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Never Let The Truth Get In The Way Of A Good Led Zeppelin Rumour


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Never Let The Truth Get In The Way Of A Good Led Zeppelin Rumour

by Paul Cashmere - December 31 2007

photo by Haylee Cashmere

"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story" a wise man once told me. That wise man was Beatles spin-doctor, the late Derek Taylor. Taylor was a master at pushing the envelope when it came to getting press. If the great man were alive today, I am sure he would be chuckling at the way the internet can push that envelope so much further than he could in his day. I am sure also sure Led Zeppelin are chuckling too over their constant barrage of unsubstantiated press.

After their one-off concert at London's O2 Stadium in December, a new Zep rumour appears almost daily like clockwork online.

Today's rumour (drum-roll please)

"Dave Grohl To Be New Led Zeppelin Drummer"

Um, interesting. Didn't he start this rumour?

He was certainly presented with the idea in an interview leading up to the Zep reunion and he did say he would if they asked him.

That one throwaway comment by Grohl has since exploded into hundreds of news articles worldwide saying that it is a done deal.

Grohl has certainly been pitching for the job for many years. And would be a great choice. The only trouble is they already have a drummer, Jason Bonham.

But, not letting the truth get in the way of a good story, let's look at the background.

In 2004 in Rolling Stone, Grohl said, "John Bonham played the drums like someone who didn't know what was going to happen next – like he was teetering on the edge of a cliff. No one has come close to that since, and I don't think anybody ever will. I think he will forever be the greatest drummer of all time. You have no idea how much he influenced me. I spent years in my bedroom – literally fucking years – listening to Bonham's drums and trying to emulate his swing or his behind-the-beat swagger or his speed or power. Not just memorizing what he did on those albums but getting myself into a place where I would have the same instinctual direction as he had. I have John Bonham tattoos all over my body – on my wrists, my arms, my shoulders. I gave myself one when I was fifteen. It's the three circles that were his insignia on Zeppelin IV and on the front of his kick drum".

In the same article he also said, "Heavy metal would not exist without Led Zeppelin, and if it did, it would suck".

So, let's put this week's 'Grohl to join Led Zep' stories down as a good yarn. It's a great story, if you don't look at the facts.

Maybe we start a few of our own.

1. Led Zeppelin To Play Big Day Out 2. Led Zeppelin Record Soundtrack For Next Harry Potter Movie 3. Robert Plant wins 'Beard of the Year' (no wait, that one was true).


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They will be playing in my backyard next summer. The tickets will be $14,850 a piece but hey, no passcodes needed. :D

Apparently I have competition, so now the tickets will be $7,525 a piece. I have an out of work carpenter picking up lumber and scrap metal down at the junkyard to build the bleachers. If I keep costs down, I still might make a few million. :P

Edited by maven2blue
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