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Your thoughts on autonomous vehicles?


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Do you think they'll ever be fully implemented in society or just on a small scale? Is it something you'd be glad about or would you be against any changes for driving? 

I think the whole liability issue will prevent them from being fully implemented. You're not going to be able to sleep or read a book while the car drives you like a lot of people think. You'll still need to be prepared to take over manually in case something goes wrong.  That's gonna create a giant gray area for whose ultimately responsible for the vehicle. The driver or computer?

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I have hated cars and the idea of personal transportation within large, metropolitan areas for over 20 years as I believe it is a massive waste of resources and results in thousands of needless deaths each year. That being said, I do not believe automated cars are the answer as they bring with them a host of new problems.

We desperately (in the US that is) need efficient mass transit systems in our large urban areas at the very least akin to most European cities. We had these systems until the 1950's when they were all bought up and destroyed by the confederation of GM / Ford / Chrysler in an effort to monopolize the market.

I do not have an issue with people owning cars for long-distance transportation or if they live in a rural area, however they do nothing but create problem after problem in large cities.

Another issue is that again, in the US, driving has become almost a right when it should not be. People texting and driving and other distractions. People allowed to drive who are incapable of driving safely. It is really insane. This country needs to institute similar measures as other countries have done to address these problems. Everyone should have to undergo a full, comprehensive drivers exam (written & practical) every five years. Ever person over 65 should have to do this every year. Those who fail or do not show up would have their privilege suspended.

The very idea that the state allows just about any dope to hurl through space inside 2 tons of steel with little oversight is quite insane.

A good example of this is, well, me. I am 49 years old and the last time I took either the written or practical driving test (or hearing and vision) was in 1984 when I turned 16 and went to get my license. That is pure madness.

So no, no to driverless cars and instead develop mass transit which is efficient, safe, and attractive.

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8 minutes ago, IpMan said:

I have hated cars and the idea of personal transportation within large, metropolitan areas for over 20 years as I believe it is a massive waste of resources and results in thousands of needless deaths each year. That being said, I do not believe automated cars are the answer as they bring with them a host of new problems.

We desperately (in the US that is) need efficient mass transit systems in our large urban areas at the very least akin to most European cities. We had these systems until the 1950's when they were all bought up and destroyed by the confederation of GM / Ford / Chrysler in an effort to monopolize the market.

I do not have an issue with people owning cars for long-distance transportation or if they live in a rural area, however they do nothing but create problem after problem in large cities.

Another issue is that again, in the US, driving has become almost a right when it should not be. People texting and driving and other distractions. People allowed to drive who are incapable of driving safely. It is really insane. This country needs to institute similar measures as other countries have done to address these problems. Everyone should have to undergo a full, comprehensive drivers exam (written & practical) every five years. Ever person over 65 should have to do this every year. Those who fail or do not show up would have their privilege suspended.

The very idea that the state allows just about any dope to hurl through space inside 2 tons of steel with little oversight is quite insane.

A good example of this is, well, me. I am 49 years old and the last time I took either the written or practical driving test (or hearing and vision) was in 1984 when I turned 16 and went to get my license. That is pure madness.

So no, no to driverless cars and instead develop mass transit which is efficient, safe, and attractive.

Oh FFS, there you go again with "we NEED mass transit systems in the US" and so on. You do know they aren't self-sustaining right? By that I mean they don't turn a profit. So what you're actually proposing is a Big Government Mass Transportation scheme that will levy even more taxes on the middle class to subsidize train rides for winos. If you disbelieve me look no further than the New York Subway system and Amtrak.Thanks but no thanks, I'll drive!   

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1 minute ago, SteveAJones said:

Oh FFS, there you go again with "we NEED mass transit systems in the US" and so on. You do know they aren't self-sustaining right? By that I mean they don't turn a profit. So what you're actually proposing is a Big Government Mass Transportation scheme that will levy even more taxes on the middle class to subsidize train rides for winos. If you disbelieve me look no further than the New York Subway system and Amtrak.Thanks but no thanks, I'll drive!   

You know Steve I simply stated my opinion, no need to be insulting. You have your opinion, I have mine. I guess mass transit is another one of those luxuries other nations use successfully which somehow cannot work here even though it did until the 1950's when a corporate conspiracy (verified) destroyed them all except for a handful in places like NY & Chicago.

BTW I always find your comments rather amusing coming from a man who lives in a place which is the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

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13 minutes ago, IpMan said:

You know Steve I simply stated my opinion, no need to be insulting. You have your opinion, I have mine. I guess mass transit is another one of those luxuries other nations use successfully which somehow cannot work here even though it did until the 1950's when a corporate conspiracy (verified) destroyed them all except for a handful in places like NY & Chicago.

BTW I always find your comments rather amusing coming from a man who lives in a place which is the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

IpMan, goddamn you and your apples to oranges comparisons! (I have no real emotion invested here, just doing my show).

The mass transit that existed in the US in the 1950s was doomed to fail anyway on account of these developments: interstate highway system and the suburbs. In other words, people who worked for a living (remember them) left the inner cities. They no longer needed nor wanted mass transit, they wanted bodacious American automobiles with tail fins. A sweater girl in a poodle skirt riding shotgun was a bonus. 

I don't live in a place that is the polar opposite of what I believe in. On the contrary, I live in a place that functions exceedingly well and delivers an exceptionally high quality of life on account the simple fact the people here epitomize what I believe in. Honest, hard working, law abiding citizens who are honor bound to remain in the asset column for their country. Yes, I'd ride a train with them anytime, and indeed I do. 




