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Can't speak re the beer but I've been to Prague 3 times and enjoyed every visit - there is plenty to see if you look into it, but then I believe there is something to be enjoyed about everwhere in the world if you take an interest. :beer:

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Can't speak re the beer but I've been to Prague 3 times and enjoyed every visit - there is plenty to see if you look into it, but then I believe there is something to be enjoyed about everwhere in the world if you take an interest. :beer:

:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:

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Has Cadburys chocolate been mentioned on here yet? If not, it should be. One of my favorite things about England (besides the men) is the chocolate. I used to visit family in England once a year and loved all that stuff.

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Surprised to hear this as everyone I know who's been to Prague has absolutely raved about it.

Like I said....................compared to Bavaria where I had just been to before I didn't think either the beer or people in Prague were anything special. I was disappointed totally.

By the way, I'm talking about 'off beaten track' Bavaria such as Regensburg......which is more or less devoid of non German tourists and is an unspoiled gem that many people outside Germany haven't even heard of much less visited.

I'll take somewhere like Regensburg over Prague any day. Mind you, maybe it's just me and tourist traps. I don't care much for Munich (also in Bavaria) just as much as I don't care for Prague. My main memory of Prague? Not even having elbow room enough to get myself across Charles Bridge. :o

Maybe I was just there at the wrong time (a sunny long weekend in February when everybody and his dog seemed to come out)?

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Can't speak re the beer but I've been to Prague 3 times and enjoyed every visit - there is plenty to see if you look into it, but then I believe there is something to be enjoyed about everwhere in the world if you take an interest. :beer:

I did enjoy the view looking down over the city from the park up on the hill though. That was about the best part. It was a fantastic view and being out of the crowds helped. You can keep the beer though. LOL. :D

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Has Cadburys chocolate been mentioned on here yet? If not, it should be. One of my favorite things about England (besides the men) is the chocolate. I used to visit family in England once a year and loved all that stuff.

Ooh! I love Cadbury's! I'm a complete Cadbury whore. I remember going to the Cadbury factory in Birmingham years ago, and they just unloaded tons of chocolate on you. You'd be going around watching all these factory lines making chocolate and these people would just hand out Crunchies and Flakes. I think I was stocked up for several weeks :D

I don't like Hershey's. It's a little too bitter, I think, for me.

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Can't speak re the beer but I've been to Prague 3 times and enjoyed every visit - there is plenty to see if you look into it, but then I believe there is something to be enjoyed about everwhere in the world if you take an interest. :beer:

Agreed - I've been to Prague and loved it. We stayed in a gorgeous apartment just a couple of minutes from the centre. I thought that Wenceslas Square was a bit touristy, so tended to avoid it, but I absolutely loved the Old Town. Oh, and the food was amazing, and incredibly cheap! I quite liked the beer too - not that I drink much of it!

I'm trying to work my way around as many East European cities as possible - went to Krakow in January and am soon off to Budapest! :D

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Ooh! I love Cadbury's! I'm a complete Cadbury whore. I remember going to the Cadbury factory in Birmingham years ago, and they just unloaded tons of chocolate on you. You'd be going around watching all these factory lines making chocolate and these people would just hand out Crunchies and Flakes. I think I was stocked up for several weeks :D

I don't like Hershey's. It's a little too bitter, I think, for me.

I like Cadburys, too, but this is my absolute favourite:


Then again, sometimes I prefer this one:


Ohhhh .... heaven! :wub:

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I like Cadburys, too, but this is my absolute favourite:


Then again, sometimes I prefer this one:


Ohhhh .... heaven! :wub:

I tried so hard to like Green and Blacks, but I find it a bit too bitter. I really thought I'd like the Cherry one, but, nope :( I love Lindt, though. The extra creamy one is yummy.

How was Krakow? I always wanted to go to Warsaw, but I was told it wasn't like it used to be, and was a 'bit of a dump'. I've heard good things about Krakow and am considering going there instead.

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Chatsworth has featured on many TV shows, so it's likely that it appeared on the BBC version. I know it's in the film version.

If you hired a car out you could drive to Wales. Same with the places that are a little out of reach. You could probably stay a night or two in a local B&B - they're everywhere. If you're going with a tour, you may have have a little more trouble. I've never been with a tour before, so I can't give you much advice there. I'm sorry.

I'm assuming you've visited London. If so, I'd recommend that you prioritize where you'd like to go, and for how long. I'd recommend that London be somewhere you end with. It can take the best part of a day travelling from one end of the country to the next, so you may have to be careful that you may not have as much time to do it all.

I hope you have a nice trip. Sounds lovely. Do your boys like England, then? How is your son finding uni in London? I hope we've made him feel welcome to our country.

I have never been to London and am looking forward to visiting.

The boys were treated well while in England.

The stint at Greenwich University doesn't start until July. They don't finish the quarter at Ohio State until the second week of June. Summer term at Greenwich doesn't start until July 6th for the Ohio State students.

Thanks for the info.

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Ooh! I love Cadbury's! I'm a complete Cadbury whore. I remember going to the Cadbury factory in Birmingham years ago, and they just unloaded tons of chocolate on you. You'd be going around watching all these factory lines making chocolate and these people would just hand out Crunchies and Flakes. I think I was stocked up for several weeks :D

I don't like Hershey's. It's a little too bitter, I think, for me.

Me too and the Cadbury's made in the states isn't nearly as good as what you have in the UK! I don't like Hershey's either. I don't find it bitter but blah.

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Shock horror. The Brits drink a lot and often get drunk. Talk about 'news' that is a thousand years old LOL.


