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Jimmy's NYC appearance on the David Letterman Show - Nov 6th


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OMG! My wife and I just got back from the David Letterman Show appearance that featured Jimmy Page tonight......

It was fantastic!! Not just one segment, but two full segments - with Jimmy telling a few stories....he curated several photos from his new book with David Letterman making his own commentary.... Some of the commentary was just absolutely hilarious....a very respectful crowd for Jimmy and very enthusiastic.... The staff at the Letterman Show certainly were treating Jimmy's appearance as special and very rare......

Both JP and David Letterman were in great form..... David's commentary was interesting and funny and he showed Jimmy much respect in general...... They promoted both the book AND the two Super Deluxe Reissues (LZ IV and Houses of the Holy) and showed closeups of some very cool photos from the book....

The Letterman staff were very generous with us, taking great care of us and putting my wife and I on the 2nd row of the balcony with an unobstructed view.... They were great to us.....! There were several times where I was laughing so hard at some of the commentary between Dave and Jimmy - they just had a very cool chemistry tonight and it was really fun to be here and experience it.... So proud for Mr. Page.....he deserves every bit of this acclaim....

Check it out tonight - well worth your time...... Just a brilliant segment.......!!

Thought you all would want to know how it turned out.....

All the best!

Mark & Charley Bowman

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Hi Mark, :wave:

I am so glad you and your wife got to go, sounds like a very good time, indeed!

Thanks for the info...I was wondering how Letterman would do.

Now I am looking forward to seeing the show, I was going to DVR it...but I think I will live dangerously (for an old fogy) and stay up! :cheer:

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OMG! My wife and I just got back from the David Letterman Show appearance that featured Jimmy Page tonight......

It was fantastic!! Not just one segment, but two full segments - with Jimmy telling a few stories....he curated several photos from his new book with David Letterman making his own commentary.... Some of the commentary was just absolutely hilarious....a very respectful crowd for Jimmy and very enthusiastic.... The staff at the Letterman Show certainly were treating Jimmy's appearance as special and very rare......

Both JP and David Letterman were in great form..... David's commentary was interesting and funny and he showed Jimmy much respect in general...... They promoted both the book AND the two Super Deluxe Reissues (LZ IV and Houses of the Holy) and showed closeups of some very cool photos from the book....

The Letterman staff were very generous with us, taking great care of us and putting my wife and I on the 2nd row of the balcony with an unobstructed view.... They were great to us.....! There were several times where I was laughing so hard at some of the commentary between Dave and Jimmy - they just had a very cool chemistry tonight and it was really fun to be here and experience it.... So proud for Mr. Page.....he deserves every bit of this acclaim....

Check it out tonight - well worth your time...... Just a brilliant segment.......!!

Thought you all would want to know how it turned out.....

All the best!

Mark & Charley Bowman

Mark, thanks so much for posting an eyewitness account; my anticipation to see this is much greater now! Enjoy the remainder of your journey.

The Charley Bowman Appreciation Society

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Much obliged Mark! I had already set the dvr earlier, but this seems like a keeper! Will be staying up to watch this as well...and will most likely have some repeat viewings over the next few days as according to you is such a good segment!

Too bad Jimmy Fallon's segment (at least, what was aired, a few months ago) wasn't this good! Although, it was reported the full segment was quite good!

Anyway...Letterman is on in less than an hour and I'm guessing Jimmy will be on the second part of the show. Probably, around 12:15 am or so till ending. I've seen Letterman's show in person on a few occasions and what you see in person is pretty much what is aired. I know Dave is quite a big Led Zeppelin fan from interviews I've read in the past with him!

Edited by SuperDave
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Thanks so much for the great post Mark and congratulations on getting to go to the show!

I guess that my timing is actually on tonight since the Letterman Show starts here in about twenty minutes!

I was able to set one of the DVRs to record it, so hopefully CBS still works on my system! I Haven't actually tuned into CBS, or ABC, MSNBC or NBC for about seven years. When their news departments stopped being news organizations and took up the business of furthering political agendas, I lost interest in their blatant one-sidedness. Sorry to get a bit political there, I guess I am still basking in the shared glory and hope for the nation (U.S.A.) that many here are feeling!

Only fifteen more minutes... I can hardly wait, it sounds like a really great time!

