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My dad likes talking about babies and children. He became a great-uncle for the 5th time a couple weeks ago and the way he was talking, you'd think me or my sister was pregnant or something. He was over the moon, talking about what kinds of baby gifts we should send to them.

My dad's a real dork, but that's why we love him.

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My dad likes talking about babies and children. He became a great-uncle for the 5th time a couple weeks ago and the way he was talking, you'd think me or my sister was pregnant or something. He was over the moon, talking about what kinds of baby gifts we should send to them.

My dad's a real dork, but that's why we love him.

Well he is rare bird. maybe it's due to his age.

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I've always cooked, my mother was the main cook in our house growing up, but my father cooked quite a bit as well. he would always tell me he thought a " A man who cannot feed himself is not a man."

My father was the breakfast guy.Although he was also known[and teased]about his less than stellar grilling prowess. :lol:

The cooking chanell is my fav. :thumbsup:

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Well it was really about the presumption that she should be judging what is useless or needed on this site that I found intriguing.

No, titles of songs are not interesting to me. Threads in the "Other Bands" section about New Bands are much more interesting in the regard to which you are inferring. That thread is designed to make members feel good about themselves via post count. Please don't try to persuade me that there is any kind of integrity at all in that thread.

While I would agree that the character that "spats' is pretending to be is dismal, it is still entertaining at times.

I am not a character. Seriously. I am a real person. I doubt i am the only guy that views things like i do. Some of my buddies used to be just like me.

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I did say MOST. :lol:

I'm not so sure about the babies thing yet. I love kids, I love babies, but what happens when you can't take them home when you're worn out? :unsure:

My mom's been getting all freaked out because I say I'm not sure if I want kids. She thinks it's just wrong that I'm not sure about that. She says I'm going to die a lonely old lady. :o

I know I want children...someday. I think my life wouldn't be complete without them. It just won't happen in near future. You can have a baby in your thirties, but it's too late for starting a career. I never want to be financially dependent on anyone. That's how I was brought up.


I think it's kind of funny. My dad used to say that my mom made him do this, made him do that...etc. No one made him DO anything. He was just whipped. :D


My parents' relationship is really peculiar. My dad often asks mom to go with him when he goes out. She usually tells him to leave her alone. :lol:

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I know I want children...someday. I think my life wouldn't be complete without them. It just won't happen in near future. You can have a baby in your thirties, but it's too late for starting a career. I never want to be financially dependent on anyone. That's how I was brought up.


My parents' relationship is really peculiar. My dad often asks mom to go with him when he goes out. She usually tells him to leave her alone. :lol:

wow. it's usually the other way around.

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I like the idea posed earlier in this thread (or was it the Relationship Status thread?) that there just be one thread for Spats and all his spatsiness, so other threads aren't overtaken. Basically, he needs to be quarantined, with all the ridiculousness limited to one area.

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I like the idea posed earlier in this thread (or was it the Relationship Status thread?) that there just be one thread for Spats and all his spatsiness, so other threads aren't overtaken. Basically, he needs to be quarantined, with all the ridiculousness limited to one area.

I am the one who started this thread.

I am just giving my views on this stuff like everyone else.

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Does your dad speak English as well? Albeit only when drunk? :lol: It's awesome that you can talk music with your dad, I love talking music with my folks. They were hippies, so they've got good taste . . . except that they don't "get" Led Zeppelin.

A little. I think I should say that he used to. He still can form a decent sentence.

My dad does "get" Led Zeppelin. He was most happy when I told him that I can "get" them too.

You're probably more like your mom than you know . . . I'd bet that's why you can make her shut up!

I'm less like her than you think. The level of assertivity is not everything (and she's much more enterprising and also more straightforward than me). She never daydreams, she's very diligent and practical. We had many rows just because we have completely different priorities. She never believed my talents, and she was always so nervous about my possible failure that she often robbed me of my confidence. I know she meant it in a good way, but something in me just cannot feel happy about it, because it often made me feel lonely. She supports me only after I accomplish something.

But there are also other things for which I'm grateful. She always tried to understand me. She reads my books only to keep up with me. She (well, both of them) has always let me choose my own beliefs. She never said "you're too young to know this" and she has always treated me as her equal.

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As usual, you are out of touch with reality. Plenty of guys out there who like kids, it's you who are the rare bird.

I realize most people like kids. But i don't know many guys that like to talk about them. Not my age anyways.

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There is nothing wrong with having babies i guess but what guy wants to talk about it? I always zone out when it is brought up.

Well, I don't know spats. When I was born, my dad's friend gave him a tape with some sort of father's speech on it - a father tells his daughter about how he watched her growing up, leaving her toys and dolls behind etc. etc., and how he knows that there will be time when she won't need him anymore, as she doesn't need those toys anymore, etc. etc. It was one of the most wonderful things I've ever heard. (My dad played me that tape when I was thirteen or fourteen. I started to cry in front of him).

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Well, I don't know spats. When I was born, my dad's friend gave him a tape with some sort of father's speech on it - a father tells his daughter about how he watched her growing up, leaving her toys and dolls behind etc. etc., and how he knows that there will be time when she won't need him anymore, as she doesn't need those toys anymore, etc. etc. It was one of the most wonderful things I've ever heard. (My dad played me that tape when I was thirteen or fourteen. I started to cry in front of him).

Well that's the type of thing that will get women emotional. I have never desired to get married or have kids so i wouldn't be able to relate to any of that.

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You didn't say he got a emotional. just you.



I didn't know I had to say that. Silly me. :rolleyes: He didn't play me that record to get me emotional, he wanted me to know how he feels. I cried because he's my dad, not because I'm a woman. Oh god! My granddad cried when I gave him a portrait of his parents I drew and gave him for his birthday, and I'm pretty sure he's a man too.

