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Best album for opening and closing tracks combo

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I think HOTH probably has the best opening and closing songs, with TSRTS and The Ocean.

Zep IV is a close second with Black Dog and Levee.

As for just one of the two, as in best opener and best closer,

For just opener I prefer PG with Custard Pie

For just closer I still go with HOTH with The Ocean

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LZ 1 and In Through the Out Door.

I was going to suggest the same albums. The way GTBT hits you right in the face and HMMT leaves you reeling. The first bit of ITE is mysterious and intriguing it draws you right in while IGC leaves you with a definite feeling that it's over.

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It's interesting that none of the album close with a fade out.

On the other end, 6 of the 8 studio song openers end with fade outs. I don't count "We're Gonna Groove" since it's of course a live recording with overdubs.

Picking favorites is tough. How about II.

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It's interesting that none of the album close with a fade out.

On the other end, 6 of the 8 studio song openers end with fade outs. I don't count "We're Gonna Groove" since it's of course a live recording with overdubs.

Picking favorites is tough. How about II.

Coda is a decent choice though although I see your point. We're gonna groove and Wearing and Tearing are good opening and closing tracks. On HOTH The Ocean almost sounds like it's gonna fade out but doesn't quite.

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