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Rank the Zeppelin albums - favorite to least favorite.


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Thought it would interesting to see how popular the studio albums are based on individual preference. My rankings are:
1) Physical Graffiti,

2) Led Zeppelin I 

3) Led Zeppelin II

4) ZoSo

5) Presence

6) Houses Of The Holy

7) Led Zeppelin III

8) Coda

9) In through Thew Out Door


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1. Physical Graffiti
2. Houses of the Holy
3. Led Zeppelin IV 
4. Led Zeppelin II
5. Led Zeppelin III
6. Presence 
7. Led Zeppelin 
8. In Through the Out Door
9. Coda 


The toughest part of making this list was ordering numbers 4-7. I like all those albums a lot. Having the debut title be #7 looks odd, but it's a testament to just how much better they'd get, in my opinion. This is not an easy thing for me to do outside of #1....and possibly #2. After that, it was almost painful for me. LOL!

It's also kind of cool and Interesting to see all the above posts that have PG as their favorite as well. 

Edited by BlackDog71
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1. Houses of the Holy

2. Led Zeppelin II

3. Led Zeppelin IV

4. Physical Graffiti

5. Led Zeppelin I

6. Led Zeppelin III

7. Presence

8. In Through the Out Door

I don't include Coda as it's not a "real" album. As far as those non-album releases go:

1. How The West Was Won

2. BBC Sessions

3. The Song Remains The Same

4. Coda

5. Celebration Day

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick tentative ranking list.  I'm probably going edit this list.  The top 5 are all amazing albums.  Are essentially tied.  The band's last 3 albums were inconsistent in quality.

  1. Led Zeppelin III
  2. Led Zeppelin IV
  3. Led Zeppelin I
  4. Led Zeppelin II
  5. Physical Graffiti
  6. Houses of the Holy
  7. Presence
  8. In Through the Out Door
  9. Coda
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  • 3 months later...

My list is kinda weird but here it is

1. PG

2. Led Zeppelin I

3. Houses of the Holy

4. Led Zeppelin II

5. Presence 

6.  Led Zeppelin IV ( because im sick of listing to it on the radio)

7. Led Zeppelin III

8. In Through the Out Door

9. Coda

Edited by Jankerson
Weird formating
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

1. Physical Graffiti - best album of all time! Electric Ladyland is a close 2nd.

2. Houses Of The Holy

3. The Fourth Album

4. Led Zeppelin III

5. Led Zeppelin II

6. Presence

7. Led Zeppelin

8. In Through The Outdoor

9. Coda

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