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The Nut Bar


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I been out of School over 24 years, I must be really lazy !!! :) Talking of nutters i wonder how many are on this forum, so far Me mand and Whyalla !! but as you say the real ones are absent from this thread....but we know who you they are :P

Edited by leddy
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I finally found my home the looney bin :wacko:

Remember when you ran away

And I got on my knees and begged you

Not to leave because I'd go beserk?


You left me anyhow and

Then the days got worse and worse

And now you see I've gone completely

out of my mind


(chorus 1):

They're coming to take me away,

Haha, they're coming to take me away,

Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,

To the funny farm

Where life is beautiful all the time

And I'll be happy to see

Those nice young men

In their clean white coats

And they're coming to take me AWAY,


You thought it was a joke,


When I had said that losing you

Would make me flip my lid,


You know you laughed.

I HEARD you laugh, you laughed

And laughed and laughed

And then you left,

But now you know I'm utterly mad


(chorus 2):

They're coming to take me away,

Haha, they're coming to take me away,

Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,

To the happy home with trees and flowers

And chirping birds and basket weavers

Who sit and smile and

Twiddle their thumbs and toes

And they're coming to take me away,


I cooked your food,

I cleaned your house,

And this is how you pay me back

For all my kind unselfish loving deeds


Well, you just wait,

They'll find you yet,

And when they do, they'll put you in

the ASPCA, you mangy MUTT,


(chorus 1)

(chorus 2)

(chorus 1 trailing into mumbles in the distance

ahhhh, now this brings back memories...

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Awww Geezz...it's too bad that I never took the initiative to save my "Manders' Crazy Customers" thread. :'(

Talk about nuts. :lol:

I had a guy today that I SWEAR fell asleep while I was trying to get him to pay for his groceries. It was funny at the time, and still is a bit funny now...but I feel bad because I'm sure there's something really wrong with him--physically and mentally.

We also have another guy who comes in, and he's only allowed to come in with his parents. He's wacked-out...he thinks he's a rock star or something because when he leaves the store, he turns around in circles, waving and holding his arms up in the air, hands making peace signs. I always giggle and say "Jimmy Page has left the building" when he walks out of the store. :lol:

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  • 1 year later...
You most definitely are! :P

Of Topic: Anymore prose yet?

Mmmm... I love fruit and nut. In fact I'd eat dog shit if it was sprinkled in fruit and nut or covered in marzipan, not really fussy. :)

Dog shit sprinkled in fruit and nuts is on me. Just wave away the fumes eh?


I'm just happy to see DZL is recovering nicely.

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what are your on??? Heroin?"Dog shit sprinkled in fruit and nuts is on me"...lol the thought police is after our ass.

No, however your package will arrive in 2.5 days...the thought police are after others besides us Quip...

I need a real drink I think, nut bars are a bit too chewy for me.


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Thank you love. I've been through several major surgeries myself and they can take a lot out of you.

BTW, I left off when there were several very buggy technical issues all over. I deleted gigabytes of data to make sure all is well.....soooooo.

I see citrus squeezings is still here.

:console: She relayed that DZL was in for surgery.....

Warm here, sun is out for a change, been days and days with just rain, all the bleeding night crawlers are run out of their holes so they don't drown. We needed rain badly though for crops.

Fishing anyone? Just happy for sunshine...

Update: Sorry, on that issue I do remember the specifics of these things. The bug was traveling in iframes and Quicktime. I suggest if you use borders write them in CSS instead which is not an image based border. Steer clear of both if you can.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Warm here, sun is out for a change, been days and days with just rain, all the bleeding night crawlers are run out of their holes so they don't drown. We needed rain badly though for crops.

Fishing anyone? Just happy for sunshine...

It is here too. Every time I walked outside the past few days, I got the Rain Song stuck in my head. Wait till you see all the earthworms dried to the sidewalk tomorrow. I should probably be outside...

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Me too!! I can't wait for 90 degree summer afternoons too...

To bad the weather is crap today :angry:

Freaking hell of a thunderstorm. Told my driver it was coming through..."How do you know that" "Radar old boy." I think it's about passed over. Getting wet I don't mind, but errrr thunderbolts well :unsure:

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