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The Sleep Topic (or the Topic of Sleep)


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This is a topic devoted to sleep(ing). Any replies about said topic are appreciated and also very relevant and may even help out others who may have difficulty in finding and getting a "good nights rest".

Me, personally, have always loved to sleep. Ever since I was a little kid. Besides the sleeping, I have always loved to dream. Sometimes My dreams have become a reality (both good and bad. No winning the lottery, however).

Again, ever since I can remember, I have to sleep with 3 pillows. One under Me head, the second under Me arm and the third in between My legs. If I am somewhere other than My own bed and have only one pillow, I somehow find a way to have something under My head and always a pillow or something between My legs. Otherwise, I have a somewhat difficult time falling asleep.

Does anyone else have any good, bad, strange, tips, suggestions, etc... on this SLEEP topic?

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In an earlier life I was a Postman. I used to get up at 4.15am and got home @ 12 noon. I then would have a sleep in the afternoon. So it was like 2 x 4 hr sleeps. If I feel tired i can have a power nap - usually around an hour and it gives me a good boost.

I find a glass of wine and a smoke of ganja in the evening helps me sleep, although I can sleep really well without it. If I don't, then a few chapters of the book i'm reading helps me drift off whilst I think about the perfect round of golf.

My tips:

The bedroom cannot be too warm. I get hot feet so a cool room is a must.

In the summer the window must be open, although Mrs CP does complain about the birds and their dawn chorus

A duvet with duck feathers

2 Pillows

Darkness - a blackout blind for the summer as when it gets light I want to get up.

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As I have grown older I don't need as much sleep, I take the dog for a walk every morning at about 03.45, I leave for work at 05.55, get back about 3.30, then have a bite to eat, go for a lie down for about 4 hours and that's me done. At the moment I am watching some shit on the television the dog is snoring so it's headphones time. But to be honest just get yourself a few bottles of HobGoblin and drift away.

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I don't sleep well at all, I find myself staring out the window at night from bed, just looking a the stars thinking of work, and thinking about how I need to make sure that my kids are looked after. My last employer, would tell me, that if I couldn't land more and more clients, that they would have to lay people off, which was rather stressful, which looking back on it, was a lot of pressure, and it might have something to with why my inability not to sleep well at night. I used to sleep really really good before that.

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I can always get agood 6 hours of knockout sleep....but I wake up running. The morning is prime time....probably because I get up at 5:15am 6 days a week. That's rooster time ! Always take one of your pillows with you on vacation. No matter the arrangements, you always have a bit of home with you.

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You can always take valuum, it puts you down in 20 minutes. If you want a remedy that works without taking any pills, I highly recommend reading Dr Seuss's "The Sleep Book". You may laugh but it really does make you tired if you read the entire book. Not a long read either. A classic

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You can always take valuum, it puts you down in 20 minutes. If you want a remedy that works without taking any pills, I highly recommend reading Dr Seuss's "The Sleep Book". You may laugh but it really does make you tired if you read the entire book. Not a long read either. A classic

Haven't taken " V's" in a long time. A couple of 5's would go nicely with several pints of New Amsterdam Ale if I remember correctly.... These days the pill I find the best is melatonin. That puts me right to sleep without the groggy wake up that the PM's give me.

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I'm not gonna make any friends when I say this but I have never had any problem sleeping. I can sleep anywhere, anytime. Whether it's only for a few hours after a late-night partying or sleeping in for 10 solid hours on my day off.

I can nap on the commute to or from work or grab a chair on my break and nod off for a quick 30 minutes. I can sleep on a hard bed or a soft bed. A couch or a chair. A sleeping bag in the wilderness or in the back of a pick-up truck. On a plane, train, or boat. I've even slept curled around the gun turret on a tank.

I can sleep thru loud parties, snorers, even earthquakes. I have never needed to take a valium or any sleeping pills of any sort.

The act of sleeping has never been a problem for me. It's finding the time to sleep between work and play that is sometimes difficult. It is rare that I get to bed before midnight. But once I do go to bed, it's lights out no problem.

