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Hi lpMan. I am not particularly invested in what RP plays at his solo gigs and don't have a "problem" with him, and I certainly don't think he "owes" me anything. Why must so much discussion on this board default to "RP/JP doesn't owe us anything"? It's a forum so of course we're going to discuss our opinions and be critical. No need for such hostility or to tell me to grow up...

The way I see it, Robert's always had this need to "justify" playing Zep songs post-1980, and he's done so through his world music-inspired retooling of them. Just not my cup of tea, although I'm sure I'd enjoy it in person. I just think the rationale -- that they're retooled and therefore "new" and therefore a-ok to play -- is silly. My impression is that he thinks this approach somehow preserves his cred, integrity, whatever you want to call it, as opposed to if he just went out there and played the songs in their original incarnation. Obviously it works for him, and I'm sure he genuinely enjoys performing the retooled versions as well (as you alluded to). But fans are allowed to be critical of it.

No problem with one being critical or even hating an artists musical direction, it's another thing when you call out a persons integrity based solely on your musical preference.

Not being hostile, did not mean for you to take it that way. Regarding growing up, well, whenever a person rages against that for which they have no control nor a right to be included in the decision or destiny of another, yes, that person needs to grow up.

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Anyone else in tears !!!!!! :(

No. This 'news' is so old it could've been dug up with the dinosaurs.

Robert has been categorical, since before the O2, that it's over and he won't be revisiting it for all the tea in China, let alone as much money as anyone wants to throw at it.

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Can you just imagine the back end of a jumbo jet full of corporate arsehole wankers who know fuck all about Led Zeppelin. Just along for their "I've seen led zeplin(sic)" t-shirts.

:goodpost: Another reason I've never been that into the reunion tour idea. Probably a lot of the same type of people would be in the crowd at the shows.

Edited by Sathington Willoughby
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Yes I can just imagine all the corporate types and wannabees that would be hanging around if this happened.Some of them would probably only know Stairway and that's it.From what i can gather this is totally what Plants against and the drudgery of a high end tour.

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They even covered this as the main headline on the Today Show this morning. When Matt gave a shout out to the studio crew asking what their favorite Zeppelin song was, everyone screamed KASHMIR.

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The even covered this as the main headline on the Today Show this morning. When Matt gave a shout out to the studio crew asking what their favorite Zeppelin song was, everyone screamed KASHMIR.

Seems like a lot of mainstream news is covering it, Led Zeppelin is even trending on Yahoo lol.

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This news story is quite strange. I used to be a journalist. There are some basic rules in newswriting. You're supposed to answer the questions Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. This story doesn't answer When and Where. Is this story from 2008 or more recently? ALL of the reporters should have demanded Richard Branson answer this question in some form. Plant is now being quoted as saying the story is "rubbish" what does Richard Branson say about that. Again I note that "journalists" have become the laziest people on the planet!

Edited by ScarletMacaw
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No problem with one being critical or even hating an artists musical direction, it's another thing when you call out a persons integrity based solely on your musical preference.

Not being hostile, did not mean for you to take it that way. Regarding growing up, well, whenever a person rages against that for which they have no control nor a right to be included in the decision or destiny of another, yes, that person needs to grow up.

You might want to check your own "reading comprehension and basic critical thinking." I didn't find any rage or requests to be included in decisions or destiny or that the band was indebted to anyone in Elixir's original post. Your emotional reaction to an argument that wasn't made and placing quotation marks around words that weren't part of the post you quoted compels me to offer you your own advice about growth. :)

With that out of the way, I do agree with both of you. I couldn't make sense of Plant kept singing Zep songs while being so anti-reunion especially a reunion of a band that was about live improvisation, world influences, etc. I also appreciated his desire for exploration instead of a focus on the past.

After seeing him perform at BAM, I was more puzzled. He doesn't actually re-work the songs all that much-at least the ones I heard. They rocked hard, they were mesmerizing, they required two very strong guitarists, and they held true to the improvisation that Zep was known for in live performances. (This may have been different when he was playing with Allison Krause and The Band of Joy. I don't know, I didn't see him on those tours.)

Which leads me to believe it's less about the music and more about the personal.

While Jimmy views the time of LZ as "totally living," Robert experienced physical difficulties, death of a son, death of a best friend, loss of his musical soulmate to addiction, growing into his own sense of being an artist as opposed to another person's vision, etc. The experience of some of those issues reoccuring in Page & Plant could have only been frustrating. When I look through that lens, it makes it easier to understand Plant's decision to sing the songs while not wanting to sing them with Jimmy and JPJ.

When Robert talks about LZ now, it's like he's talking with tenderness, respect, and nostalgia about his first love. When Jimmy talks about LZ, it's like he's talking reverentially and wistfully about the one who got away. And that doesn't even get to what must be a very complicated relationship between them personally.

Again I note that "journalists" have become the laziest people on the planet!

