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I can realize and understand your anger and frustration because your team, the Baltimore Orioles, are one of the worst teams in baseball this year.  Even though you proudly and loudly proclaimed them to be the team to beat in the American League East this year.  What happened?

What happened is that the Orioles are not a consistent baseball team.  Am I wrong in My assessment?  I said the same thing during Spring Training.  The Baltimore Orioles were not going to go anywhere this 2015 season.  If I am wrong, please elaborate on why you think that I am wrong?  The Orioles current record just reiterates what I am typing.  71 wins and 74 losses.  12 games behind Toronto. 

Meanwhile, the Saint Louis Cardinals' current record stands at 91 wins and 54 losses.  What snippy retort do you have for that? 

By the way, I am 44 years of age and you are at least 20 years older than I am, so why do you insist on calling me bad names in this topic?  I would think that a man of your age would have been past the name-calling around the age that I am?  Just because your favorite Baseball team sucks and My favorite Baseball team is the Best Team (at least with the Best Record) in Baseball does not mean that you have to lowly resort to calling me bad names.  Come on, dude, grow up (or older). 

You have said nothing about the Cubs.  That was the topic.  You know you are dead wrong on that one.  As for the Orioles, they are not a bad team at all.  They are in a tough division for one thing.  And their starting pitching is what did them in.  Still, they are in the race for a wild card still though i will admit it looks bad.  But 5 back is not impossible  Based on the schedule is highly unlikely.  I am really more concerned as to what the owner will do in the off season.  I hate the thought of him letting Wieters get away.  And Davis also.  They have to decide what pitchers to keep but Gausman is a no brainer.  He is going to be and is a damn good pitcher.  Chen is too but is on the UFA list.  It all depends on whether they are willing to spend and what guys they will give a shot to from the minors?  But they have to make a move for a top rated starter.  The bullpen is good enough if they can keep them there.  Especially O'Day and Britton.  5 gold glovers on this team so stick your comments.  You  are just a bag of hot air as far as I am concerned.  The Cubs by the way have been a huge success this year.  So their future and present both look pretty good to me

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It seems really stupid to have interleague games during the home stretch of the season. These are fine at the beginning of the season, especially if the weather is cooler or rainy, and you can get two local teams from each league to potentially fill up a stadium. Or maybe spice up the middle of a long season. But now you have the Mets and Yankees playing each other, for no reason other than to undermine each of their playoff status. They should be playing division rivals, or their own league's W.C. contenders. I generally root for all local teams, so it's difficult to hope for one to upset the other's chances or playoff seeding.

That being said, I think the Yankees have too many question marks and nagging injuries to go too far in the playoffs, if they even hang in there to make it in.

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Oh my God!!!  The Baltimore Orioles actually won a baseball game last night.  Too bad that win means nothing to that franchise this year. 

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I am very conflicted when it comes to the two Texas teams.  Houston and Dallas/Arlington?  Born outside one city, currently reside outside the other city. 

Regardless of the final outcome of the American League teams, I do know that the "Mighty" Saint Louis Cardinals only have to win two (2) games (out of 16) to secure a definite position in the National League Post-Season. 

As a Cardinals fan, I am not concerned with the Chicago Cubs or the Pittsburgh Pirates this late in the season.  Let those two teams battle it out for the National League wild-card. 

The Saint Louis Cardinals are the Best Team in the Major Leagues for a reason.  That reason is because: They know how to Play Baseball and win games when They need to win games.  With a current record of 92 wins and only 54 losses, the Saint Louis Cardinals may be the only MLB team to win 100+ games this year.


Take that LedZeppFan77 and I would appreciate if you could refrain from the immature, ignorant, stupid and inane name-calling that you have afforded Me and to Me only over the past couple of baseball seasons.  My handle is KingZoso, not what ever ignorant rhyme you choose to rhyme with when you know what I say is Right about the Sorry Orioles and just because you are too embarrassed to admit that I was right all along and that is that the Baltimore Orioles are a Baseball team that is not to considered as a real contender this year or any year for that matter.  Peace!!!

Edited by kingzoso
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Red hot Rangers lay it on thick in the late innings for the sweep..... 2.5 games up for 1st in the AL West!

Gotta take it to SeattleSeattle, keep the wins coming.....watch out for those Anaheim Angels, just two and a half back for the second wild card spot!!!


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I just want to say "Congratulations" to the Saint Louis Cardinals for becoming the first Major League team to clinch a spot in the 2015 Post-Season.  I would also like to congratulate Cardinals manager Mike Matheny who stands as the only manager in baseball history to lead his club to the post-season in his first full four seasons.   


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I'm not a fan of interleague play, but since they decided they needed an even number of teams in each league, there has to be interleague play every day.  It stinks, but there's no way around it.

I didn't even realize that. I guess bringing the Astros over to the AL created this? They should revisit the DH rules, then. Tough subject, but look what they created.