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1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

When I bought my first car, it took me 5 years to finally use the cruise control.....I didn't like leaving my speed to a computer!  No way would I trust my entire drive to a computer!  Sorry, I'll keep my "manually-driven" car! 

Can you imagine the constant updates and downloads that would need to take place before you could even start the damn car? Let's not talk about your car having a blue screen Windows OS crash lol.

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I love driving, so I always will. One of my favorite things to do. I think the automation is coming, however, for truck drivers and taxis at first, perhaps, and then steadily into the consumer space. But not for 10-15+ years.

@IpMan I do agree that the USA is in great need of infrastructure investment. While generally a fed gov't miser, infrastructure is an area where I am in favor of intervention. I am hoping that the proposed $1.5tr infrastructure bill actually materializes. Also we have private equity firms like Blackstone committing to opening Infrastructure investment funds (they have talked about a $40bn fund). So hopefully it is coming from both private and public.

I disagree entirely that we need to start monitoring people's driving capabilities. My goodness... this is not China! The written test just makes sure you know what signs mean. You haven't taken one since '86, you say, yet I will guess that you would be absolutely fine if you stay at or slightly below the speed limit. I'd say just about anyone would be (who isn't in some meaningful way impaired). Accidents arise from negligence and laziness, very often, which tests cannot account for. Just last month Jimmy Kimmel made an illegal left turn and hit someone. No test would have prevented him from having a license, of course. Nor should it have. 

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1 hour ago, gibsonfan159 said:

Can you imagine the constant updates and downloads that would need to take place before you could even start the damn car? Let's not talk about your car having a blue screen Windows OS crash lol.

May as well buy a Stanley Steamer.

" train rides for winos "


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I use the bus and from my vantage point looking out the window most people driving cars now are texting on their phones while driving. So if they already aren't paying attention how will a self driving car not make them just more into their phones and ignoring safety? I think its a bad idea.

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1 minute ago, paplbojo said:

@kipper The thinking is that if the vehicle is automated it would not matter if you are texting, as there is nothing for you to do but relax while the car takes you to your destination.

if captain Sully had been using the self flying computer on the plane then everyone on that plane would be dead.

People are already too  stupid from so called smart technology this will just make them more "stupider".  Just look what smart phones did to the society.

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55 minutes ago, paplbojo said:

@kipper The thinking is that if the vehicle is automated it would not matter if you are texting, as there is nothing for you to do but relax while the car takes you to your destination.

"Relax" is the very last thing I could do in a driver-less car. I want someone with their hands on the wheel at all times. 

You'll never catch me in one of these contraptions...no way I would trust them.

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Then you have the problem of obstacles in the road. If a handicapped person is in one that stops due to a small tree branch in the road, do they just have to wait til someone comes and clears it? Does the car stop for any size animal crossing the road? Turtles? Birds? Mice?

Also a problem that the supporters don't like to talk about- parking lots. Sure, they navigate a highway fine right now, but there is still no progress on coordinating multiple cars in a tight parking space.

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1 hour ago, Strider said:

"Relax" is the very last thing I could do in a driver-less car. I want someone with their hands on the wheel at all times. 

You'll never catch me in one of these contraptions...no way I would trust them.

When you’ve got this 6-speed, manual shift, 426 horsepower convertible beast...who’d want to be driven by some bullshit computer? Life needs to be lived...

Just get the fuck out of the speed lane! 😡


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2 hours ago, Walter said:

When you’ve got this 6-speed, manual shift, 426 horsepower convertible beast...who’d want to be driven by some bullshit computer? Life needs to be lived...

Just get the fuck out of the speed lane! 😡





A whole lotta penis extension had to die to make that big gas guzzling beast.




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8 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

IpMan, goddamn you and your apples to oranges comparisons! (I have no real emotion invested here, just doing my show).

The mass transit that existed in the US in the 1950s was doomed to fail anyway on account of these developments: interstate highway system and the suburbs. In other words, people who worked for a living (remember them) left the inner cities. They no longer needed nor wanted mass transit, they wanted bodacious American automobiles with tail fins. A sweater girl in a poodle skirt riding shotgun was a bonus. 

I don't live in a place that is the polar opposite of what I believe in. On the contrary, I live in a place that functions exceedingly well and delivers an exceptionally high quality of life on account the simple fact the people here epitomize what I believe in. Honest, hard working, law abiding citizens who are honor bound to remain in the asset column for their country. Yes, I'd ride a train with them anytime, and indeed I do. 




It's real simple Steve, I have no right to complain or critique Japanese life or government as I do not live there, nor doe Japanese life affect my life. You claim about the interstate highway system makes no sense in light of my comment regarding large scale metropolis having the proper infrastructure and public transportation. That is an apples to avocados comparison if I ever saw one and your comment is dead wrong. If the inner city mass transit systems  were unpopular, why did GM/Ford/ Chrysler invest millions to get rid of them? According to you they would have died a slow death on their own so why the need to destroy it?

I have never met a person who lives in or near a large city who would rather drive a car vs. take public transit if available. Further, the wino train as you call it is popular enough with the punters that they are standing room only...unless NY & Chicago, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Boston have millions of homeless winos no one is aware of.


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1 hour ago, Walter said:

Must be tough looking out a bus window at my bad ass bitch!

But then again for the biggest bitch on the forum....

At least I don't need an extension to reach the window.





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