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Oh boy, the dreaded "innings limit" is being brought up again & with a 5 game lead & a big series with the Nats coming up, I have an uneasy feeling....  :unsure:

Headline in the NYT today about not pitching Matt Harvey in the postseason.  Seems his agent, who shall not be named, doesn't think he should pitch.  Blech.



How bout them O's last night!  Too bad they can't bank some of those runs.  I'm sure they'll need them :)

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^^ Yeah, I know we're living in a day and age where pitch counts and not wanting to blow a guy's arm out matter, but you would think someone would have learn from the Washington Nationals when Strasburg was on a limit. 

Injuries could and do happen at anytime, so this talk about not pitching Harvey in October--should we make it that far--just makes me want to pull my hair out...





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Headline in the NYT today about not pitching Matt Harvey in the postseason.  Seems his agent, who shall not be named, doesn't think he should pitch.  Blech.



How bout them O's last night!  Too bad they can't bank some of those runs.  I'm sure they'll need them :)

I think we are finished. I do believe there are things going on behind closed doors we do not know about.  Someone has a problem with Buck.  But whio?  I am all for Cal Ripken Jr being the manager if it comes to that?  No damn reason for this team to have tanked as many games as they did with this talent.  Now we must sweat and see who stays and who goes?  Wieters I know is on the list of UFA's.  If you know the list please post it.  I am already thinking of football

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No I dont know


Like I said, a No Comment is more incriminating than A Comment.  And the "No Comment" was directed to LedZeppfan77, or Rick, and he chose not to comment (like I knew he would not).  His team, the Baltimore Orioles are one of the worst teams in the American League this year, however, he chooses to ignore such posts. 

He has gone on record as saying that the Baltimore Orioles were going to win the 2015 World Series this year.  The Orioles have a current record of winning 65 games and losing 70 games.  How is a team with such a terrible record thus far, going to even make it to the 2015 Post-Season and supposedly win the 2015 World Series. 

Only he can answer and explain himself, however, I think that he is too embarrassed and ashamed to post his nonsensical and irrelevant excuses for what he thought was a team that he said was 100% sure was going to be the 2015 MLB Champions. 


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Oh boy, the dreaded "innings limit" is being brought up again & with a 5 game lead & a big series with the Nats coming up, I have an uneasy feeling....  :unsure:

I believe Harvey "owes" the Mets about 16 innings, so they could still use him in one game of each Nationals series. But now he says he will pitch in the playoffs, for sure - which goes against the doctors and his agent. Seems like they should consider parting with him, if the right offer comes up?

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The Saint Louis Cardinal lost big last night to their division rivals, the Pittsburgh Pirates by a score of 7-1.  Someone once said that the National League Central was the worst division in all of Baseball.  That someone knows who they are and has suddenly ceased posting on this Baseball topic that "he" once posted on all the time about even the minute details of every called ball or strike that went for or against his team: 

Hint:  they are a team in Maryland that has a current record of 65 wins and 71 losses and were (according to him) the all out and balls out favorite to win the 2015 World Series.   

Anyways, I was watching the Cardinals get defeated by the Pirates, but one thing one of the broadcasters pointed out was that the National League Central is the best division in all of Baseball.  They noted that the Cardinals, Cubs and Pirates have only lost a total of three games each on the same day this season. 

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The Giants won the Series last year by coming in as a wild card. So now ya know.

This dude, LedZeppfan77 (Rick) does not post on this topic anymore, ever since his beloved and terrible Baltimore Orioles have relegated themselves to last place in the American League East.  He had many times proclaimed that the Orioles were a lock to win the 2015 World Series.  Ever since their eminent and expected meltdown (as I so ardently believed would happen), he is, I believe, too embarrassed to post anymore.  (I say that I ardently believed that would happen is because the Orioles are not and have never been a consistent winning team, at least not in the 2000's).  Their current record just reinforces what I mean.

Anyway, My beloved team, the Saint Louis Cardinals, were given a hard beating yesterday by the Chicago Cubs.  9-0.  At least I can say that the Saint Louis Cardinals are one of the most consistent teams in all of Baseball. 