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It seems really stupid to have interleague games during the home stretch of the season. These are fine at the beginning of the season, especially if the weather is cooler or rainy, and you can get two local teams from each league to potentially fill up a stadium. Or maybe spice up the middle of a long season. But now you have the Mets and Yankees playing each other, for no reason other than to undermine each of their playoff status. They should be playing division rivals, or their own league's W.C. contenders. I generally root for all local teams, so it's difficult to hope for one to upset the other's chances or playoff seeding.

I don't like interleague play at any time of the season...the home stretch, the beginning, or the middle. I do not like it on Fridays. I do not like it on Mondays. I do not like it on green eggs and ham. Get rid of it.

I'm not a fan of interleague play, but since they decided they needed an even number of teams in each league, there has to be interleague play every day.  It stinks, but there's no way around it.

Yep...another stupid decision by Bud. With 14 teams in the AL and 16 teams in the NL, you wouldn't need interleague play...there would be 7 games a day in the AL and 8 games daily in the NL. But with Houston moved to the AL, 15 teams in each league creates 7 games with one team left over. Hence, regrettably we have interleague play in September. 

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As of this moment, the Saint Louis Cardinals are the only team in Baseball with and "X" in front of them.  That "X" represents = clinched playoff berth.  Soon enough that "X" will turn into a "Z".  "Z" represents = clinched division and best record in the league. 

Even if everyone who posts on this topic dislikes the Saint Louis Cardinals, and I know that there are some, for whatever reasons, you have to have respect and admiration for a team that has made it to the Post-Season for the fifth (5th) straight year.  Especially under an excellent manager such as Mike Matheny who has become the first manager in all of baseball history to guide His team to the Post-Season four years in a row. 

Again, Congratulations to the Mighty Saint Louis Cardinals.  The Best Team in Baseball!!!

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Especially under an excellent manager such as Mike Matheny who has become the first manager in all of baseball history to guide His team to the Post-Season four years in a row. 

Wrong. I guess you have never heard of John McGraw, Joe McCarthy, Casey Stengel, Bobby Cox, Joe Torre, Joe Girardi?


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Wrong. I guess you have never heard of John McGraw, Joe McCarthy, Casey Stengel, Bobby Cox, Joe Torre, Joe Girardi?


I posted this as I was referring to what I read on the MLB.com At Bat application that I have on My phone.  This is the "trusted" app that is even mentioned on the MLB Network and on and by every Major League Baseball Team.  If you do not have it this application, I highly advise you to add it to your phone, if that is you can afford a SmartPhone. 

Honestly, I have heard of 4 out of these 6.  And to be completely honest, I have met and used to rent videos (VCR tapes) to Mr. Joe Torre when he was the manager of the Saint Louis Cardinals back in the mid to late 1990's.  He shopped at the grocery store that I used to work at.  Whenever, I interacted with him, he was always a very low-key person and never announced who he was.  I knew and He knew that I knew who he was and it was always a slight thrill for Me to say to Him, "Thank you Mr. Torre". 

Go back and look up the real facts:  Mike Matheny is the only manager in Baseball History to accomplish such a feat. 


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^ Well, you changed the wording of your original statement about Matheny in your last post - so only one version is correct.

I know you're just testing some people, to see if they're reading.

Joe Torre actually took the Yankees to the post season in each of his 12 years as manager, but was not near as successful in earlier tenures for the Mets and Cardinals.

Joe Girardi got the Marlins surprisingly close in his first manager job, and was NL Manager of that year - but was unceremoniously fired by a spiteful owner. His results with the Yankees have been up and down, but generally under-achieving.

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^ Well, you changed the wording of your original statement about Matheny in your last post - so only one version is correct.

I know you're just testing some people, to see if they're reading.

Joe Torre actually took the Yankees to the post season in each of his 12 years as manager, but was not near as successful in earlier tenures for the Mets and Cardinals.

Joe Girardi got the Marlins surprisingly close in his first manager job, and was NL Manager of that year - but was unceremoniously fired by a spiteful owner. His results with the Yankees have been up and down, but generally under-achieving.

To be completely honest, you are correct in the fact that I sometimes do and am actually testing people on this topic to see if they, in fact, are reading what I type.  I am an not trying to be ignorant and unruly (like some) but I just like to point out the fact that My Favorite Baseball Team is a very Great, Consistent, Reliable, Enjoyable, Etc... to root for. 

I do not discern this from about how I feel about Led Zeppelin, Richard Pryor, Etc...

The Best are the Best, regardless of what I think and what others may think.  Facts are facts. 

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It amazes Me how good the Saint Louis Cardinals are this year (and every year).  The Cardinals have already clinched and are guaranteed a 2015 Post-Season appearance, Their fifth trip to the Playoffs in five years.  The Cardinals accomplished this amazing feat about one month before the actual Post-Season officially begins.  There is no other team in all of Baseball to have and can make this same claim. 

