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Zep I and HOTH 80s CDs sound better than others?

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I've read on here and other places, that Led Zeppelin I and HOTH, didn't have any real issues under the original 80s masters. Even my untrained ears always thought they sounded way better than the other 80s ones. why would that be? Interestingly, those are the only 2 my brother bought in 90s remaster. I guess he picked the wrong 2 to attempt to improve. Also, did Zep II sound muffled on vinyl too?

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After almost being run out of town about this i think it is up to the listener and what they are listening on. I am ready to give remasters a better listen(collective shock from the forum).....but personally cant afford system/turntable etc so have to base opinion on cd's...Just glad Page got to be involved. I had the Barry diament cd's and preferred the 94's but will admit all cd's since BD have some early fades here and there i know darn well ramble on used to be few seconds longer! and One great thing is the remasters are a physical format which i am clinging to out of the 2300 songs on my phone all were uploaded into itunes from cd's I am never selling. I just like holding the product in my hand even if it is a smaller one than vinyl.

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The only turntable I own is the little box ones that come with a disc and tape player along with a radio. It's reality just a novelty, and the volume for the phonograph isn't very loud. The last real system I owned with a turn table was in 1991 and hadn't played LPs a lot since around 1988. I had moved on to cassettes for a couple of years before joining the cd party sort of late round 92. Of course I've backed all my cds up via computer and external hard drive and have them on my iPod

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