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Bands you think are better than Zeppelin


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I mean they are so few and far between but there are some what say you?

In the Rock n Roll genre, I can't think of any that are actually better. There are some to my ears which are equals. The Beatles is the obvious one, and perhaps even The Rolling Stones, as I have gotten older, I appreciate them more and more. The Tea Party are very very close to Zeppelin, artistic excitement to my ears. There are other bands that I almost love as much Zeppelin and The Tea Party but for other reasons. Noel Gallagher comes to mind, from a lyrical point of view, he sort of reminds me of The Kinks. Another one that comes to mind would be Def Leppard, but like Zeppelin I think they may have packed it in; I have heard them say for years that they are working on a new album but the last one came out 7 years ago and with Viv's cancer I'm guessing it will be a few more years before they get around to actually doing it which is a shame because they wrote some cool tunes that go under the radar and put on a really good live show. Coldplay and U2 have written some stuff that I love. Another band I like, is the Doctors of Madness - but like Zeppelin they did one fucking gig recently and packed it in again which sucked for anyone living in Canada unable to make it to London. I thought Living Colour were great, have been a huge Ed Stasium guy all of my life and have actually chatted with him which was cool. Public Enemy in the rap genre were pretty interesting to my ears. I always thought Everclear wrote some cool stuff but live Everclear were never really great, as Art the singer tends to forgets the words, and does these sped up versions of songs that annoy me, and his voice is hit and miss depending on his health. Nickelback has written some interesting stuff, but like The Tea Party and The Guess Who they get no respect because they are Canadian, and American and British DJ's and music critics don't like Canada. Aerosmith were an interesting band that appealed to me. AC/DC and there bastard children Airbourne seem to rock hard and ride free. I really think if David Coverdale could have kept his first band together with John Lord on the keyboards and the original guitars players they might have been able to create a great solid collection but they were all fired and pushed out and so on. Soundgarden were interesting same with Ministry. Slade wrote a ton of hits.

Edited by Charles J. White
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It's really only the Tea Party who occasionally I think are better than Zeppelin. At the moment, in the midst of the reissues, it's firmly Zeppelin who are back in front. But The Tea Party's first two albums are up there with zeppelins greatest, maybe even slightly better.

It's probably because they feel like a modern continuation of the interesting elements of Zeppelin, around the III-PG era: the mysticism, eastern tinged, born of the blues, acoustic, light and shade, guitar army and some great fairly timeless production (think how bad some early 90s have dated and then listen to splendor solis, could've been done yesterday)

The Mars Volta often come close with some tracks, but then they head off onto another inhospitable aural planet for others.

Edited by mckjuana
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I don't think the Beatles, Mars volta or the Tea Party match the musicianship of Zeppelin in their prime. Rush without the singing comes closest if not surpasses Zeppelin in terms of pure talent and masters at their craft. Geddy Lee's singing is the only part I can't listen to for more 3 songs at a time.

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It's really only the Tea Party who occasionally I think are better than Zeppelin. At the moment, in the midst of the reissues, it's firmly Zeppelin who are back in front. But The Tea Party's first two albums are up there with zeppelins greatest, maybe even slightly better.

It's probably because they feel like a modern continuation of the interesting elements of Zeppelin, around the III-PG era: the mysticism, eastern tinged, born of the blues, acoustic, light and shade, guitar army and some great fairly timeless production (think how bad some early 90s have dated and then listen to splendor solis, could've been done yesterday)

I thought Triptyck was amazing, tons of Middle East and heavy stuff all over it. I also love the new album a lot with that South American vibe and some of the dreamy stuff like Ocean at the End.

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IMO, only two bands were occasionally better than Led Zeppelin. The Beatles, especially between 1966 and 1969, were as good as Led Zep and some of their albums were sometimes better than any Led Zeppelin album. Abbey Road in particular is in my opinion the best album of all time, because on this album they have reached maturity,the balance between pop and rock is just perfect, and the medley is an absolute masterpiece. Sergent Pepper is also more innovative than any Zep album, because the music on this album is completely original, they wrote all the songs on it, it's absolutely brilliant.

