sure the new acoustic thing Robert suggested would have done...which is bullshit..

Still, it's no excuse for Jimmy not being more active outside of his Producer role… which by the way is a serious undertaking and hard work… Most everyone acts like he's just sitting in his mansion all day long scratching his ass…

Agreed. 2000%.

The exclusion of John Paul Jones was always incredibly stupid. It always made me think of the whole "us against them" mentality that supposedly existed between Plant/Bonham and Page/Jones.

Whatever. JPJ has done a great job own without them

And yes, producing, engineering and mixing is one hell of a job!!!!

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^^Hi Chase! Thanks for the response and being able to DISCUSS this:-) Agree with you on most everything except... when Page and Plant got together and JPJ had to find out the way he did..that is on Jimmy and Robert!

I really believe when Bonzo passed away, they the band knew it could not go on as Led Zeppelin (and even though I adore Jason and he is as good as it's going to ever get replacing his father, it's not John Bonham).

I love the remasters and the work and promotion that Jimmy has done on these and the work Jimmy did on It Might Get Loud. He is a master on the guitar and to see so much talent not being shared is what saddens me.

^Hi mack!

JPJ has always been held in the highest regard to me. He is a genuine class act! Brilliant musically!

Bottom line for me, I hope they are all happy with whatever path they have chose...because for 12 years we were given the best that music can offer from a group of magnificent men:-) :peace:

Edited by Deborah J
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I think new material would be far better then a tour, as he is getting older and older and you can get his best performances from CD's, although I'm not saying he can't build up to that technique, even at this age, but it would be hard for him, but his compositional genius is certainly not gone, so he could do atleast that, or atleast promise that, rather then the more and more impossible tour, especially with Zeppelin!

Also it's not good for his reputation, breaking his promise!

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This is only my opinion/thoughts on this issue. I would be the first in line as any of you here IF this was to ever happen. Jimmy has been stating this for a very long time and other than the fact that he cannot let go of Led Zeppelin in any form saddens me that he has not done anything as far new music/playing live.

For so long people have unfairly blamed Robert for a lot..even after Robert suggested new music/acoustic set. JPJ and Jason were both on board at one point and not to mention that most musicians would love to play with Jimmy. It's Jimmy who for whatever reason has chosen not to be out on stage or making new music. I am one of the few who has that 5% belief/hope that he may surprise us, but I do not hold my breath on this. It's not disrespect in any way..Hell, I am taking time to go see him in NY on 11/3 (taking two days off of work, airfare, hotel, pet sitting cost) just so I can see him on a stage one way or another! :peace:

...Deborah, your devotion to Greatest Musicians is very touching...wondeful personality you have...To see Jimmy Page once in a lifetime is equally fascinating and devastating for me...oh, to see him just like that once in my lifetime...but I admire your courage and charisma..I know you will cherrish this...I wish to see him, but I cannot due to serious work conflict, and yet I wonder How would I handle such emotional journey...

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Well said as always Deborah! :goodpost:

It's been far too long since I've seen Jimmy playing live on a stage! That's 15 years, at Roseland in NYC with the Black Crowes. Should have seen him with the The Who at MSG in Fall of 2000, but that's when Jimmy had his back problems and couldn't perform for those dates. Went to the show, but were stuck with The Wallflowers instead! :thumbdown: This was the time when Jimmy pretty much stopped performing. I can't explain it and may have been more than something than just a back injury. I always thought, he'd get back to performing fairly regularly sometime after this once he was healed and to this day, never has!

There was a running joke at the time with his back injury that Jimmy was tired of carrying The Black Crowes around! :drumz:

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... This was the time when Jimmy pretty much stopped performing. I can't explain it and may have been more than something than just a back injury. I always thought, he'd get back to performing fairly regularly sometime after this once he was healed and to this day, never has!...

Good point about the timing.

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I believe that Jimmy will "be seen playing the guitar" as he likes to say, and of course when he does, everyone's tune will change

He's been seen with Donovan, Black Crowes, and Foo Fighters over the last handful of years - its the idea he would be coming out with his own project is what most are skeptical about. Me, I've seen him 6 times and each time was amazing so I would again in a heartbeat. Travel too, as Deborah was saying. If he doesn't that's fine too, he's given so much already to us. The fact he keeps talking about it with nothing tangible happening, is the rub. So you can say it'll happen, with the certainty you are projecting, and if/when it doesn't nobody will remember and call you out on it. That's an easy stance to take. "Seen playing guitar" is a very open ended statement. That could happen as an encore with any number of musicians and not with what he has eluded to. The waiting continues and the clock keeps on ticking...

