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1975 02 14 uniondale


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I have just listened to 750214 uniondale show and im left shaking my head...is there anybody on the forum that attended this show

absolutely phenomenal performance/quality

sorry if im repeating but this is my first post...just trying to find a way in

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I hate to be the turd in the punchbowl here but, well...the band were incredible that night, really on fire, Page, Jones, Bonham, absolutely on FIRE!!! Unfortunately Plant sounded like cold horse shit until mid-show where he improved to being just barely passable as long as he did not go for any semi-high notes.

Such a a shame because the band was just amazing that night. Too bad it would not be until March that Plant would improve. IMO they really should have re-scheduled the tour with Jimmy's broken finger and Plant's flue and subsequent vocal problems. Hell, they would do it in 77', that is delay a month so Plant could recover, if they would have done the same in 75' they may have had their absolute best tour ever. Just a thought.

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thankyou for the welcome

I have listened to 75/02/12 msg

02/13 uniondale

02/14 uniondale

02/16 st Louis

02/28 baton rouge

I am staggered at the quality of these recordings,i know RP voice was v/poor earlier in the tour....so its a great point as to why the dates were not cancelled and re-arranged

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To be honest, between the 12th, 13th, and 14th, I've always felt the 14th was the weakest of the three, with the 13th being the high point, with consistently great playing the whole way through. Mind you I'm not saying it's a bad show by any means, the majority of it is still amazingly kickass, but by the encores Jimmy's fingers are all over the place. The playing feels very inspired, the execution just doesn't seem to keep up. Still a great show overall.

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im gonna drop into the 1977 tour...ive purged myself about bootlegs etc and feel fully commited to listening to them all either good/bad from 68-80

should I start at beginning off '77 (oklahoma) or does somebody recommend another

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should I start at beginning off '77 (oklahoma) or does somebody recommend another

I'd start with either June 21 or 23rd '77 in L.A, long considered the high water marks for the '77 tour. Or one of the New York shows (June 10 or 11th, probably). Oklahoma is more like a live rehearsal than an actual performance...it's not really a great performance. If you want a GREAT performance from the first leg of the '77 tour, you want to start with April 28 in Cleveland or April 23 in Atlanta (even though the Atlanta recording is a pretty rough listen).

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I'd start with either June 21 or 23rd '77 in L.A, long considered the high water marks for the '77 tour. Or one of the New York shows (June 10 or 11th, probably). Oklahoma is more like a live rehearsal than an actual performance...it's not really a great performance. If you want a GREAT performance from the first leg of the '77 tour, you want to start with April 28 in Cleveland or April 23 in Atlanta (even though the Atlanta recording is a pretty rough listen).

+1 All those shows Nutrocker listed are great shows and you'll enjoy them a lot!

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im gonna drop into the 1977 tour...ive purged myself about bootlegs etc and feel fully commited to listening to them all either good/bad from 68-80

should I start at beginning off '77 (oklahoma) or does somebody recommend another

Before you drop into 77 you really should give a listen to No Quarter and Dazed from the Feb 13'th show. Really great stuff. You wont be sorry. Its my fav performance of the three nights.

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thankyou for the welcome

I have listened to 75/02/12 msg

02/13 uniondale

02/14 uniondale

02/16 st Louis

02/28 baton rouge

I am staggered at the quality of these recordings,i know RP voice was v/poor earlier in the tour....so its a great point as to why the dates were not cancelled and re-arranged

Before you drop into 77 you really should give a listen to No Quarter and Dazed from the Feb 13'th show. Really great stuff. You wont be sorry. Its my fav performance of the three nights.

Anyway.....glad you're enjoying the shows. '77 tour has more quality audience shows than sbd. Enjoy the journey! Like nutrocker said, begin with Cleveland and work your way towards the wonderful LA Forum week-long run from '77 - they are the pinnacle of that tour.
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There is a very simple and easy way to listen to and hear almost every Led Zeppelin bootleg. It is called Youtube and their is a search function that can connect you to almost every Led Zeppelin "bootleg" or "live" show you could ever want to hear or see.

For Example: the topic of this original title: 2/14/1975.

Edited by kingzoso
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im having a listen to the 1972 us tour, montreal/charlotte/Baltimore listened to so far,the quality of these bootlegs just leaves me shaking my head

I have read that JP said this tour stands out as LZ at the peak of their powers as a live act...do the majority agree/disagree with that?

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im having a listen to the 1972 us tour, montreal/charlotte/Baltimore listened to so far,the quality of these bootlegs just leaves me shaking my head

I have read that JP said this tour stands out as LZ at the peak of their powers as a live act...do the majority agree/disagree with that?

Absolutely! There are some all-time greats in there, don't be fooled by the lack of quality recordings. The really start to 'cook', as Robert would say, towards the end of this tour.

Give these a try:

6/19 Seattle, WA

6/22 San Bernardino, CA

*6/25 Los Angeles, CA

*6/27 Long Beach, CA

*These shows were used to make up the official release 'How the West Was Won'.

These shows also deserve a mention:

5/28 Brussels, Belgium (Warm-up gig)

6/14 & 15 Uniondale, NY

6/28 Tucson, AZ

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