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Your thoughts on autonomous vehicles?


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10 hours ago, IpMan said:

Believe me, I would move to Germany (Munich) in a heartbeat if my wife would allow it. Unfortunately, barring divorce, that is not going to happen as she has two adult children from a prior marriage. If I were single though, or married to someone who did not have such attachments, I would have been gone years ago.

Munich used to be my favorite European city in the 80's and 90's...but I went back a few years ago and it's changed completely...for the worse!  Feels like downtown Honolulu - all the quaint stores are gone and replaced with over-priced designer stores.  Salzburg is my new favorite European city!

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4 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Munich used to be my favorite European city in the 80's and 90's...but I went back a few years ago and it's changed completely...for the worse!  Feels like downtown Honolulu - all the quaint stores are gone and replaced with over-priced designer stores.  Salzburg is my new favorite European city!

Thanks Stryder, I will keep that in mind should my wife wise up and toss me out. It's been about 20 years since last in Munich but I have been to Europe in the past five, just not Munich.

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Why does everything turn into a capitalist vs socialist argument? Newsflash; The U.S. has been a welfare state for fifty years. I don't understand why people think the U.S. is still a libertarian nation with no taxes like it was centuries ago. Welfare has been a staple for a long time, and both left and right parties take advantage of it. Except we have a lower quality of life than other welfare states even though we're ten times as wealthy. The U.S. military, which is pretty damn big in case you didnt know, is supported by taxes. Their service, vehicles, food, and healthcare, is paid for by tax money. We send 10 billion dollars to Israel (a socialist country) every year, even though they don't even need it. The U.S. undeniably has the ability and means to be as socialist as any socialist country, maybe even more so. Greedy people aren't gonna stop being greedy just because you jack their taxes up a little more.

And it's not like these other countries don't have poor people. Sure, it's expensive to live there, but people can still afford to live there somehow. So what gives? The difference is that Americans would rather take their tax money and blow it on a $50,000 Cadillac and stick a bumper sticker on the back that says "Freedom!" instead of having that unnecessary spending go to healthcare or social programs. But, that is the principle America was founded upon- Every man for himself. Or at least that's what people think. Uncle Sam still has his hand deep into your pocket. Except instead of your taxes helping people who need it, it goes to subsidize golf courses and casinos that are purposely bankrupted for profit.

You know what? Let the Scandinavian countries give autonomous vehicles a go first since they're so advanced.

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1 hour ago, gibsonfan159 said:

Why does everything turn into a capitalist vs socialist argument? Newsflash; The U.S. has been a welfare state for fifty years. I don't understand why people think the U.S. is still a libertarian nation with no taxes like it was centuries ago. Welfare has been a staple for a long time, and both left and right parties take advantage of it. Except we have a lower quality of life than other welfare states even though we're ten times as wealthy. The U.S. military, which is pretty damn big in case you didnt know, is supported by taxes. Their service, vehicles, food, and healthcare, is paid for by tax money. We send 10 billion dollars to Israel (a socialist country) every year, even though they don't even need it. The U.S. undeniably has the ability and means to be as socialist as any socialist country, maybe even more so. Greedy people aren't gonna stop being greedy just because you jack their taxes up a little more.

And it's not like these other countries don't have poor people. Sure, it's expensive to live there, but people can still afford to live there somehow. So what gives? The difference is that Americans would rather take their tax money and blow it on a $50,000 Cadillac and stick a bumper sticker on the back that says "Freedom!" instead of having that unnecessary spending go to healthcare or social programs. But, that is the principle America was founded upon- Every man for himself. Or at least that's what people think. Uncle Sam still has his hand deep into your pocket. Except instead of your taxes helping people who need it, it goes to subsidize golf courses and casinos that are purposely bankrupted for profit.

You know what? Let the Scandinavian countries give autonomous vehicles a go first since they're so advanced.


You sir win post of the month.