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A little. I think I should say that he used to. He still can form a decent sentence.

My dad does "get" Led Zeppelin. He was most happy when I told him that I can "get" them too.

My parents don't "get" my two big bands. But we can still bond over music- going to see Van Morrison with them this Christmas was a blast.

I'm less like her than you think. The level of assertivity is not everything (and she's much more enterprising and also more straightforward than me).

I've always thought of you as very straightforward. Enigmatic at times, but when you aren't thinking about it you rarely bother with equivocations.

She never daydreams, she's very diligent and practical. We had many rows just because we have completely different priorities. She never believed my talents, and she was always so nervous about my possible failure that she often robbed me of my confidence. I know she meant it in a good way, but something in me just cannot feel happy about it, because it often made me feel lonely. She supports me only after I accomplish something.

I think my parents may have felt that getting a degree in acting was impractical. But they paid for it and never breathed a word of that to me. It's much better to come to a decision to change the course of your life yourself than be pushed into it by a parent. If you abandon an artistic course because of outside influence you'll always wonder "what if" and resent the person who pushed you. They let me make my own decisions, and so I can feel truly happy about where I am in life because it was always my choice.

But there are also other things for which I'm grateful. She always tried to understand me. She reads my books only to keep up with me. She (well, both of them) has always let me choose my own beliefs. She never said "you're too young to know this" and she has always treated me as her equal.

That's good- she may have undermined your confidence in other ways, but I bet you got a lot from that. No matter how precocious you are, getting treated as an equal by a parent is a big thing.

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Does your dad speak English as well? Albeit only when drunk? :lol: It's awesome that you can talk music with your dad, I love talking music with my folks. They were hippies, so they've got good taste . . . except that they don't "get" Led Zeppelin.

You're probably more like your mom than you know . . . I'd bet that's why you can make her shut up!

My dad was estatic when he realized that I "got" Led Zeppelin. :lol: He gave me all of his old CDs when he got the Complete Studio Recordings Box Set. :lol: I have them in my car now--HOTH has two sets of initials on it--"V.H.," and "M.H." HOTH is really old--and I noticed today during TSRTS that is skips. Oh well. It was his...so I'm gonna keep it.

I'm like my mom so much that its frightening. :blink: My mom is a funny and very sarcastic woman. She's smart and has a good head on her shoulders. Physically, I look like my dad, but when people talk to me, they tell me I look like my mom.

My sister's my dad's mini-me, down to the stupid things she does. :rolleyes:

I don't like to clean house, but do anyway...we all do, I put on some Zep (loud) and go to it. My daughter calls it "house working out" :lol: I always thought it was pretty shitty for anyone not to do their fair share, man or woman, if you live there, you better keep it clean !

Bilbo---if things don't work out with you and the missus...marry me. :D

My dad likes talking about babies and children. He became a great-uncle for the 5th time a couple weeks ago and the way he was talking, you'd think me or my sister was pregnant or something. He was over the moon, talking about what kinds of baby gifts we should send to them.

My dad's a real dork, but that's why we love him.

I know I want children...someday. I think my life wouldn't be complete without them. It just won't happen in near future. You can have a baby in your thirties, but it's too late for starting a career. I never want to be financially dependent on anyone. That's how I was brought up.


My parents' relationship is really peculiar. My dad often asks mom to go with him when he goes out. She usually tells him to leave her alone. :lol:


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I didn't know I had to say that. Silly me. :rolleyes: He didn't play me that record to get me emotional, he wanted me to know how he feels. I cried because he's my dad, not because I'm a woman. Oh god! My granddad cried when I gave him a portrait of his parents I drew and gave him for his birthday, and I'm pretty sure he's a man too.

That's nice.

I have never been an emotional person. It would take a lot to get me choked up.

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I missed most this conversation but I think I will join in now if it's okay. :D

My taste in music, movies, books, all those sorts of things came from my dad. He's really great, couldn't imagine life without him.

My mom takes me shopping, helps with school work, etc. She and I don't always get along, but she's great too. I love her. It's not her fault we don't bond over as much. No one is to blame for that, and I don't resent her for it either.

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Oh yeah--I wanted to talk about how "men don't like to talk about kids." My dad was a man who loved kids more than anything on Earth. Truly. My 15-year old sister is a half-sister--and she's not his child (she's my mom's daughter), and my dad used to buy her stupid little things like candies and little cheap toys that little girls like because he loved her. I remember that one year for Christmas, he todl her that Santa was confused and left some presents for her at his house. She got more presents than Brittany and me. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and I was really jealous.

At my dad's funeral, people that I didn't know that knew my dad stood up at his funeral and told everyone about how good he was to children. He lived and worked near an elementary school, and the kids would stop by his work on their way home from school. I guess he handed out things like crayons and coloring books and candy to them on a regular basis.

Did I mention that I KNOW my dad was a "real man?" He was, no doubt about it.

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Spats, I think one of your problems is that you view "your buddies" as the ideal polling group- and the reality is that they aren't, they are a niche group of sexist males. If you place too much of a priority on their opinions in forming your own, then your opinions will ALWAYS be out of synch with the rest of the world, and you will ALWAYS feel like a misanthrope. Time to start seriously considering opinions from outside the pack.

This recent scenario with the girl and the number- we watched while you gave excuse after excuse as to why you didn't want to call her. These standards that you set for women- whether it is the wedding thing or the clingy thing or the looks thing or the asking for your number thing- each one of them is a bar that keeps a gigantic pool of women from getting to you. You wonder why no one is getting through the cage when the cage is of your own making. You've created an impossible set of standards for a woman to achieve, and at some point I think you'll have to consider that the reason is that you don't want to be with someone right now, consciously or unconsciously.

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