The Daily Mirror's US equivalent is The National Enquirer or to make it local for you, NYPost or NYDaily News. Neither journalism or journalists are involved. Branson might have other more pressing matters on his mind right now.

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Branson might have other more pressing matters on his mind right now.

Of course he does and anyone paying attention would not only realize that but respect it. Instead this two-bit tabloid hack concocts a preposterous Led Zeppelin reunion story using Richard Branson as a keyword. It's pathetic & made even more so by the knowledge Sir Richard Branson couldn't care less about Led Zeppelin. I can't possibly be the only one here who has read his autobiography.

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I can't understand all the negativity towards Robert? I saw Band of Joy a few years back and loved his re-working of the Zep tunes and he was appreciative of the audience response. This whole business of a Led Zeppelin reunion shouldn't even have a life. It's a flashback to all the calls and $$$ waved in front of the Beatles to re-unite, then Lennon was killed and that ended it. When John Bonham died that was the end as well. Jason did a fine job at the 02 - it was a great performance from all and everyone should be grateful with the fact that it was even done. It is true - should the 3 remaining band members and jason go out on tour - good luck getting a ticket. It won't be like 1969 or '73....all the big suits, corporations, politicals,,,,everyone who hated Zeppelin first time around will be first in line for the tickets grabbing them all up in big blocks. You and me.....we'd be lucky if we get a foot inside any venue.

The fact this tabloid story is making headlines around the world ( without fact checking as noted by previous posters..) says volumes about our society today....

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^ I concur with Steve. Having read Branson's autobiography, his interests are mainly in aviation and space travel now. In all likelihood, this is a fabricated story or whomever got a sniff of some actual proposed deal took some extreme liberties on writing it as fact. Besides, Branson has always been a Rolling Stones guy.

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This thread is a bore, and the stupid story is far from credible at this stage. And those who defend Robert's right to do that what he pleases, but fail to defend others' right to critique him, are displaying childish fanboy behaviour. No, you don't get to make your life as a public figure, and your living by dipping into other people's wallets, without being subject to the broad range of opinions that may accompany your decisions. If you want to live in the spotlight, then you have no right to expect that your publicly displayed actions will not be critiqued. If someone thinks Robert is a hypocrite for playing LZ tunes, that is their prerogative, and there is certainly a grain of reality in that statement. Frankly, if there is one thing that has taken the shine off of Led Zeppelin lately, it's some of the stupid behavior of both Jimmy and Robert. Thank goodness for John Paul Jones.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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"All The Money In The World" :elvis2::standup_bass::drumz:

In fact, luxury tends to make you lazy. And I want my life to be more of an adventure—while Percy is definitely more decadent than advantageous. So I prefer not to be him, really. I want to be me.

Respect. http://www.entertainermag.com/robert-plant-sheds-labels-breaks-barriers/

With some "Liars Dance" for the encore :guitar_mood:


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This thread is a bore, and the stupid story is far from credible at this stage. And those who defend Robert's right to do that what he pleases, but fail to defend others' right to critique him, are displaying childish fanboy behaviour. No, you don't get to make your life as a public figure, and your living by dipping into other people's wallets, without being subject to the broad range of opinions that may accompany your decisions. If you want to live in the spotlight, then you have no right to expect that your publicly displayed actions will not be critiqued. If someone thinks Robert is a hypocrite for playing LZ tunes, that is their prerogative, and there is certainly a grain of reality in that statement. Frankly, if there is one thing that has taken the shine off of Led Zeppelin lately, it's some of the stupid behavior of both Jimmy and Robert. Thank goodness for John Paul Jones.

Hey there Dark... Of course everyone has the right to critique, that's part of the experience. However when people go, "ah F that selfish twat" or "so and so is where he / she is because of the fans, he / she owes us..." that is not critique, that is childish behavior. I understand Robert's musical direction may not be for everyone, I also understand many if not most would love to see a Zep reunion (me included), but that choice is not ours, it's theirs. I for one am thrilled for the 12 years they gave us, great music, great boots, and IMO some great solo stuff. I also have to say I am proud of all three, Robert choosing not to reform (either because he is happy where he is or because he is afraid to disappoint), and Jones & Page for not pulling a Journey, Styx, Foreigner and just getting a young version of 1970 Plant to sing the songs and call it Zeppelin.

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However when people go, "ah F that selfish twat" or "so and so is where he / she is because of the fans, he / she owes us..." that is not critique, that is childish behavior.

Again with the quotes around words not used in this thread from anyone who posted...

Chill, dude.

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Again with the quotes around words not used in this thread from anyone who posted...

Chill, dude.

Dude, I am chill. Just because I placed quotes around something does not allude to these things being said in this particular post. I have seen posts like that at other sites so they are indeed valid.

I really don't understand the whole emotional aspect here, I am simply saying to let it go. If anyone needs to chill I believe that would be you.


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