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Cell Phone Etiquette


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What I don't get is when I meet a cop & he's driving & talking on his cell phone. Yet we can get fined for doing the same thing. I really don't think this is new news to anyone.

It's not but that doesn't make it any less frustrating, like when you get passed by a police car who's clearly speeding and they don't have their blue light on. And, as I imagine I probably posted earlier in this thread, I was once stopped at a stoplight and when I peered over, the cop sitting next to me was on Facebook on his laptop. Guess he just had to do that status update.

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It's not but that doesn't make it any less frustrating, like when you get passed by a police car who's clearly speeding and they don't have their blue light on. And, as I imagine I probably posted earlier in this thread, I was once stopped at a stoplight and when I peered over, the cop sitting next to me was on Facebook on his laptop. Guess he just had to do that status update.

First of all,

Wow, never thought in a million years that you would ever 'quote' anything I said. But thanks for doing so.


I am glad what I posted made sense to you. That's just plain stupidity what that cop did. Being on your laptop or your phone isn't worth dying over.

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My etiquette involves setting my phone to vibrate when I go to concerts, the theatre, weddings, funerals or any place my phone ringing could prove to be disruptive. The same thing goes for appropriate times to answer my phone or texting (the latter of which I rarely do anyway). Most people no longer have landlines and I'm no exception. I also don't use it to connect to the internet, nor do I use it as a camera or to play games but I realize that puts me in the minority. Most people I know can't seem to be able to go for five minutes without looking at their phones even if that means doing so during the middle of a conversation. I'm guessing they must not realize just how rude that is and just how fucking stupid they look walking around like mind numbed zombies constantly looking at their phones or else they wouldn't be openly engaging in such idiotic behavior.

that's me to a "T" :)

i work in retail, and i HATE it when you get to the person next in line and you say " can i help you?" and they just keep right on talking. grr. i move on to the next person, and guess what? i usually get abused for ignoring them! ( not all the time ).

another related peeve to do with etiquette, is when people are eating when they come to my counter, and talk with their mouth full. YUCK! i mean, could you not wait one minute to take that bite???

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that's me to a "T" :)

i work in retail, and i HATE it when you get to the person next in line and you say " can i help you?" and they just keep right on talking. grr. i move on to the next person, and guess what? i usually get abused for ignoring them! ( not all the time ).

another related peeve to do with etiquette, is when people are eating when they come to my counter, and talk with their mouth full. YUCK! i mean, could you not wait one minute to take that bite???

I work in retail also. And I know exactly what you are talking about. It's absolute nonsense. Nobody has respect anymore.

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I work in retail also. And I know exactly what you are talking about. It's absolute nonsense. Nobody has respect anymore.


we are looked down upon by some people, as in "they couldn't get a better job ".

not everyone is blessed with high IQ, and let's face it, we need people in shops, cleaners, bus drivers etc etc

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I don't own a cell phone, and I'm the only one my age that I know of who can say that.

I own one out of necessity, not out of convenience. The last time I had a landline was in 2005 before my home was hit by Hurricane Ophelia.

Wow, never thought in a million years that you would ever 'quote' anything I said. But thanks for doing so.

I'm not sure why you would say that but if you think I have something against you, I don't.

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I own one out of necessity, not out of convenience. The last time I had a landline was in 2005 before my home was hit by Hurricane Ophelia.

I'm not sure why you would say that but if you think I have something against you, I don't.

I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it like that. I need to PM you if you don't mind.

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On the retail front, I've seen some businesses with huge signs politely requesting that folks put away their cellphones once they reach the front of the line. Otherwise they will refuse service. It seems like that sort of thing would be common sense but it's not. It also doesn't stop people from doing it anyway. The big peeve for grocery stores used to be folks that would wait until the last minute to fill out their checks or pull out a handful of pennies and starting counting them. Now those poor cashiers not only have to deal with that but with people that are yapping on their cellphones at the same time. Inevitably those are the lines I usually end up standing in.

Edited by Jahfin
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we are looked down upon by some people, as in "they couldn't get a better job ".

not everyone is blessed with high IQ, and let's face it, we need people in shops, cleaners, bus drivers etc etc

Yes we do need those types of people to do those jobs. Those people work hard & get over looked & mistreated. It's not fair! I personally think working in retail makes you a somewhat of a strong person. It takes a certain person to smile everyday. Sometimes it's easier said than done.

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Yes we do need those types of people to do those jobs. Those people work hard & get over looked & mistreated. It's not fair! I personally think working in retail makes you a somewhat of a strong person. It takes a certain person to smile everyday. Sometimes it's easier said than done.

oh yes!

and don't forget the fact we are on our feet all day and get crap pay...

gee i love my job ..... not. :(

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oh yes!

and don't forget the fact we are on our feet all day and get crap pay...

gee i love my job ..... not. :(

I feel like that at times too. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Sometimes, I am good then other times I am not so good. To be honest, it does more harm to me because I don't get mad. I keep it all bottled up inside. That can't be good!

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I feel like that at times too. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Sometimes, I am good then other times I am not so good. To be honest, it does more harm to me because I don't get mad. I keep it all bottled up inside. That can't be good!

oh dear, that's not good!my poor hubby listens to all my whining, lol. isn't there someone who will listen to your rants?

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oh dear, that's not good!my poor hubby listens to all my whining, lol. isn't there someone who will listen to your rants?

I'm sure there is but I don't want to involve others when they have nothing to do with it. This might seem kid-ish but I write it down in a journal. Seems to help.

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Led Zep Girl,

Nothing "kiddish" about it - it's a smart thing to do. Many seminars suggest when you are angry or frustrated - WRITE OUT YOUR FEELINGS. It's a way to release. Then go away for a while and come back and read it again and then tear it up. Whatever you do, don't write a letter while angry - and then mail it! Get the emotions out, wait a while, and then when you are composed, address the issue.

So you are doing the (right) write thing! :hurrah:

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Led Zep Girl,

Nothing "kiddish" about it - it's a smart thing to do. Many seminars suggest when you are angry or frustrated - WRITE OUT YOUR FEELINGS. It's a way to release. Then go away for a while and come back and read it again and then tear it up. Whatever you do, don't write a letter while angry - and then mail it! Get the emotions out, wait a while, and then when you are composed, address the issue.

So you are doing the (right) write thing! :hurrah:

Trust me, I would never write a letter while angry & then mail it. That's just stupid. Plus it's a good way to waste a stamp.

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