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Into to Cannabis


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Okay, pot. A major part (in fact the daily goal we ditched school to score) of my youth. Oh the days of watching Cheech and Chong on Kevin's dad's tv. The labelling of the joints for which song they were to be sparked to while watching TSRTS at the midnight movies. Dazed and Confused always got the bomber, but we always saved one for Stairway. That was how it was back in the day. Now "back in the day" has become a catchphrase! It's different now, and I no longer smoke, but yeah, I was a bonghead. I admit it. Now I'm just a drunk cause coke, acid, shrooms and speed took me to places I didn't want to live in. Kids, see what happens? I'm living proof. It's not about pot. It's about the people you hang out with. Guess I'm on a soapbox here. Got no problem with pot at all. By itself. It's just what the smokers pushed my young mind to advance to. Be careful who you smoke with. What's cool in your group can kill you if you think the idiots are the cool ones. Trust me. I followed the fools for far too many years.

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I first smoke pot about 1971 in a brass water pipe filled with Ripple wine. My first music experience high was The Stones. I heard parts of Under My Thumb I never heard before even through the 8-tack tape deck in my `64 Dodge.

I quit the reefer habit years ago when the FAA and the DOT made me give a urine sample to work in aviation. I am an alcoholic now...just kidding.

You should feel safer when you fly that Urine Analysis has "weeded-out" the stoners.

Man, you hit the nail on the head!!! I heard parts of When the Levee Breaks and Kashmir I had never heard before when I first started getting high in high school. I still hear this little part jonesy does at the end of Kashmir that I picked up when I was high as a kid and smile!

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LOL we were watching TSRTS and i was with a guy who wasnt into Zeppelin or any classic rock and during Dazed and Confused while Jimmy was climbing the mountain my friend started blowing chunks out of the window. I started laughing so hard saying he couldn't handle the power of Led Zeppelin. (NOTE: They guy is a Zeppelin fan now :D )

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I'm actually surprised there haven't been more threads on this topic. Where I grew up, in the armpit of America, is was a given that whoever dug Zeppelin was a user. My friends knew when they saw me enter the party that they would be hearing Communication Breakdown at least 5 times LOL.

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I'm actually surprised there haven't been more threads on this topic. Where I grew up, in the armpit of America, is was a given that whoever dug Zeppelin was a user. My friends knew when they saw me enter the party that they would be hearing Communication Breakdown at least 5 times LOL.

I was known as the Zep Head which was cool in high school. I used to bust out WTLB at parties and they knew it was me. I did play baseball and golf in high schooll as well, so all of the football dip shits liked me cause I use to smoke them up with some cannabis sativa!

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I was known as the Zep Head which was cool in high school. I used to bust out WTLB at parties and they knew it was me. I did play baseball and golf in high schooll as well, so all of the football dip shits liked me cause I use to smoke them up with some cannabis sativa!

That's very interesting you mention that charlton, about you playing sports in HS and sharing stuff with the football jocks. It's something I've wondered about for a long time; since I didn't hang out with the "popular" kids, the cheerleaders, jocks, etc, I just assumed that they didn't smoke pot or take drugs. I may need to re-evaluate my classmates. At least it gives me something to talk to them about at the next class reunion I attend, eh? :D

I may start a new thread or poll on this topic, I'm curious to see if the lines of HS cliques are more blurred than I have assumed them to be.

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Actually, some of my high school's (american) football friends turned out all right. When I went away to college though, I was busy hanging out with people from around the world getting high, going to class, bird dogging females, and jamming to anything from Johnny Cash to of course Zeppelin. I remember bringing in a stereo to play Kashmir to my Arabic professor from Iraq. He said "Bismallah, I hear arabie in this song". Yeah, I haven't talked to any of the football guys, since my 10 year high school reunion comes up this year 2008!!!

Our golf team jammed to Zep on the way to golf matches stoned as shit. I mean hitting a golf ball doesn't bash you in like a fastball to the nuts or a tackle on a punt.

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That's very interesting you mention that charlton, about you playing sports in HS and sharing stuff with the football jocks. It's something I've wondered about for a long time; since I didn't hang out with the "popular" kids, the cheerleaders, jocks, etc, I just assumed that they didn't smoke pot or take drugs. I may need to re-evaluate my classmates. At least it gives me something to talk to them about at the next class reunion I attend, eh? :D

I may start a new thread or poll on this topic, I'm curious to see if the lines of HS cliques are more blurred than I have assumed them to be.

If you do start a thread or a poll, I would be interested in reading the responses. In addition to differences between the different decades, I wonder if there also might be differences in geographic locations too. Where and when I was in school, there were few kids who did not smoke pot but the amount and frequency of use varied according to clique. My best friends in jr high/hs were the stoner kids and, in what would surprise many of the teachers and "smart" kids, several of them were quite intelligent and well-read. Seriously. The lines between the cliques may be more blurred now than they were back then, when we were in school.

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I had my little group of close friends in high school, but I was also involved in so many activities in school that I go to know a lot of the people I went to school with that I wouldn't have normally.

I had friends in all of the "cliques--" the nerds, the loadies, the preppies, the jocks, the "popular" kids, the "regular kids," etc. I learned that there were the kids that were presumed to be loadies that weren't, and ones that were assumed to be innocent that were really not--

I think I was kind of one of the kids that were assumed to be innocent--I was involved in a lot of activities, and I got good grades and took AP and accelerated classes, and my best female friends were mainly really good Mormon girls. But I wasn't innocent. :lol:

Edited by manderlyh
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Me and my friends in H.S. I guess were in the "nerds" camp, but I guess that's where all kids who give a shit about their grades go. We were all in the NHS and that took up a lot of our time. Between open houses, bake sales, school fundraisers and projects, when my homework was finished, I barely had time to sleep and catch a meal. But graduating in the top 10% of my class was a great payoff.

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I was 13 years old in 8th grade my first time I smoked. I hung out with older kids who smoked all the time and would listen to them talk about smoking a dime bag in one sitting. ( a dime bag back then was big, you got about 15 joints from it.) So a friend of mine and me buy a dime and the next day before school we put the whole thing in this pipe and smoked it on our way. Well being our first time we were wasted. When we arrived at school we both were so paraniod being that high. Made through school and told our friends about it and they laughed then said that was way to much weed for your first time. I know that now.

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