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'Jimmy Page In Conversation With Chris Cornell' To Be Held In November In Los Angeles


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Going with a friend. What are the chances to have Jimmy sign anything?

I wouldn't be surprised if Chris and Jimmy play a song or two.


I'm guessing you don't go to many of these types of events, for they rarely involve a performance. So I would be very surprised if they did play.

And if you've followed the events in New York, you can see that the chances Jimmy will sign something in L.A. are very slim indeed.

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Tickets currently as low as $45 per ticket at stubhub for tomorrow's event in case anyone is still interested.


Unbelievable. The cheapest after market tickets for the Tokyo book stamping were nearly $1,000. Granted the capacity was limited (250) but it was only a book stamping with no interview discussion format.

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I hope everyone who goes tonight has a great time and shares with us what was said. It's sad, isn't it, that there won't be any sort of guitar jam? I also second the requests on the first page of this thread for someone to ask about the decision behind the cover photo if given the opportunity.

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^ Thanks Steve:-) No video yet but here is an article:-)

Chris Cornell Quizzes Jimmy Page About Led Zeppelin's Glory Days

In conversation with Chris Cornell, the legendary guitarist discusses his favorite memories and most famous instruments


Photo:Kevin Winter/Getty


November 13, 2014

Jimmy Page, guitarist and sonic architect of the immortal Led Zeppelin, has a book out, also called Jimmy Page. It's a lavish photographic history of his life in music, but because the text is minimal, if witty (a picture of Page swigging from a bottle of Jack Daniel's has a caption about his "homeopathic remedy"), his current publicity tour is serving as essential commentary and explication. Page has recently turned up everywhere from satellite radio to the Late Show With David Letterman, but onstage last night at the Theater at Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, he found perhaps the most simpatico interviewer possible: Chris Cornell, guitarist and lead singer for the Zep-influenced Soundgarden.

Cornell didn't hit Page with heavy-duty questions about band discord or plagiarism – or anything, really. A typical query was "You're a multifaceted artist – where did that come from?" But the worshipful vibe facilitated a relaxed atmosphere: The 70-year-old Page, looking dapper with gray hair, a black scarf and a leather jacket, proved to be a charming raconteur, not addled by any of his past misadventures. If he didn't have any new revelations, he at least kept the enthusiastic audience entertained for over an hour and a half. Here are 13 of our favorite moments.

1. Page said that a photo where he posed in a checkered sweater-vest was taken in the London house where he lived when Led Zeppelin formed. He added that the band rehearsed "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" and "Dazed and Confused" in the room where he posed for a picture next to a huge flowerpot – "a jardinière, really." The same house opened up on the back to the river Thames, where he sometimes would go boating in the evenings. "Women liked it," he confided.

2. Page said that his days as a session music demanded more facility with sheet music than he actually had. "I needed to read music," he moaned. "I was very lucky because they'd give me my part first."

3. Page described his intentions with Led Zeppelin's debut as "a guitar tour de force, but not at the expense of the other members." Taking a moment to praise each of his bandmates, he quirkily called John Bonham "very regional as a drummer."

4. Led Zeppelin earning a gold album was an important moment of validation for Page. "I'd heard about gold records and seen Elvis Presley's album." So his reaction to getting his first gold record was not cynical, but rather, "Hallelujah, we got there."

5. Looking at a famous photo of Zeppelin on an airport runway, adorned with Hawaiian leis and clutching the boxes that held the tapes for an in-progress Led Zeppelin II, Cornell remarked, "Of all the records I've ever made, I don't think I've ever held a tape box." Page talked about how the photo was partially staged, but that the band was indeed schlepping around their own tapes as they did sessions at various American studios, which let them record as they toured and kept the music out of the hands of record executives. It was an extension of how they handled their debut: "The record was recorded, and then it was taken to the record company. That's why we were able to say 'no singles.'" The Led Zeppelin aversion to singles was born from Page's time in the Yardbirds, when the band would regularly would get derailed by needing to produce their contractually obligated non-album singles.

6. Cornell's best turn of phrase came when he described a photo of Page sitting in a rural Welsh stream: "This is a photo of the front porch of that universe you created with acoustic music."

7. Studying a photo of Zeppelin onstage at a sold-out show at the Forum (the Los Angeles arena), Page identified the date by the guitar he was holding: "I've got the Les Paul, so that one's in 1969, probably late 1969." Looking at an earlier live photo of the group, he joked, "The light show's more interesting than the band."