Queen could also surpass Led Zep, under certain circumstances. First of all, I think that Bohemian Rhapsody is the more innovative song of all time. Queen are also my favourite live act, between 1980 and 1986, they sounded better on stage than any other band in History. I could listen to Queen concerts for hours, without getting bored, because their music on stage was very fluid and sounded even better than their studio stuff.( just listen to the song "save me'' from the Live in Montreal 1981).

These are my 3 favourite bands anyway, but I can't really tell who is "better", it depends on my mood.I would say the following:

Melodies: The Beatles, Queen > Led Zeppelin

Rhythm, instrumental: Led Zeppelin > Queen, The Beatles

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So do you guys form this opinion from studio albums only? That is really a poor way to judge a band imo. I mean autotune can make me sound like Axl Rose or Muddy Waters depending on what I'm going for.


Grateful Dead

Pink Floyd

The Who

Kiss (I don't like the music a ton but they put on probably the best show stage wise)

Talking Heads

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So do you guys form this opinion from studio albums only? That is really a poor way to judge a band imo. I mean autotune can make me sound like Axl Rose or Muddy Waters depending on what I'm going for.


Grateful Dead

Pink Floyd

The Who

Kiss (I don't like the music a ton but they put on probably the best show stage wise)

Talking Heads

I misunderstood the question, sorry about that. Live Zeppelin were pretty great as well and when looking back at the 02 gig I think Zep were number 1. I like most of your choices, but with Kiss, and I know this will annoy some Kiss fans, but I feel there stage show is too busy. I saw them this summer in Toronto, and I honestly felt that the "performance" was so busy that it really put the music on the back burner. It was odd because Def Leppard played before them, and they had a much more stripped down visual/sound show that was busy, not Kiss busy, and yet I honestly felt that Leppard blew Kiss away. Grateful Dead were a band that like Springsteen I just never got into for whatever reason. The Who were a GREAT band, BUT, there was something about going out of there way to smash guitars and amps that turned me off of them forever. When I was a kid, I would take the bus to a used record store in Ottawa, and would pass by a guitar shop and drool, and dreamed that one day I would own a guitar. To watch The Who destroy there guitars and do so with a smile and a laugh is something I found sick.

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Right on man. I think what I really go for (other than Kiss because they just blew me away on stage but I don't like the music) is people who come out and really get into improv rather than trying to sound like they do in the studio but it's all subjective to what you want from that said band.

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Right on man. I think what I really go for (other than Kiss because they just blew me away on stage but I don't like the music) is people who come out and really get into improv rather than trying to sound like they do in the studio but it's all subjective to what you want from that said band.


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You mean these guys:


Each to their own, but I think they look a bit shit to be honest :)

So do you guys form this opinion from studio albums only? That is really a poor way to judge a band imo.

I wasn't ignoring the live aspects, I just didn't mention them. Factoring them in just solidifes my choices: occasionally the tea party, and not quite (but often close) the Mars Volta.

Both of those bands have stunning live shows where the intention is absolutely not to recreate the studio sounds, the songs go off on tangents and explore some pretty amazing places.

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Queen - as a band they had few weaknesses.

Their lead singer was rock music's greatest front man, imo. Freddie Mercury had the vocal prowess of Steve Perry combined with the stage moves and charisma of Mick Jagger. Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon were all excellent musicians and good songwriters. The fact that all four band members contributed songs meant Queen always had enough good material for their albums and didn't have to resort to filler. Having seen them in 1979, I can attest that they put on a dynamic live show. IMO, their only weakness was their lack of breadth. From 1975 on, their albums consisted mostly of power ballads and hard charging rockers.

I'll give Zep the nod for variety and breadth of music. Zep was also more influential, imo.

Edited by Disco Duck
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