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1 hour ago, gibsonfan159 said:

Why does everything turn into a capitalist vs socialist argument? Newsflash; The U.S. has been a welfare state for fifty years. I don't understand why people think the U.S. is still a libertarian nation with no taxes like it was centuries ago. Welfare has been a staple for a long time, and both left and right parties take advantage of it. Except we have a lower quality of life than other welfare states even though we're ten times as wealthy. The U.S. military, which is pretty damn big in case you didnt know, is supported by taxes. Their service, vehicles, food, and healthcare, is paid for by tax money. We send 10 billion dollars to Israel (a socialist country) every year, even though they don't even need it. The U.S. undeniably has the ability and means to be as socialist as any socialist country, maybe even more so. Greedy people aren't gonna stop being greedy just because you jack their taxes up a little more.

And it's not like these other countries don't have poor people. Sure, it's expensive to live there, but people can still afford to live there somehow. So what gives? The difference is that Americans would rather take their tax money and blow it on a $50,000 Cadillac and stick a bumper sticker on the back that says "Freedom!" instead of having that unnecessary spending go to healthcare or social programs. But, that is the principle America was founded upon- Every man for himself. Or at least that's what people think. Uncle Sam still has his hand deep into your pocket. Except instead of your taxes helping people who need it, it goes to subsidize golf courses and casinos that are purposely bankrupted for profit.

You know what? Let the Scandinavian countries give autonomous vehicles a go first since they're so advanced.

Ok, listen up because I'm going to educate you. The United States was founded as democratic republic, not a libertarian nation with no taxation and not a social welfare state. Defense spending is at it's lowest percentage of GDP in more than 40 years. Israel is our only democratic ally in the Middle East. It's called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. That means if I want to spend $50K on another Cadillac instead of getting IpMan off drugs that's my business. 



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On 3/16/2018 at 3:26 AM, gibsonfan159 said:

Out of the 426 HP, how much have you used? Lol.

I can't talk though, I recently upped my engine size so I can zoom past the four-cylinders on steep inclines. It's nice to have some extra kick when you need it.

Only when I need to get after it on the highway.  In 3rd gear I can easily push it to 90+ mph without getting over 5K rpms. By the time I’m in 6th gear I could be up to 150, but have never pushed it that far. It’s a convertible, so I view it as more of a cruising car, which is perfect for the Florida weather. Still, it’s nice to clear traffic when I need to and being an SS it corners like it’s on a rail. VERY fun to drive! 

Nothing like putting you deep into your seat by hitting that accelerator pedal!  


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20 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Ok, listen up because I'm going to educate you. The United States was founded as democratic republic, not a libertarian nation with no taxation and not a social welfare state. Defense spending is at it's lowest percentage of GDP in more than 40 years. Israel is our only democratic ally in the Middle East. It's called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. That means if I want to spend $50K on another Cadillac instead of getting IpMan off drugs that's my business. 




Which Jefferson and Madison believed should be reviewed and revised every 19 years during a continental congress as those rights or the context thereof, may change due to need and historical context. The Bill of Rights is not, nor has ever been, a sacred document written in stone, that was never it's intent. It was a document which reflected 1789, not necessarily 2018 and the people who wrote them believed this.

You can call a cat a dog all day long and it is still a cat.



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36 minutes ago, IpMan said:


Which Jefferson and Madison believed should be reviewed and revised every 19 years during a continental congress as those rights or the context thereof, may change due to need and historical context. The Bill of Rights is not, nor has ever been, a sacred document written in stone, that was never it's intent. It was a document which reflected 1789, not necessarily 2018 and the people who wrote them believed this.

Note the core principles upon which the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and our democratic republic are founded have not changed whatsoever. Do you understand what a principle is? I have to ask because I doubt it, given your leftist leanings.

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23 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Ok, listen up because I'm going to educate you. The United States was founded as democratic republic, not a libertarian nation with no taxation and not a social welfare state. Defense spending is at it's lowest percentage of GDP in more than 40 years. Israel is our only democratic ally in the Middle East. It's called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. That means if I want to spend $50K on another Cadillac instead of getting IpMan off drugs that's my business. 