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This dude, LedZeppfan77 (Rick) does not post on this topic anymore, ever since his beloved and terrible Baltimore Orioles have relegated themselves to last place in the American League East.  He had many times proclaimed that the Orioles were a lock to win the 2015 World Series.  Ever since their eminent and expected meltdown (as I so ardently believed would happen), he is, I believe, too embarrassed to post anymore.  (I say that I ardently believed that would happen is because the Orioles are not and have never been a consistent winning team, at least not in the 2000's).  Their current record just reinforces what I mean.

Anyway, My beloved team, the Saint Louis Cardinals, were given a hard beating yesterday by the Chicago Cubs.  9-0.  At least I can say that the Saint Louis Cardinals are one of the most consistent teams in all of Baseball. 

Also, what happened to Oakland and Detroit?

It looks to me like the Giants are fading fast. I don't see any chance of a comeback unless we all TRULY BELIEVE in Yogi's wisdom.

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Sigh...O's are breaking my heart.  My head knows I'll be saving tons of money this fall, but my heart is broken...

I read an article on ESPN on "how to fix the O's>  The guy had some good insight.  Starting pitching has been our problem and fighting from behind.  Just  not our year but no reason to over react.  Good team.  5 gold gloves.  We will bounce back strong.  I am confident.  But we need to make moves with our pitching.  I am not sure on the status of Dylan Bundy or if he is even an option for next year?  So we will go outside to fix the rotation,.  I know Tillman and Gonzalez can bounce back with big years.

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Look a the arse whippin the Cubbies are puttin on the Cards.  Year of the Cubbies!!!!:lol:

Bottom of the 9th and the Cubs will probably win, however, no ass whipping as the Cardinals came back and scored 5 runs in the bottom of the 7th. 

I thought that this was the year of the Orioles?  What are your excuses from them being 2015 World Series Champions to being in last place in the American League East? 

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How bout those Nats...  oy vey.

I am responding to your post and not to you personally so don't go all psycho on me.  (Or do, I don't care). 

I am glad that the Nationals are losing and losing big when they need to win.  I said this from before the 2015 MLB Season began and that is that the Nationals were an "over-hyped" team that thought that they were another lock to win the 2015 World Series.  I am also glad that their $210 million "ace" is pitching sub-par for all the expectations that was accorded to him and the Nationals. 

Any team or team player that has the gall and audacity to say, "Where's my ring", because of the recent signing of said "ace", (back during the off season, before a real game was played), in My opinion deserves to lose, lose big and be utterly and publicly humiliated. 

Bryce Harper is that idiot of a team player.  Here is his verbatim quote:  “To be able to have a guy like Scherzer come in? I just started laughing,” Harper said. “I was like, ‘Where’s my ring?’ You know what I mean? It’s stupid. It’s absolutely stupid how good our staff is". 

How about dumb?  That is how dumb your staff is...

They may suck but they do not suck as much as the Baltimore Orioles.

I am glad that the Nationals will be watching the 2015 Post-Season at home.  With stupid comments like that they deserve to be the laughing stock of the National League.  The Nationals would never have defeated the Saint Louis Cardinals anyway.  It save the Nationals the humiliation of losing to the Cardinals and keeps the humiliation on that idiot Bryce Harper for his idiotic comment. 

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I say take Matt Harvey out of the Mets starting rotation for the rest of this season, and use him sparingly as middle relief - in anticipation of that being his role in the playoffs. He is not showing he is a big game pitcher, and you can't trust the innings he can provide. If other teams are monitoring him for trade consideration, he has already fell in value. Worry about next season, his roll and potential, then.

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Well, looking ahead a bit, if the Mets do make the playoffs, I would definitely have deGrom penciled in as the Game 1 starter. And that's not to say I have lost any confidence in Harvey--he had a bad game last night, but every starter worth anything has an off night every now and then.

I'm already satisfied with the results of this series--I said we needed to take 2, and now we're looking for the sweep...




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