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"I'm With Her" with John Paul Jones @ Union Chapel (London)


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Seeing Jonesy always leaves me wanting more! Thanks Sam.

FYI, think this song is actually called Long Hot Summer Day, from Sara's first solo album. In fact, it used to be on JPJ's website in multimedia, and it's not anymore: the video of them playing Long Hot Summer Day live on Jimmy Fallon's old show, prior to him hosting The Tonight Show, and JPJ played electric bass (Sara's brother played JPJ's acoustic role in the version I'm referring to). Tried finding it on You Tube too, but it's not there, otherwise I'd post. I'd guess this was 2008 or 2009. Jonesy's electric bass groove is incredible on that version they performed on Jimmy's show.

Do you have and are you able to post that version Sam?

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Ahhh, very nice. I was wondering when Jonesy would get around to popping up with Sara Watkins again. Having seen Jones play with the Watkins in the past, I always try to see Sara Watkins in whatever guise...Watkins Twins, Watkins Family Hour...whenever she plays locally, just on the off-chance Jones will pop in.

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