Sorry, let me be more specific. So many "survivalists" nowadays like to pretend they're in the wild west and don't have to answer to authority. That was the point I was making. You know, the "muh guns" crowd.

Defense spending is still outrageous and still provides free healthcare to vets (and it wouldn't be so shitty if conservatives wouldn't block certain programs). So, national healthcare is actually a thing in the U.S.

We support Israel because "Holy Land and oil!" Neither of which we need.

Nowhere in the bill of rights does it say taxes can't be used for social programs. Oh yeah, there are things called amendments because society, like technology, evolves. 

Wow, what an education.


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3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Note the core principles upon which the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and our democratic republic are founded have not changed whatsoever. Do you understand what a principle is? I have to ask because I doubt it, given your leftist leanings.

Core principals? Like what...slavery? That only white landowners should have the right to vote? From your posts it sounds like those might be your core principals, but for the majority of Americans not so much.


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1 hour ago, gibsonfan159 said:

Sorry, let me be more specific. So many "survivalists" nowadays like to pretend they're in the wild west and don't have to answer to authority. That was the point I was making. You know, the "muh guns" crowd.

Defense spending is still outrageous and still provides free healthcare to vets (and it wouldn't be so shitty if conservatives wouldn't block certain programs). So, national healthcare is actually a thing in the U.S.

We support Israel because "Holy Land and oil!" Neither of which we need.

Nowhere in the bill of rights does it say taxes can't be used for social programs. Oh yeah, there are things called amendments because society, like technology, evolves. 

Wow, what an education.

Now I'm just going to hand your ass to you.

There may or may not be a "muh guns" crowd, but they don't epitomize the overwhelming majority of legal, law abiding gun owners.  

American military veterans do NOT receive free health care. Your argument is a fail as it's based on a logical fallacy.

We support Israel for a number of political, geo-political and strategic reasons. If we're going to start a laundry list of shit we don't need they may or may not be on it, but I guarantee you Californians will be in the Top 10. 

One of the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights is LIMITED GOVERNMENT. This means that ideally any social welfare programs are administered at the STATE level.

There are Amendments, 27 in fact. However, without the Second they all may as well be printed on toilet paper.

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2 minutes ago, IpMan said:

Core principals? Like what...slavery? That only white landowners should have the right to vote? From your posts it sounds like those might be your core principals, but for the majority of Americans not so much.

You are truly the most sanctimonious person I'll encounter today. However, since you bring it up I definitely think there is something to be said for having skin in the game. By that I mean since you and gibsonfart159 are so enamored with Amendments, I propose the next amendment establishes that unless a citizen makes $50K a year or more they don't get to vote in federal elections. Period. The one after that would raise the age to vote to 25. Ah, fuck it. Watching the Tide Pod Posse pontificate on television today, I'm convinced you're going to get the country you deserve. 

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How 'bout those self drivin' cars eh? I don't see Australia having legislative framework, or even a push to have self driving cars - AT ALL right now.

I wonder if Australia will ever seriously tackle infrastructure to set ourselves up just for an electric car future? (I think this would be more a priority) It really is not on any radar here. Politically it is just not on any page at all. Given the vast size and populations of Australia (city vs country) getting to a point where it is even viable will mean political investment. So I imagine we are at least 10-15 years from being anywhere near the starting line.

I wonder how other countries are fairing?

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9 hours ago, rm2551 said:

How 'bout those self drivin' cars eh? I don't see Australia having legislative framework, or even a push to have self driving cars - AT ALL right now.

I wonder if Australia will ever seriously tackle infrastructure to set ourselves up just for an electric car future? (I think this would be more a priority) It really is not on any radar here. Politically it is just not on any page at all. Given the vast size and populations of Australia (city vs country) getting to a point where it is even viable will mean political investment. So I imagine we are at least 10-15 years from being anywhere near the starting line.

I wonder how other countries are fairing?

History suggests Australia doesn't concern itself with legislative framework, it just bans and confiscates. Aside from that who really wants self-driving cars anyway? Seems to me it's just another pork barrel special interest project that wouldn't exist were it not for Big Government subsidies.  