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I'm not gonna make any friends when I say this but I have never had any problem sleeping. I can sleep anywhere, anytime. Whether it's only for a few hours after a late-night partying or sleeping in for 10 solid hours on my day off.

I can nap on the commute to or from work or grab a chair on my break and nod off for a quick 30 minutes. I can sleep on a hard bed or a soft bed. A couch or a chair. A sleeping bag in the wilderness or in the back of a pick-up truck. On a plane, train, or boat. I've even slept curled around the gun turret on a tank.

I can sleep thru loud parties, snorers, even earthquakes. I have never needed to take a valium or any sleeping pills of any sort.

The act of sleeping has never been a problem for me. It's finding the time to sleep between work and play that is sometimes difficult. It is rare that I get to bed before midnight. But once I do go to bed, it's lights out no problem.

You are lucky, I just sit around for hours on end looking at the sky thinking about the days events.

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I don't sleep well at all, I find myself staring out the window at night from bed, just looking a the stars thinking of work, and thinking about how I need to make sure that my kids are looked after. My last employer, would tell me, that if I couldn't land more and more clients, that they would have to lay people off, which was rather stressful, which looking back on it, was a lot of pressure, and it might have something to with why my inability not to sleep well at night. I used to sleep really really good before that.

Sorry to hear that. No one needs that kind of stress.

As long as I stay away from caffeine I sleep pretty good. Sometimes I take some melatonin and valerian root. It works.

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You are lucky, I just sit around for hours on end looking at the sky thinking about the days events.

I suppose luck does play a part in it...the ability of my body to feel comfortable in any environment and most importantly, my ability to shut my mind off at the end of the day no matter what distractions and problems were occupying it previously. Once my head hits the pillow, I can turn my brain off in an instant.

I feel for those of you who can't sleep. Nothing feels better than waking up after a good, refreshing slumber. Your body, your mind, needs sleep to function at tip-top efficiency.

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  • 1 month later...

The benedryl didn't work.

Dag on it! It's between a Z-Bar or a Bob Ross video? Decisions, Decisions

Being a pharmacophobic... Will give it up for Bob Ross. After all he did create the word "gnarly". ;)

Bob Ross was really something special. His art was beautiful, and he was one of the greatest ASMR triggers I've ever heard.

There is a big ASMR movement on YouTube recently. But no one comes close to Bob Ross. Its crazy how the human brain works.

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Dude was actually a 20 Year Veteran - Master Seargant in the Air Force stationed in Alaska - A drill seargant if you can believe that.

"I was the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, the guy who screams at you for being late to work. The job requires you to be a mean, tough person. And I was fed up with it. I promised myself that if I ever got away from it, it wasn't going to be that way anymore." - Bob Ross


Probably one of the kindest admirers of nature, with the biggest heart. May he rest peacefully...

Being a hyper-active little kid, my mom would sit my brother and I in front of the tv on Saturdays with paper and crayons and turn on the Bob Ross. But the time the show was over, I think I would, on occasion, take a nap. :zzz:
Yeah, ASMR really does work. I wish I could get some in mp3 form, because on youtube, right after many of those ASMR videos are over, it cuts to an advertisement :mad: , and it's so loud you dang near hit the ceiling and wake up quick.

But they do work.

Edited by apantherfrommd
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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing that helps me get a good nights sleep is right before I lay down, I cover the time on my alarm clock. I don't uncover the time until I wake up the next day. This helps me because whenever I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I do not know what the actual time is.

For example: Say I go to sleep at 12 midnight and have to wake up at 8:30am because I have to be at work at 10am. That is about 8 1/2 hours of sleep. If I wake up to use the bathroom (at say 4:30) that would still give me 4 hours of sleep. But since I can't see what the time is I can think to myself that the time is 3:00am. So in my (tired) mind I still think that I have 5 1/2 hours of sleep remaining when it was really only 4 hours remaining. I guess I am psychologically tricking myself into thinking I have more hours of sleep to go, but, of course, I do not.

This may seem strange to most, however, I have been doing this for decades and it works for Me.

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