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Beginning of Offenburg 3/24/73 Show


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Evening everyone,

I was just giving my old Cobra disc of this show a spin tonight. This may seem kinda silly, but, does anyone else here get real excited when the recording shifts and improves about 20 seconds into Rock and Roll right before Plant comes in? It's like, I know it's coming, I've heard the show dozens of times. But, I still get a thrill when the tape clears up and everything just starts booming and kicking! That recording has some real balls and ooompf. I do just a few minor EQ's on my amp to make sure it doesn't blow the guts out of my speakers, and bam. I feel like I'm standing in the middle of the floor of the hall experiencing the show. One of my all time favorite audience recordings by any band. I'll take that one over the boards any day of the week!



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