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12 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Now I'm just going to hand your ass to you.

There may or may not be a "muh guns" crowd, but they don't epitomize the overwhelming majority of legal, law abiding gun owners.  

American military veterans do NOT receive free health care. Your argument is a fail as it's based on a logical fallacy.

We support Israel for a number of political, geo-political and strategic reasons. If we're going to start a laundry list of shit we don't need they may or may not be on it, but I guarantee you Californians will be in the Top 10. 

One of the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights is LIMITED GOVERNMENT. This means that ideally any social welfare programs are administered at the STATE level.

There are Amendments, 27 in fact. However, without the Second they all may as well be printed on toilet paper.

Are you even capable of elaborating on a point or can you only make vague opinionated statements and declare yourself the winner?

Please explain how taxes don't pay for V.A. hospitals. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it, but you're gonna need to prove me wrong.

Strategic reasons? Would those reasons be to secure oil rights and satisfy the religious right wingers? Once again, you give a vague reply and dance around the argument. And don't even mention "Turrists" or I'll hand your ass to you, elaborately.

Funny you mention "States rights" but knock California. Hypocrite much? Oh wait, you love America and hate socialist ideals but you moved to a country that's just the opposite. You know what, your hypocrisy is so off the chart anything you say is completely irrelevant.

Once again, society, like technology, changes and evolves. People like you are just scared to admit you're not gonna be allowed to be assholes anymore. That's why you desperately try to shit on any amount of progress and dream about "The good old days".

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12 hours ago, IpMan said:

Damn it...here we go again, a simple topic devolving into a political discourse. 

Ok, apologies... No more from me.

Yep, might as well abandon thread. Some people have to attempt to get a thread locked when they can't make their narrow minded point.

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38 minutes ago, gibsonfan159 said:

Are you even capable of elaborating on a point or can you only make vague opinionated statements and declare yourself the winner?

Please explain how taxes don't pay for V.A. hospitals. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it, but you're gonna need to prove me wrong.

Strategic reasons? Would those reasons be to secure oil rights and satisfy the religious right wingers? Once again, you give a vague reply and dance around the argument. And don't even mention "Turrists" or I'll hand your ass to you, elaborately.

Funny you mention "States rights" but knock California. Hypocrite much? Oh wait, you love America and hate socialist ideals but you moved to a country that's just the opposite. You know what, your hypocrisy is so off the chart anything you say is completely irrelevant.

Once again, society, like technology, changes and evolves. People like you are just scared to admit you're not gonna be allowed to be assholes anymore. That's why you desperately try to shit on any amount of progress and dream about "The good old days".

It's a waste of time to elaborate on any point with you, because you completely change your point from one post to the next. For example, in your last post you claimed "veterans receive free health". After I rebutted that, you've come back with "please explain how taxes don't pay for V.A. hospitals". I'm not sure if you're confused or just genuinely stupid, but "veterans receive free health care" and "taxes pay for V.A. hospitals" are two completely separate points. Taxes pay for sports arenas too, but that doesn't mean you get to watch the game for free.

You continue to link oil rights with Israel. Just stop. You're talking out of your ass and you're well out of your depth here.

It was suggested we compile a list of things we don't need, and I opined that Californians will be in the Top 10. That's not hypocrisy, it's social satire. 

Fear and desperation? ME? You have either confused me with someone else or you are just projecting your own insecurities.


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Sorry, let me be more specific. So many "survivalists" nowadays like to pretend they're in the wild west and don't have to answer to authority. That was the point I was making. You know, the "muh guns" crowd.

Sounds more like our minorities in the inner cities than the law abiding Westerners!   You know Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., Detroit, etc.  


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4 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

...what i find more frightening than the autonomous vehicles are the passenger carrying drones that are being made!  Talk about a danger to the general public! 

Ha! What will they think of next? I can't stand drones. They are a menace in my neighborhood. I spotted one following me in the park one day until I threw a rock at it.

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