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Did Jason wear his fathers hat at Kennedy's?


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Was that exactly his father's hat, when they played Stairway at Kennedy center awards!? SteveAjones maybe you know?

Thanks for the answer!

I doubt it was owned by his father, but don't know for certain. Jason's never mentioned it was in his many interviews; seems to me that's the sort of thing he would mention if it had been.


"I wear the bowler hat for a couple of songs as a tongue-in-cheek reminder and a tip-of-the-hat to the master himself".

--Jason Bonham discussing JBLZE (May 2011)

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His new project is called Temna godba(Dark band/music) and it relates to the music of the times of the prohibiton and is actually talking about todays prohibiton of quality in music and life in general and that is also reflected in the video you posted!

This one is my favourite especially because of the fast guitar at the end, which Gal played, he plays almost all the instruments on all his records!

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