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Daniel, you're probably right about these networks and the news, but Jimmy's appearance is the topic herein. I don't blame you as I don't tune in for news to those much either for same reason. Let's not derail this as this is about JPs interview with Dave.

Just saw a short promo a minute ago for the show with a bit of Whoopi and Jimmy laughing with Dave in separate segments. Should be good and only minutes away!

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There is a reason why Jimmy Page is My most favorite person on the planet. This short but great interview just confirms and reaffirms My belief. I Love You Mr. Page.

Edited to add: Yes, thank you Mark for telling us of this remarkable experience.

Edited by kingzoso
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Just finished watching it. Much better than the Tonight Show appearance. Jimmy looked and sounded great...relaxed and in good humour. I never noticed before how much he touches his nose. Reflexive habit?

The first segment was brutally short and then the commercial break seemed to last forever. The second segment was thankfully longer and that's when they went thru some photos from the book and mentioned the IV and HotH reissues. Paul Schaeffer and the band played "Rock and Roll" for Jimmy's entrance.

For those interested, the photos Dave and Jimmy ran thru were:

1. Jimmy at 14 with his skiffle bandmates. B & W.

2. Jimmy around late-69/early-70 wearing that RAH sweater vest and tight jeans in the living room of his house...Gold Album Award visible on the wall. B & W.

3. Iconic Boston Tea Party 1969 shot from behind Bonham with Jimmy wearing that strange white net shirt and turned around looking at Bonzo. B & W.

4. Jimmy and the doubleneck at Earls Court 1975. Colour.

5. Jimmy with sunglasses and white poppy suit and scarf sitting backstage at either Cleveland or Cincinnati in 1977. B & W.

No mention of the Y or Barnes and Noble appearances.

Next up is his Nov. 11 Ellen Degeneres show appearance.

Edited by Strider
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Just finished watching it. Much better than the Tonight Show appearance. Jimmy looked and sounded great...relaxed and in good humour. I never noticed before how much he touches his nose. Reflexive habit?

The first segment was brutally short and then the commercial break seemed to last forever. The second segment was thankfully longer and that's when they went thru some photos from the book and mentioned the IV and HotH reissues. Paul Schaeffer and the band played "Rock and Roll" for Jimmy's entrance.

No mention of the Y or Barnes and Noble appearances.

Next up is his Nov. 11 Ellen Degeneres show appearance.

I also noticed how much Jimmy touches his nose. I have seen him do this a few times in other fairly recent interviews. It also seems like Jimmy cannot or will/does not seem to sit still, he always seems to move around one way or another. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, because I am almost the same way. I tend to move around even when I am sitting down. I guess this is just how He is and how I am.

I hope that the seemingly constant "nose touching" is not a sign of what it was way back in the days beginning around 1973.

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Daniel, you're probably right about these networks and the news, but Jimmy's appearance is the topic herein. I don't blame you as I don't tune in for news to those much either for same reason. Let's not derail this as this is about JPs interview with Dave.

Just saw a short promo a minute ago for the show with a bit of Whoopi and Jimmy laughing with Dave in separate segments. Should be good and only minutes away!

I agree Dave, sorry about that. I wrote "CBS" (Letterman;s Channel) and I needed to use better judgment, to leave it at that, I apologize to all, especially Mark for poopooing on your excellent thread.

But my goodness, it was wonderful seeing Jimmy on Letterman, he looked absolutely fantastic! Jimmy (and David) really seemed to be having a blast together, the two of them really had a great rapport. Nothing against Letterman but I thought that Jimmy looked like the younger of the two even though Jimmy is really about three years older. Jimmy has aged so very well and he looks so fit, not any extra poundage anywhere on the man's body, I believe that he's going to be around for a very, very long time!

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I was in NY a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone know what date this was taped? I am no fan of Letterman but I am taping this.

Yesterday. The show is taped sometime in the afternoon and airs that night. (Except for Friday shows, which I believe are also taped on Thursdays)

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I was in NY a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone know what date this was taped? I am no fan of Letterman but I am taping this.

Dude, it already aired last night, so it's too late to tape, but you can see it on the Late Show website or YouTube.

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I think Jp is just a bit shy and I don't think his nose touching has any significance if u r implying what i think...he seems super "clean" and lucid these days.

Probably a stray nose hair giving him a tickle :-0

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