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Robert Plant nominated Best Rock Singer of All Time


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You can't take that website seriously. Best rock guitarist section? Where's Beck, Clapton, Satriani, Vai, Schenker to name a few along with the others previously mentioned above...pants.

first of all,,,,which polls are you talking about?

to be honest, I have never voted on a poll for best rock band ever voted by the fans

the only ones I have seen are from industry "experts" or on VH1

please show me all these polls Zeppelin won by the fans...I would be very interested in seeing this.

As far as guitarists, I think some of it is due to a band's popularity. Sambora is very good but not great. Steve Lukather deserves to be in there as he is one of the best ever and any guitarist will tell you so.

But to be honest, do you think Page should be in there over Satriani, Vai, Clapton, etc? But right now, he is.You could also make an argument for Larry Carlton, Stevie Ray, etc.....different styles of course.

I don't mind voting as I support Zeppelin as best rock band and Plant as best rock singer.

I really don't want Queen fans thinking they deserve to win ANY poll over Zeppelin.

Why not vote? What's the big deal...it's a click once a day.

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I'm on about the polls at votenumber1.com. I think the polls on here are fine, many very informative, some just a bit of fun. I was quite suprised to discover how many younger Zep fans there were on the 'Led Zeppelin fan age' poll for example.

Course, I'm bias towards Jim being the top rock guitarist, but it's a matter of opinion in the end, and we're all entitled to our opinion.

peace out.


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I'm on about the polls at votenumber1.com. I think the polls on here are fine, many very informative, some just a bit of fun. I was quite suprised to discover how many younger Zep fans there were on the 'Led Zeppelin fan age' poll for example.

Course, I'm bias towards Jim being the top rock guitarist, but it's a matter of opinion in the end, and we're all entitled to our opinion.

peace out.



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Obviously the inclusion of Bon Jovi and Ace Frehley make this poll laughable and not really worthy of attention.

Also - not sure I like this kind of poll anyway - it is all so subjective. I love Zep, but have never given any thought as to who is better - Page or Hendrix. Both are legends and innovators. What are we voting on - who is technically better? More creative? Better performer? Not sure. I'll choose to just appreciate it all for what it is and not try to quantify something that was not meant to be judged this way (imo).

Was Plant the best singer of all time? No idea how to answer that. But he is my favorite - I'll take him hands down over anyone else. Polls like this would have more credibility if they used the word 'Favorite' instead of 'Best'.

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will someone explain to me how hendrix & stevie ray vaughan got beat by the guy from TOTO?!?!? that band sucks...beyond sucks and ace from kiss...are you kidding me?!?!?

how did the who get beat by bon jovi?!?!? i like some of their tunes but no way are they better zep or the who???

what were these people smokin???? aerosmith should be on the list...love toys in the attic...good lyrics..

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What's with Queen winning so many votes?
They probably paid (just kidding, no money changed hands just a lamer Queen fanatic at play) some lamer to create the site and to keep an eye on the voting, every time LZ pulls ahead then the lamer ass webmaster simply adds a few more votes for Queen.

I like Queen but it is unrealistic that they could win any legit poll such as this. Plus, Bon Jovial in the same poll? Completely lame and fixed. :wtf:

Edited by Daniel
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queen was talent.

queen has great music talent and great songs. hard to believe the singer was gay!


B) sher heart attack(queen


It's hard to believe that YOU find it 'hard to believe the singer was gay.' He was such a flamer.....

However, that means nothing. He was A VERY talented man.


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will someone explain to me how hendrix & stevie ray vaughan got beat by the guy from TOTO?!?!? that band sucks...beyond sucks and ace from kiss...are you kidding me?!?!?

how did the who get beat by bon jovi?!?!? i like some of their tunes but no way are they better zep or the who???

what were these people smokin???? aerosmith should be on the list...love toys in the attic...good lyrics..

These people are doing more than smoking. Their REALLY fucked up on something.

Actually, a little man just told me that they are mentally ill.

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not for nothing, but have you ever heard Lukather play before?

As much as I love Zeppelin, Page is not in the same league.

This guy is "lights out" and can play any style with any one.

He is the best in the world

here is a sample and he is just hacking around in a room



He is FANTASTIC. I saw him play years ago at THE BAKED POTATOE. But I still had to vote for Jimmy. Not only is he a great guitarist, but songwriter, producer, etc.

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will someone explain to me how hendrix & stevie ray vaughan got beat by the guy from TOTO?!?!? that band sucks...beyond sucks and ace from kiss...are you kidding me?!?!?

how did the who get beat by bon jovi?!?!? i like some of their tunes but no way are they better zep or the who???

what were these people smokin???? aerosmith should be on the list...love toys in the attic...good lyrics..

No I can't men, because is f*** ridiculous...

In the guitarist selection... way Slash is not there? If Bon jovi is there... Peter Frampton?...

You know I post something here before, and I was mad and something else, and I insult Queen. And im sorry. Im mad whit this f*** polls.

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Ah but can that guy write anything worth a shit? That's the difference.

I agree - that's what makes polls like this difficult to take seriously.

Page is my favorite. Whether he is technically the best is to me, irrelevant. Same with Hendrix - he was not the most technically proficient guitarist either - but he was innovative and produced music that was creative and inspiring. There are a lot of players who were technically brilliant that will not leave behind a legacy of great music. As a musician, I can understand this, but there are plenty of folks who like what they like and don't know or care if Lukather or Satriani or Vai are better players than Page, Hendrix, etc. I have to laugh again when I think that Ace Frehley is on this list but I guess that just illustrates the point I was attempting (not sure how successful I was!) to make.

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I love Queen and their music but I love Zep and their music more. I grew up with these. Freddy was so incredible. Brian is great. But I think Jimmy IS THE MASTER and Robert IS PHENOMENAL. And I'm just talking of guitar playing and singing. If I include the whole package Jimmy and Robert's scores would be off the richter scale!!


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Voted a second ago.

How MANY Queen fans are there? The whole forum's full of them, and then they call their Queen fan friends and they then vote aswell...I only saw one LZ fan.

surprisingly Axl Rose is right behind Freddie in second.

I saw some Guns sites and they are pushing him.

I guess the fans get behind it and it takes off. That's the way it goes.

I would think we could do the same as Plant should be top 3 if not #1.

Call it silly or whatever you want but some fans are into it. I vote every day because I figure why not? It takes 1 sec to vote. I don't want Zeppelin losing to Queen. They are catching up nicely btw.

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surprisingly Axl Rose is right behind Freddie in second.

I saw some Guns sites and they are pushing him.

I guess the fans get behind it and it takes off. That's the way it goes.

I would think we could do the same as Plant should be top 3 if not #1.

Call it silly or whatever you want but some fans are into it. I vote every day because I figure why not? It takes 1 sec to vote. I don't want Zeppelin losing to Queen. They are catching up nicely btw.

Me too... voting every single day! Best Rock band, singer and guitarist.

We HAVE to get above Queen! The fans in the forum are afraid that Zeppelin's gonna get the number 1... and they should!

I was just wondering if Robert or Jimmy's voting...I can imagine that quite good :D

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