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Benazir Bhutto is dead.


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minelle, Rabia, and anyone else who lives in areas that are greatly affected by this, please stay safe. My condolences, prayers, and hopes to you all, and all the people of Pakistan.

I'll echo the sentiment. Please... take care.

I do think I'll skip commenting on the references to grass, God not caring, rock concerts, and sweet rolls ('cept this sentence, of course...).

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Thankyou for your condolences, everyone.We w'ont leave the house for some time now.

Nawaz Sharif has said that nobody is safe in this country at the moment and he is right.There's rioting in most parts of my city, where they're setting houses and cars on fire.I think it w'ont be long until they reach my area.I'm really scared about what could happen.

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Thankyou for your condolences, everyone.We w'ont leave the house for some time now.

Nawaz Sharif has said that nobody is safe in this country at the moment and he is right.There's rioting in most parts of my city, where they're setting houses and cars on fire.I think it w'ont be long until they reach my area.I'm really scared about what could happen.

My goodness Minelle! If it's any comfort, I was in the wrong part of tLos Angeles during the Rodney King riots. I could see the fires from my window, people were running down our street, and we dare not leave the house. I'm still here sweetheart, and you will be too. Our thoughts are with you. Don't be afraid. :console:

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I like your style, SAJ.


Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!

I really enjoy many of your posts too.

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Thankyou for your condolences, everyone.We w'ont leave the house for some time now.

Nawaz Sharif has said that nobody is safe in this country at the moment and he is right.There's rioting in most parts of my city, where they're setting houses and cars on fire.I think it w'ont be long until they reach my area.I'm really scared about what could happen.

Please take care in this worrying time of chaos and instability.

I'm not sure what the best way forward for Pakistan is right now.

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Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!

I really enjoy many of your posts too.

That poor woman.I watch CNN all day.

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Now it's being reported she died from slamming her head on the leaver of the sunroof trying to avoid being shot.

She seemed like a vey nice woman she knew what she was doing.

Are you quote impaired ? So often your posts have NOTHING to do with what you quote....

Very odd.....and I see humor in all things.

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Local Pakistanis fear for their families overseas

12/28/2007 5:29 PM

By: Heidi Zhou

"Are you guys still inside? You can't even go outside the grocery store or something?" Azeem Haider said to his sister in Pakistan over the phone.

Haider's family is confined to their house because they fear the riots consuming the city of Karachi, where they live. The impact of Benazir Bhutto's assassination goes well beyond the borders of Pakistan.

"I am worried," Haider said. "What if they go out and there is violence on the road?"

Similar worries are on the minds of the 5,000 first-generation Pakistanis who live in Austin.

"My family, my brothers and everybody are in Pakistan. I look at the TV and it is too much. Everything is burning," Abdul Razzak, the owner of Madina Market grocery store said.

Razzak's TV has been tuned non-stop to the Pakistani news channel since word broke of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto's assassination.

The reaction from Razzack's Pakistani customers has gone from shock to disillusionment.

"I am sad at the reaction. People shouldn't have turned to brothers' shops and burned them down because they didn't kill Bhutto. They're not the terrorists," Saleem Jehangir said.

But there's nothing to be done from halfway around the globe. The only condolence is hearing familiar voices on the phone, but even that's getting hard. With so many people trying to call, some lines are completely jammed.

"I've been calling since yesterday and the telephone system doesn't go through," Jehangir said.

Bhutto had a big following, local Pakistanis said. But her political party was also known to be the most violent in the nation's history, they said.


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Which only shows you haven't had an internet connection for very long.

What are you nine? IT'S A DEATH THREAD! move along boy.

I would like to apologize to the members of the board, that are most deeply affected by this tradgedy.

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Which only shows you haven't had an internet connection for very long.

Dude, seriously, shut up. Levee's been here a lot longer than you have, and he is easily one of the most respected members here. Don't speak when you know nothing about what you're talking about.

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