Mind you, we are still behind the Germans, Australians and Irish in terms of alcohol consumed per capita.

Interesting, I never knew you'd get that show in America. I like that show too.

Oh yeah, it's on public tv. I'm checking out an episode today from my library.

I usually don't like mysteries but Foyle is too cool. :)

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Whilst I would more than love to have them fight amongst themselves, the thing is, they don't. They target the public. A 20 year girl was kicked to death for being a 'goth'. Her boyfriend barely managed to survive. We hear of people all the time getting beaten up simple because they look 'emo'. And, if you try and stand up to these kids - because that's what they still are - you better be prepared for them to set upon you.

Sophie Lancaster

I don't know about you, but I'd rather walk through a park at night with goths, than with chavs.

Did they catch the bastards that killed the girl? :angry: (I saw where they convicted the pricks) Pretty mild sentences if you ask me. <_<

I took a photography class with a couple of Goth girls and they seemed ok to me, except the teacher had a bug up his ass for them. <_<

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But they did have a confrontation with one on a bus. The punk was mouthing off about Americans drinking coffee, of all things. But since there were 5 Ohio State guys vs. the one Adidas clad punk, they told him to shut up and he backed off and shut up.

Sounds like the big mouth had something against Folgers, like Charles Manson. <_<

As for the 'Adidas' thing, are these guys so stupid they can't think up any type of gang patch? :lol:

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Yes, I remember the Margate incident as I lived near there. As the article points out--two people with knife wounds. Plus a lot of obscenities and setting deck-chairs on fire. Not quite the same scale as today. :D

I have a book called 'Bikers' and there's a pic of them all fighting on the beach there in England.

I have no idea why that pic is in a book on bikers?? :blink:

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I have a book called 'Bikers' and there's a pic of them all fighting on the beach there in England.

I have no idea why that pic is in a book on bikers?? :blink:

Well, I don't have the book, but . .

Rockers were into motorbikes, leatherjackets, the James Dean/Marlon Brando look. Mods rode scooters and wore large anoraks (can't remember the specific term for them now). Rockers had long hair (for the time) and beards or the slicked-back Brando look, mods had short hair, often teased at the crown. Stones fans were rockers, Who fans were mods. Etc.

They hated each other, and that holiday weekend the two groups collided in Margate.

I was a rocker. B) Minus the beard.

Then I was a hippie.

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Well, I don't have the book, but . .

Rockers were into motorbikes, leatherjackets, the James Dean/Marlon Brando look. Mods rode scooters and wore large anoraks (can't remember the specific term for them now). Rockers had long hair (for the time) and beards or the slicked-back Brando look, mods had short hair, often teased at the crown. Stones fans were rockers, Who fans were mods. Etc.

They hated each other, and that holiday weekend the two groups collided in Margate.

I was a rocker. B) Minus the beard.

Then I was a hippie.

Hi Aqua,

My recolection of the coats worn are, Parkers or Parkas. Some with RAF Roundels on them, as in the film "Quadrophenia". Some also wore "Crombies" a long overcoat.


Regards, Danny

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Me too and the Cadbury's made in the states isn't nearly as good as what you have in the UK! I don't like Hershey's either. I don't find it bitter but blah.

Hershey has a very strange taste to it, I find. I can't remember the taste of U.S Cadbury's, though I do recollect that it didn't taste the same. My favourite Cadbury bar right now is Cranberry and Granola. It's so yummy.

Did they catch the bastards that killed the girl? :angry: (I saw where they convicted the pricks) Pretty mild sentences if you ask me. <_<

I took a photography class with a couple of Goth girls and they seemed ok to me, except the teacher had a bug up his ass for them. <_<

Yeah, I think they went down for it. However long it is, it'll never be long enough. It's completely disgusting how these people treat others. I only read in the paper today that a guy was killed when he asked some morons to be quiet outside his house because they'd wake his children up. They threw a brick at his head and he died in the street in front of his family. It's an all too common occurence now.

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Hershey has a very strange taste to it, I find. I can't remember the taste of U.S Cadbury's, though I do recollect that it didn't taste the same. My favourite Cadbury bar right now is Cranberry and Granola. It's so yummy.

I've not seen the cranberry and granola :o I am sure I would like it though :D

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Like I said....................compared to Bavaria where I had just been to before I didn't think either the beer or people in Prague were anything special. I was disappointed totally.

I lived in Bavaria for three years, I go often to Germany and I LOVED Prague. And I know lots of Germans, from Bavaria too, who agree with me.

I don't see why you should compare Bavaria, or anywhere else to Prague, or to any other place. There's always something new, different and enjoyable everywhere you travel to, no matter where. At least for me. I believe every place has a charm of its own. The best way to travel is to open your eyes to the differences. Actually the differences make the difference. ;)

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I lived in Bavaria for three years, I go often to Germany and I LOVED Prague. And I know lots of Germans, from Bavaria too, who agree with me.

I don't see why you should compare Bavaria, or anywhere else to Prague, or to any other place. There's always something new, different and enjoyable everywhere you travel to, no matter where. At least for me. I believe every place has a charm of its own. The best way to travel is to open your eyes to the differences. Actually the differences make the difference. ;)

:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:


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I've not seen the cranberry and granola :o I am sure I would like it though :D

There's an apricot and oat one, too. They're just like the regular bars of dairy milk with a bit of fruit and crunch to it. They've just brought out raisins covered in Cadbury's, of which I'm scoffing away like a pig right now. When it comes to Cadbury, I have no shame :D

And, brspled :thumbsup:

There's something for everyone, everywhere - you just have to be open to it.

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