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I would love to see the Rock God in action! I don't care if hes playing with nobodies or his buddies. Just DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE! PLEASE. PLEASE I WANT TO SEE YOU PLAY YOUR GUITAR! COME TO LA OR PALM SPRINGS. NOT COACHELLA FEST TOO EXPENSIVE. I WILL HAVE TO START SAVING NOW!

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I would love to see the Rock God in action! I don't care if hes playing with nobodies or his buddies. Just DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE! PLEASE. PLEASE I WANT TO SEE YOU PLAY YOUR GUITAR! COME TO LA OR PALM SPRINGS. NOT COACHELLA FEST TOO EXPENSIVE. I WILL HAVE TO START SAVING NOW!

Large fonts aren't necessary to get your point across! Most of us here feel the same way about Jimmy! It's all up to him.

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ALL this crap talk i read on this site re: Page & his creativity! SHAME ON EVERYONE!

I also remember many people saying PLANT didnt have a voice that could "rockout" like in the zep days!

Well NOBODY will ever say THAT again!

Because he SLAMMED all the doubters & COMMANDED the respect of EVERYONE by singing with "amazing" power in 2007!

listen to "KASHMIR live at the 02" & feel your jaw drop! (even if you never doubted his voice)

PAGE will soon make ALL of you loose your street cred !

your doubts are ALL still on here for us to read !

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No shame at all, most here are realists. Page is done and dusted, book talks are about are all you are going to get these days.

New album? It's two years since he said one was almost complete, he's all talk and no walk.

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I have a hat here, all Page has to do is provide the knife and fork.

The gentleman has made some great music, so every year he talks about new music on the horizon it gets my hopes up, after a few years of that cynicism starts to creep in. :yesnod:

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you said about Planty

"I also remember many people saying PLANT didnt have a voice that could "rockout" like in the zep days!
Well NOBODY will ever say THAT again! Because he SLAMMED all the doubters & COMMANDED the respect of EVERYONE by singing with "amazing" power in 2007!
listen to "KASHMIR live at the 02" & feel your jaw drop! (even if you never doubted his voice)"

i dont really recall anyone saying that Planty didn't do a good job at the O2. i thought that the general concencus was that he did well, they had to lower the key of a few songs but thats normal with a singer's age. if you mean that he doesnt want to "rockout" in his solo career, that's a different matter

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you said about Planty

"I also remember many people saying PLANT didnt have a voice that could "rockout" like in the zep days!

Well NOBODY will ever say THAT again! Because he SLAMMED all the doubters & COMMANDED the respect of EVERYONE by singing with "amazing" power in 2007!

listen to "KASHMIR live at the 02" & feel your jaw drop! (even if you never doubted his voice)"

i dont really recall anyone saying that Planty didn't do a good job at the O2. i thought that the general concencus was that he did well, they had to lower the key of a few songs but thats normal with a singer's age. if you mean that he doesnt want to "rockout" in his solo career, that's a different matter

WHAT? No , i clearly meant PRIOR to the 02 concert! Edited by z1inspector
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I'll take that bet.

BET what steve?

-no new music comming ?


-that he's got nothing AMAZING left in him re: composing new music?

intrested in what "your" opinion is re: the strength of his future creative efforts!!

Edited by z1inspector
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As for Jimmy, it seems a swing of the pendulum has occurred. Whereas before people believed his declarations of creative output (or I wonder why, then, he said no to Robert's new acoustic material suggestion?

as far as him saying no to the acoustic colaboration=

i think its that he feels he's done the slower approach to new music with robert already....

and he is at a point where he WANTS TO ROCK !

it could be just THAT simple

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well then aren't you a bit late (7 years) making this statement?

lmao , YES! as far as my plant comment maybe but, my point was =plant clearly shut everyone up and ifeel that Page CAN & will too!

(HEY, ive meen a member for years, however theresa lot ON HERE for me to read & get caughtup on)

btw ,IMPORTANT = i understand WHY you all have doubts of new material, but why do you ALL doubt the strength of his future compositions?

PLEASE EXPLAIN, AM i NOT seeing someting ?

was their a HUGE difference in the technicality & approach & his abilitys = POST ZEP????


Edited by z1inspector
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