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Has anyone had any paranormal experiences?


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What if, like, the universe was like an atom ... and we were like a tiny piece of someone's great big humongous butt?

And, like, all the ghosts were, like, a fart?

Like, when we die we just become universe farts?




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OK, well, your all going to laugh at me. Or call me stupid. Or whatever, I don't care. And other people in my family and close friends have seen me do this. And they are all totally FREAKED about it. I get what starts out as deja vu, you know, when you sense that you have done something before, exactly how your doing it RIGHT NOW. But I progress and work backwards from the deju vu to the present. By thinking about it. And then I get this flash of what will happen in the next 15 minutes, or hours, or days. Good example, it happened the other day. I got the deja vu, then I thought about it and I suddenly though about my cousin James, who I am the closest with of all my family. Then I looked at my phone. At that moment, the caller ID flashed my cousins phone number then started ringing. I answered with, "Hello james." in a wry sarcastic foice. He answered with, "you expected my call didn't you? God I wish I had that."

And don't dismiss it as technology tipping me off. I'm fully aware that you could say the caller ID prompted me. It didn't. If I thought that would give you a pause on believing my story would I include that fact? No. But I sensed it and he did to.

Today, on the bus home from work, I was thinking about Nine Inch Nails song Heresy. The next that played on the dudes iPod next to me.......???? That song.

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i went on the midnight tour of the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose CA......and it was truly spooky. i don't know if they planted sounds but there were noises and feeling of movement. i don't think i'd do that again. a very interesting house though with this wealth of history. went back for the longer daytime version of the tour several times and still find it intriging.

otherwise i think i had one visitation. and a couple messages from loved ones passed on. ( very quick but very real like images and heard them talking without actually "hearing" the voices out loud some closure type stuff)

man if i admitted any of this on at work they'd probably send me for a pysch eval!

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My sister and I swear that our dad visits us.


I believe you.

A couple months ago, when I was trying to sleep, I heard people talking. I was still wide awake. It was wierd, it sounded like they were in my room, but not in my room. I couldn't understand what they were saying. The sound was muffled, and I couldn't even tell what language they were speaking. I think it was a conversation between two women, though, and they sounded really happy and were laughing. I had to turn on the TV to sleep, though, because disembodied voices are always a bit creepy when you're trying to sleep. :lol: For some reason I think it was my mom and her stepmom...my mom is still alive, but I think she was having an OBE. I think that because she said that she had a dream where she visited her stepmom that same night.

I think she comes around us a lot. My dad's mom died ten years ago, and we know she sometimes comes around too. She sends us birds.

Sometimes I hear music like that too. I like it when I can hear the music, because even though it isn't really clear, it is still really beautiful. I can always only hear it for a couple minutes, though, before it goes away.

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The board keeps logging me out... :angry:

Anyway, I have had several little paranormal things happen throughout my life, but they're always kinda vague and have never been "oh my god there's a ghost stood over there that I can see" type-things.

Anyway, just saw this thread and something interesting happened recently. More to my brother than me, but I am involved. :P

Right, where I work in a little corner shop there's a CCTV camera that points just outside the front door...you can see a bit of the street outside, and a bit of the street across the road. You can watch the camera from behind the counter. When I first started working there I saw this man-shaped shadow wandering around outside, always on the pavement either right outside the shop or across the road. I thought it was odd but I wasn't scared by it or anything, and after a while I just stopped seeing it. Maybe he was just seeing who the new girl in the shop was.

Anyway, my brother started working at the same shop recently, and I mentioned that to him a couple of weeks ago as we were on the subject. He was at work one day last week and he rang me saying he'd just seen him, although he'd seen more definition. Apparently he could make out features and everything. The weirdest thing is though, Nick went and checked outside twice where he was shown to be stood on the camera, and of course there was nobody there. The third time he checked, the man had disappeared from the camera too.

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Love Potion #9:

Flirt with the men! Flirt, flirt, flirt! Wink, giggle, be demure.

Forget that crap.

Be yourself, and then be flirty...you can wink...

but for God's sakes? Love potion?


You don't need a love potion...

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