So-called teams like the Baltimore Orioles, Washington Nationals, Los Angeles Angels, Seattle Mariners, Detroit Tigers, so on and so forth have only been soundly disgraced this year because of all the hype afforded them at the beginning of the season, only to see these teams make a mockery of themselves.  Especially the Baltimore Orioles, Washington Nationals and the Los Angeles Angels. 

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I posted this as I was referring to what I read on the MLB.com At Bat application that I have on My phone.  This is the "trusted" app that is even mentioned on the MLB Network and on and by every Major League Baseball Team.  If you do not have it this application, I highly advise you to add it to your phone, if that is you can afford a SmartPhone. 

Honestly, I have heard of 4 out of these 6.  And to be completely honest, I have met and used to rent videos (VCR tapes) to Mr. Joe Torre when he was the manager of the Saint Louis Cardinals back in the mid to late 1990's.  He shopped at the grocery store that I used to work at.  Whenever, I interacted with him, he was always a very low-key person and never announced who he was.  I knew and He knew that I knew who he was and it was always a slight thrill for Me to say to Him, "Thank you Mr. Torre". 

Go back and look up the real facts:  Mike Matheny is the only manager in Baseball History to accomplish such a feat. 



To be completely honest, you are correct in the fact that I sometimes do and am actually testing people on this topic to see if they, in fact, are reading what I type.  I am an not trying to be ignorant and unruly (like some) but I just like to point out the fact that My Favorite Baseball Team is a very Great, Consistent, Reliable, Enjoyable, Etc... to root for. 

I do not discern this from about how I feel about Led Zeppelin, Richard Pryor, Etc...

The Best are the Best, regardless of what I think and what others may think.  Facts are facts. 

Maybe you ought to comprehend your own posts before bragging about your testing ability. Let's go to the tape...this is the exact post I was replying to:

As of this moment, the Saint Louis Cardinals are the only team in Baseball with and "X" in front of them.  That "X" represents = clinched playoff berth.  Soon enough that "X" will turn into a "Z".  "Z" represents = clinched division and best record in the league. 

Even if everyone who posts on this topic dislikes the Saint Louis Cardinals, and I know that there are some, for whatever reasons, you have to have respect and admiration for a team that has made it to the Post-Season for the fifth (5th) straight year.  Especially under an excellent manager such as Mike Matheny who has become the first manager in all of baseball history to guide His team to the Post-Season four years in a row. 

Pay attention to that sentence in bold-type. That is clearly a wrong fact...and I don't need no stinking app to tell me that. Bobby Cox took Atlanta to the playoffs 11 years in-a-row. As any Yankee fan can tell you, Joe Torre took the Yankees to the playoffs in all 12 years of his tenure with New York. Casey Stengel managed the Yankees to five consecutive World Series Championships. John McGraw of the Giants, Joe McCarthy and Joe Girardi of the Yankees, and Charlie Manuel of the Phillies all had playoff streaks of 4 years or more.

If you meant Mike Matheny is the first to do it in his first four years as a manager, then you should have clearly written that. We can't be mind-readers.


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It amazes Me how good the Saint Louis Cardinals are this year (and every year).  The Cardinals have already clinched and are guaranteed a 2015 Post-Season appearance, Their fifth trip to the Playoffs in five years.  The Cardinals accomplished this amazing feat about one month before the actual Post-Season officially begins.  There is no other team in all of Baseball to have and can make this same claim. 

So-called teams like the Baltimore Orioles, Washington Nationals, Los Angeles Angels, Seattle Mariners, Detroit Tigers, so on and so forth have only been soundly disgraced this year because of all the hype afforded them at the beginning of the season, only to see these teams make a mockery of themselves.  Especially the Baltimore Orioles, Washington Nationals and the Los Angeles Angels. 

Great season Mr Broken record.  Too bad you are going to get flushed down the proverbial toilet by a better pitching staff.  God help you if you draw those Mets.  An old nemesis that has been a thorn in your side for years.  I hope you do get the Mets and they bring your arse crashing down to Earth

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Great season Mr Broken record.  Too bad you are going to get flushed down the proverbial toilet by a better pitching staff.  God help you if you draw those Mets.  An old nemesis that has been a thorn in your side for years.  I hope you do get the Mets and they bring your arse crashing down to Earth

All I know is that the Saint Louis Cardinals are team that plays to win and knows how to win.  Even if the Cardinals fail to make it to or win the 2015 World Series, I consider myself lucky to be a life long fan of one of the Greatest Teams in the History of American Sports. 


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This is all very cute that you two are in cahoots in this "testing" game of yours, but maybe you ought to comprehend your own posts before you go calling out others supposedly misreading yours.

Do you really think I'm in cahoots with this obnoxious moron? You're usually more savvy than that, Strider. So much for backing you up, and taking the high road, for once...

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Do you really think I'm in cahoots with this obnoxious moron? You're usually more savvy than that, Strider. So much for backing you up, and taking the high road, for once...

Fair enough...I took your "testing" comment too literally. You don't deserve to be dragged into this, so I have rectified the error in my previous post and edited you out.

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