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Feb 3 Jimmy Page Promises 'Quite Different' Direction With New Music


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Jimmy would have been a great comedian. I suppose "if" he did any music at all, it would be "quite different" from what we've been getting for years and years and years now. Great headline grabber though, when one is trying to sell Deluxe Editions.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Jimmy would have been a great comedian. I suppose "if" he did any music at all, it would be "quite different" from what we've been getting for years and years and years now. Great headline grabber though, when one is trying to sell Deluxe Editions.

well that sucks i dont think i like your opinion i think that what ever it is he comes up with will definitely be jimmy and definitely one for the records. plants been grabbing headlines for years, then he lies and cant sing you really think pagey would do worse than that? you are a dark lord go back from whence you came i command it!

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Jimmy would have been a great comedian. I suppose "if" he did any music at all, it would be "quite different" from what we've been getting for years and years and years now. Great headline grabber though, when one is trying to sell Deluxe Editions.

you are quite offensive sir 'if' he did any music at all etc etc great headline grabber though" i do believe that pagey has many many songs within his heart and in his head a true musician never stops his head is constantly filled with music just ask any true musician. they may take a break and then come up with some of the most helllashish music you have ever heard, oh he has it in him our jimmy page dont underestimate him the great guitar god of 2015. he has more talent than

the true headline grabber mr, i use that term loosely .plant he has not the talent of any of his band mates he would just be a bar singer if page had not given him the chance so give credit where credit is due and i would almost bet my eyeteeth that you dark lord are actually plant in disguise, alas though i have no eye teeth but it would be of no surprise to me the way you berate mr page

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Jimmy would have been a great comedian. I suppose "if" he did any music at all, it would be "quite different" from what we've been getting for years and years and years now. Great headline grabber though, when one is trying to sell Deluxe Editions.

Jimmy would have been a great comedian. I suppose "if" he did any music at all, it would be "quite different" from what we've been getting for years and years and years now. Great headline grabber though, when one is trying to sell Deluxe Editions.

all please see my comments to this dark lord in his many postings with these very same words tisha

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all please see my comments to this dark lord in his many postings with these very same words tisha

And Lo! It came to pass that upon occasion one contributor should disagree with another in the deep tomes of lore that were the Led Zeppelin (official) Forum. And there was much gnashing of teeth, and wringing of hands, and the tears of rage and frustration that flowed were plentiful and saltier than the very oceans themselves. And even the veracity of the word of the Lord Jimmy was taken into question, which caused much vexation and wailing. Yet Jimmy still did not take up his holy guitar, but said 'Oh ye of little faith - I shall play upon the stage and manifest new music upon the masses.... this time next year. Be thankful'. And the prophet Del Boy did agree with him and added 'this time next year we'll be millionaires'. And there was much rejoicing.

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you are quite offensive sir 'if' he did any music at all etc etc great headline grabber though" i do believe that pagey has many many songs within his heart and in his head a true musician never stops his head is constantly filled with music just ask any true musician. they may take a break and then come up with some of the most helllashish music you have ever heard, oh he has it in him our jimmy page dont underestimate him the great guitar god of 2015. he has more talent than

the true headline grabber mr, i use that term loosely .plant he has not the talent of any of his band mates he would just be a bar singer if page had not given him the chance so give credit where credit is due and i would almost bet my eyeteeth that you dark lord are actually plant in disguise, alas though i have no eye teeth but it would be of no surprise to me the way you berate mr page

Blah, blah, blah. Dreamer. Edited by The Dark Lord
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And tisha, just to be clear, I am a huge Jimmy Page fan, and have been for nearly 40 years. I grew up with his music; I had the pleasure of meeting him and spent over an hour chatting one on one, and Jimmy is a wonderful, charming, and engaging person. He is also a wonderful artist, but unfortunately, my long history with Led Zeppelin, and Jimmy Page, no longer allows me to be dishonest with myself as a result of being a fan. Jimmy Page, bless the man, has not delivered on his solo music promises for nearly 17 years now, and every single one of those years, he trotted out the "new solo release or new music" mantra, yet nothing has ever materialized. Einstein said (paraphrased) that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. I can no longer do the same thing over and over, by accepting Jimmy at his word, and fooling myself into believing that he is going to deliver new music. As was stated above, by myself and henrybonzo, Jimmy's statement is click bait, and it is intended to create interest in something that he is selling. He was an artist, and an amazing one at that, but it would be naive not to accept the fact that he is a salesman now, and he is trying to create interest in a product that he is selling. Plain and simple. As the other saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". If it seems that I have a beef with Jimmy, I suppose I do, but only in the sense that I believe that the truth is of utmost importance, and I only call them as I see them, with evidence to support my position. My beef only goes to the honesty of his statements, and not his talent as an artist.