8. Page was a pioneer of the double-necked guitar, which he needed in order to play both the twelve-string and the six-string parts in "Stairway to Heaven." He requested it specially from Gibson, but conceded that he "didn't know if it was made [specially] or pulled out and dusted off." One later photo showed Page playing a triple-neck guitar (unironically): he explained that he used it when he knew he would be switching between twelve-string guitar parts (on "Gallows Pole") and mandolin (on "The Battle of Evermore").

9. The craziest outfit in the book is Page wearing a red sweater emblazoned with his "Zoso" symbol from Zeppelin's fourth album. He said that it was knitted by the girlfriend of a friend, but that when he sweated onstage, it immediately started to shrink.

10. Some of the best pictures, Page revealed, were taken by Ian Stewart (the Rolling Stones pianist who also played on Zep's "Boogie with Stu") and Linda McCartney.

11. Cornell, looking at a photo of a grinning Page backstage at Madison Square Garden: "You look like you're having a good time." Page: "Oh, I'm always having a good time."

12. Discussing a photo where he was receiving the OBE (Order of the British Empire) from Queen Elizabeth II and explaining the various British honors to Cornell, Page said, "I don't think I'll get knighted, but I didn't think I'd get this." Page was visibly fond of the Queen, who ascended to the throne when he was a schoolboy. He explained her importance by saying, "She's on the stamps."

13. Talking about his plans for the future, Page promised to be touring soon (or soon-ish). "The most important part is to be seen to be playing," he told the crowd, which whooped with delight. "It doesn't matter what I do at home."


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1. Page said that a photo where he posed in a checkered sweater-vest was taken in the London house where he lived when Led Zeppelin formed. He added that the band rehearsed "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" and "Dazed and Confused" in the room where he posed for a picture next to a huge flowerpot – "a jardinière, really." The same house opened up on the back to the river Thames, where he sometimes would go boating in the evenings. "Women liked it," he confided.


The boathouse in Pangbourne. Robert has said when arrived for his first visit it was a young bird who answered the door. :thumbsup:

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Jimmy Page and Chris Cornell Talk Led Zeppelin on Stage at Guitar World Event

Posted 11/13/2014 at 3:08pm | by Brad Tolinski
To celebrate the release of Jimmy Page’s lavish new photo book, Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page, the guitar legend appeared with Chris Cornell, guitarist and singer for Soundgarden, at the Theater at Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles for a relaxed question-and-answer session that spanned the entirety of Page’s 50-year career.

Sponsored by Genesis Publications, Guitar World and Guitar Aficionado, the hour-and-a-half event enthralled a packed house of 1,400 fans as Cornell quizzed Page about the rare photos and memorabilia—many drawn from Page’s personal archives—which were projected on an enormous screen hovering above both men.

The 70-year-old Page, with his silver hair, scarf and black leather jacket, looked as sharp as a James Bond super villain, while Cornell, in thick-rimmed glasses, evoked a hipster newsman. The subject matter ran the gamut from extremely light and frothy to the serious matter of drummer John Bonham’s untimely death, of which Page commented, “when we lost 25 percent of the band, we really lost the whole thing.”

Among the more humorous moments was when Cornell took note of a photo of Page wearing a bright—but very tight—red sweater emblazoned with his “Zoso” symbol. Page explained that a friend’s girlfriend had knit it for him, but when he sweated onstage, it immediately started to shrink.

During another point in the conversation, as a July 1986 cover of Guitar World featuring Page on the cover (See the photo gallery below) was projected on the screen, Cornell flat-out declared Page to be the greatest guitarist in rock history, eliciting an extended standing ovation from the audience. In response, Page buried his head in his hands and declared his embarrassment, but a smile betrayed his appreciation.

Talking about future plans, Page expressed hope to be touring within the next year.

“The most important part is to be seen playing,” he told the delighted audience, which included such special guests as Metallica’s Kirk Hammett, Zakk Wylde and Edgar Winter. “It doesn’t matter what I do at home!”

The entire evening was professionally video taped by Guitar World, so stay tuned for highlights on guitarworld.com!


Edited by Deborah J
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^ Most welcome luvlz2:-) This interview has a lot that the ones above have but with a couple of more details:-)

Jimmy Page and Chris Cornell Deliver Led Zeppelin History Lesson in L.A.

November 13, 2014 5:45 PM

By Scott T. Sterling

“Black Hole Sun,” meet “Black Dog.”

