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Things You've Heard From The Audience?


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I don't remember anything special from any bootleg I listen to apart of an idiot saying "ok ok what's next" and whistling multiple times during the wonderful grand piano section of No quarter on "Listen to this Eddie"

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Who could possibly forget "HEARTBREAKER!!!!!!!" repeated ad nauseum (June 21 '77, L.A.)

My personal favourite...from April 28 '77 in Cleveland, before "Trampled Under Foot":

Audience member/taper#1: "Hey Jimmy! We love you Jimmy!"

Audience member/taper#2: "Hey Jimmy! Learn how to play guitar!" :lol::lol: 


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I don' t remember which concert it was, but I recall hearing a few times some guy carrying on about his jacket, asking people to hold his jacket, then finally saying "I should not have brought this jacket."

Maybe the same show, maybe even the same guy, but I remember someone saying something like "I'm going to go get sodas, anybody want a soda" and someone else says "screw the sodas, where's the joint?"

By the way, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'd love to know which show or shows it was. It's been a while and I can't remember.

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1. September 19, 1970 Evening show at MSG, NYC: After "Whole Lotta Love" as the crowd is screaming for the encore, you hear someone remark about the frenzied crowd, "They're ready to tear this place apart!"

2. February 19, 1972 Adelaide, Australia: "Ooooh! My ears man!"

3. June 21, 1977 LA Forum: Too many to count...the "Heartbreaker!" guy of course. The dickhead who yells "We've had the guitar lesson" during the guitar solo...he's the same asshole yelling for "rock and roll" throughout the acoustic set. But there are two that I giggle at...one is the guy who nonchalantly yells "Hi Plant!" between songs early in the set, as if he was just greeting him on the sidewalk. The other is the guy who shouts "Bring on Neil!" after Plant references Neil Young by singing a bit of "Old Man" in the acoustic set and cracking a joke about "Rhinestone Cowgirl in the Sand" at Bonzo's expense.

4. June 23, 1977 LA Forum: The bizarre conspiracy ramblings of the girl throughout the show.


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The first thing that came to my mind was not a bootleg, it was the original vinyl soundtrack for The Song Remains the Same during Dazed and Confused, at 20 :27 s in link , you hear some guy yell "Trip Out"!


The second one that came to mind was the Silver Rarities version of Seattle Kingdome 1977 somewhere in the middle of No Quarter, you hear a girl and a guy come close the the recorder and go "Wow" because they realize a recording is being done.

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12 hours ago, Balthazor said:

I don' t remember which concert it was, but I recall hearing a few times some guy carrying on about his jacket, asking people to hold his jacket, then finally saying "I should not have brought this jacket."

Maybe the same show, maybe even the same guy, but I remember someone saying something like "I'm going to go get sodas, anybody want a soda" and someone else says "screw the sodas, where's the joint?"

By the way, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'd love to know which show or shows it was. It's been a while and I can't remember.

Sounds like the February 3 '75 Madison Square Garden show...Artie and his band of idiots manning the recorder.

10 hours ago, Strider said:

4. June 23, 1977 LA Forum: The bizarre conspiracy ramblings of the girl throughout the show.


Say what?! :lol: 

6 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

The second one that came to mind was the Silver Rarities version of Seattle Kingdome 1977 somewhere in the middle of No Quarter, you hear a girl and a guy come close the the recorder and go "Wow" because they realize a recording is being done.

On the Seattle audience tape I have after they finish the Boogie Section in "No Quarter" one of the tapers says something like "That was the best part so far," and the other taper chuckles and says "Good thing for us we have it on tape!"

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7/21/69 Central Park.  During the HMMT medley plant is getting into the Lemon Song and a guy shouts out "You squeeze too hard..." Both Plant and the audience cracks up.   To which Plant responds, "...if you squeeze as hard as that, there ain't gonna be nothing left for tomorrow..."    


9/16/70-Boston.   During the Let That Boy boogie segment, some guy yells out, "...come on do it, do it..." to which Plant responds "....I do it every night..." and they launch into the song and tear the place apart.  


8/15/70 Yale Bowl.  Too many funny comments to recount here.   During the Dazed bow segment a friend of the taper says "...it sounds like the Twilight Zone..."

Montreal 1975 has a ton of funny comments too.  


The most annoying thing has to be Detroit "73 where the guy sings right into the mic during The Ocean.   And Cleveland '77 I think the guy says "Boring" during the middle of Mobt Dick.  

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royal albert hall 1970 - whole lotta love, when someone in the audience yells "woman!" and robert plant points and goes "ahh"  :P

blueberry hill - when robert says they are going to play sibly  someone says "oh my god" and someone else says "beautiful". beautiful it was.

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"Your number one fan"...

...and the same dude yelling some weird shit before the beginning of Black Dog. 

Actually this guy says a lot of funny and weird shit throughout the entire concert in Dublin.  So much so that that someone next or nearby to him laughs at some of the things this guy says (or screams):


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Another thing I remember is in some of the '69 shows when they play Killing Floor/Lemon Song, you can almost hear an audible gasp followed by giggles from the audience when Plant launches into the now-famous lemon-squeezing lines. I suppose that was pretty risque stuff for that era.

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7 hours ago, juxtiphi said:

"ice cream! ice cream!"

June 10 '77 in New York right before "No Quarter", right? And then you hear the one girl -the one who sounds like she's been yelling out "Robert Plant!!!!" every thirty seconds up to that point- yell at the vendor, "No! Go away!" :lol: 

Of course, there's also the exchange between the taper and another member of the audience during "Sick Again":

"What, is that a microphone?"

"Yeah, take it easy, or else I'll pick you up all night long! Alright? Thanks a lot!"

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