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Seattle Pop Festival 1967

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On May 30th the AVI Casino, Fort Mohave, Arizona is having a concert called the Jason Bonham's Led Zepplin Experience performing Led Zepplin I and II in their entirety. I am curious to know if any of the original Led Zepplin musicians are going to be present. I am asking as I would like to find out if John Paul Jones is going to be there. Under a strange circumstance back in 67, John Paul Jones and I met standing on the sidewalk in front of the musician's tent on Saturday of that awesome concert in a cow pasture. He advised me afterwards, if I ever get to England to come to his castle and remind him what we did and I was welcomed.

A good friend of mine, Gabriel, went back to England a couple of years ago for the Battle of the Bands with his group Fatality. I told him the story of me and John Paul he promised me he would remind him of what happened. He did and I am grateful as I might never make it to England.

So John Paul Jones if you happen to read this, I would like to know if you are going to be at the AVI on May 30, 2015? At least I may be able to say hello again after 48 years. And send you home with some of our homemade salsa and Habenero jelly.

It was a great hot day for those whose throats were dry and who like to drink Budweiser. :bubble:

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Sometimes I get dates mixed up like when I was mustered out of the service 1967 and the Seattle Pop Festival.

Shucks I was hoping that one of the original group would be present at this JBLZE event. I have never been to one.

Regardless, if you have an address for JPJ send it and I will mail him some salsa and jelly. We grow our own and make our own organic salsa and Jalapeno and Habenero jelly. We have been told by many out west, its the best.

Thanx for the date correction.

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In all of my extensive and exhaustive reading and researching of any thing Led Zeppelin over the past 30 years, I never knew that Mr. John Paul Jones ever lived in or owned a "castle" in and as far back as in 1969.

Any confirmation of John Paul's castle and location of said castle would be a new one to Me and much appreciated, especially from the person who started this topic.

Edited to add: Percy sang and wrote the lyrics to "What is and What Should Never Be" and that "it is a castle I should take you" but he did not mean that literally but lyrically and figuratively.

No British musician had a castle in the year of 1969.

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Hey Kingzoso. Good hearing from ya. I don't know if JPJ had a castle or not. That was 1969 we were young and full of fun. I had no reason to doubt what he said at the time nor did I think that I would not eventually make it to England to visit him. In those days travel here, there and everywhere was not a problem. Time has rolled on and I still have not made it to England and I don't think I would travel there now. I am to set in my own ways to be insulted and/or ridiculed by airport security in any form or fashion. And, I got to many other irons in the fire. I was fortunate to have a friend who did make it over there to talk to him and tell him the story we shared together. I was hoping that he or another original would be making it to the JBLZE event but that bubble got popped by SteveAJones. If it is supposed to be, then it will happen and maybe by then JPJ will have a castle. :bubble:

As I asked SteveAJones if you have an address where I can send him some salsa let me know.

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