Last night (Nov. 12) in Los Angeles, recently refurbished The Theatre at Ace Hotel played host to “An Evening with Jimmy Page in Conversation withChris Cornell,” with the two rock stars taking the stage to discuss Jimmy Page, the exhaustive new autobiography/photo book compiled by the legendary guitarist spanning his entire musical life.

The sold out crowd that filled the ornate theater looked a lot like who you’d imagine packed stadiums across the country on Led Zeppelin‘s 1977 tour, only 37 years later, many of whom brought their children and even grandchildren for a glimpse inside the life of arguably rock’s most celebrated guitarist in history.

Still every bit the consummate rock star at 70 years old, Page and the Soundgarden singer had an easy rapport onstage, with Page discussing the details behind a selection of photos from the book previously chosen by Cornell without the guitarist’s knowledge.

Moving through photos of Page’s childhood as a choirboy and in early bands before becoming one of England’s most celebrated session musicians, describing a photo of him working the late Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones on the ill-fated soundtrack to Anita Pallenberg film, A Degree of Murder, which was never officially released. Making the photo even more interesting is the fact that Page is using a violin bow on his guitar, a technique he would make famous years later on Led Zeppelin’s live renditions of the song “Dazed and Confused.”

Page delivered details of how quickly Led Zeppelin formed in the wake of his previous band, the Yardbirds, breaking up in the summer of 1968 (Cornell showed photos of Page with fellow ex-Yardbird Jeff Beck shot by the late Linda McCartney). In the time between July and the end of that year, the band came together, recorded its legendary debut album and played a series of dates, including shows opening for Vanilla Fudge. Led Zeppelin as an opening act didn’t last long, with Cornell displaying a photo taken from behind John Bonham’s drum kit of a packed L.A. Forum in 1969.


Page’s passion for the music was palpable through the conversation, with the guitarist making a point to deliver new bits of information to the crowd of diehard fans well versed in the group’s history. He spoke lovingly of his bandmates throughout, stressing how much they elevated each other both in the studio and onstage.

The fans ate it up, interrupting the conversation countless times to erupt in applause. Cornell came across as big a fan as anyone in the room, emphasizing how important Led Zeppelin’s success was in his ability to achieve rock stardom fronting Soundgarden, offering his own memories of first hearing the band on a free-form FM radio station as a kid.

There was a poignant moment when Cornell displayed a photo of Page on Led Zeppelin’s final tour before the death of John Bonham essentially bringing the band to an end, explaining how as a fan it meant a lot that they didn’t just grab another drummer and carry on.

“The magic in Led Zeppelin was the dynamic between the four of us,” Page explained. “Losing one-fourth of the band was like losing the whole thing.”

There was ample discussion of Page’s post-Zeppelin career, with the guitarist talking about the band XYZ he nearly formed with Chris Squire and Allan White of Yes, going on to discuss the ARMS Charity Concerts for MS research in support of former Faces bassist, Ronnie Lane, and how that led to him forming The Firm with Bad Company vocalist, Paul Rodgers.


Wrapping up with images from Led Zeppelin’s reunion show at the Ahmet Ertegun Tribute Concert in 2007 and Page alongside Jack White and U2‘s The Edge from the set of movie It Might Get Loud, it was a shot of the guitarist on the cover of Guitar World magazine in the ’80s that truly capped off the evening.

With Cornell stating that it typically comes down to Jimi Hendrix and Page, he proclaimed Page as the greatest guitarist of all-time, which generated the most rousing round of applause of the night and a spontaneous standing ovation, with an embarrassed Page begging the crown to sit down.

After he detailed receiving an Officer of the Order of the British Empire from the Queen in 2005 to the 2012 Kennedy Center Honors (where he was charmed to discover that the violinist and cello player covering Zeppelin classics in the White House had been part of the live orchestra on an “Unledded” tour with Page and Robert Plant in the mid-’90s), Cornell asked Page what’s next, with the guitarist teasing that he’s working on something now that will bring him back to American stages later on in 2015.

That bit of news elicited another explosion of cheers as Page and Cornell waved and walked offstage arm in arm, sending the satiated crowd (clutching their copies of Jimmy Page that were included in the ticket price) off into the night with dreams of Led Zeppelin dancing in their heads.


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10. Some of the best pictures, Page revealed, were taken by Ian Stewart (the Rolling Stones pianist who also played on Zep's "Boogie with Stu") and Linda McCartney.

I wonder how Ross Halfin's ego took this revelation, as I'm sure he was there?

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