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What do you use when you want to record, maybe just temporarily, one part of a tune so you can then play the other part on top of it? I'm not talking about a tape recorder or whatever the equivalent today is--I mean something that plugs into an amp--I've seen people use them for street performances but not sure exactly what they're using. A small-ish device. What is it called and how much do they cost?

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I think it might be too expensive to get something from a UK shop. I just found this on Sweetwater; it looks simple which is a must for me as I'm not technologically inclined:


any thoughts?

Just giving you an idea of what's out there.

Digitech stuff is generally pretty good for sound, quality and value. They all do pretty much the same thing, from the very basic (like this one) up to the sort of thing that juxtiphi showed above which is waaaaay more sophisticated than you'd need.

It's only got one knob so you can't really go too far wrong with it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The JamMan seems to work pretty well. I'm so technologically incompetent that I plugged it in incorrectly at first.

It is kind of humiliating to record yourself and play back your mistakes!

Loop pedals are tricky but give it time and dont give up...along with metronomes loop pedals are great practice tools for getting better

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