Understand that I think that Jimmy Page is one of the musical geniuses of our time, but I am too old (as evidenced by the fact that I actually use punctuation when I write), and have been around far too long, to be star struck enough to believe on face value that Jimmy is going to deliver one note of new music in 2015. If it does happen, I will be thrilled, and will be happy to have been wrong.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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And tisha, just to be clear, I am a huge Jimmy Page fan, and have been for nearly 40 years. I grew up with his music; I had the pleasure of meeting him and spent over an hour chatting one on one, and Jimmy is a wonderful, charming, and engaging person. He is also a wonderful artist, but unfortunately, my long history with Led Zeppelin, and Jimmy Page, no longer allows me to be dishonest with myself as a result of being a fan. Jimmy Page, bless the man, has not delivered on his solo music promises for nearly 17 years now, and every single one of those years, he trotted out the "new solo release or new music" mantra, yet nothing has ever materialized. Einstein said (paraphrased) that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. I can no longer do the same thing over and over, by accepting Jimmy at his word, and fooling myself into believing that he is going to deliver new music. As was stated above, by myself and henrybonzo, Jimmy's statement is click bait, and it is intended to create interest in something that he is selling. He was an artist, and an amazing one at that, but it would be naive not to accept the fact that he is a salesman now, and he is trying to create interest in a product that he is selling. Plain and simple. As the other saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". If it seems that I have a beef with Jimmy, I suppose I do, but only in the sense that I believe that the truth is of utmost importance, and I only call them as I see them, with evidence to support my position. My beef only goes to the honesty of his statements, and not his talent as an artist.

Understand that I think that Jimmy Page is one of the musical geniuses of our time, but I am too old (as evidenced by the fact that I actually use punctuation when I write), and have been around far too long, to be star struck enough to believe on face value that Jimmy is going to deliver one note of new music in 2015. If it does happen, I will be thrilled, and will be happy to have been wrong.

Good read man,,Hope he will prove us all wrong. I still would like to know whats going on in that geniuses head of his,Musically wise.

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all please see my comments to this dark lord in his many postings with these very same words tisha

There is nothing more annoying than someone roaring in here with only 4 posts ,attacking longtime forum members ,and slamming Plant under the guise of defending Page.

Someone needs to start a Led Zeppelin "Troll" forum so all these jokers can go over there and post.

The one long run on sentence was amusing however.

Edited by 60blues
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He has not talked up a solo project to this degree in years. Yes, I know he has talked em up before... Not like this. I'm not holding my breath but, I am feeling confident he means it... Something is up. Jimmy Page, I think was half holding out waiting for something to happen with you know who.. He has finally accepted it's not going to happen. The re-re-masters are almost all out and then ... Solo album time.. Again, not holding my breath but, I hope it happens and it is Page at his most experimental.... I also agree with the "fool me once" rule. But, he's never really fooled me.

Edited by the chase
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He has not talked up a solo project to this degree in years. Yes, I know he has talked em up before... Not like this. I'm not holding my breath but, I am feeling confident he means it... Something is up. Jimmy Page, I think was half holding out waiting for something to happen with you know who.. He has finally accepted it's not going to happen. The re-re-masters are almost all out and then ... Solo album time.. Again, not holding my breath but, I hope it happens and it is Page at his most experimental.... I also agree with the "fool me once" rule but, he's never really fooled me.

Brother chase, I think you have it half right. I agree that something is up, and Jimmy has been talking up the solo angle more, but I will emphatically assert that he is doing this to get print space and priority for the remasters. These are already relatively old news, and he needs to sweeten the pot to get the hype machine into gear. Sorry for the cynicism, but there is more than good reason not to count one's chickens before they're hatched.

60blues and megaladon, thank-you. Yellowrose, keep 'em coming.

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