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John Bonham & The Return of The Black Dog


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I hate to sound stupid and everything, but what is the wooden thing?

I think it's a part of a drumstick but that doesn't mean I'm right.

Cool stuff though.

I believe it is part of a drumstick. That's what it looks like. It does say John Bonham on it. Might be his favorite wooden spatula?

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Hey, I think I met that dog! He's owned by Farmer Jennings, whose wife works for the church. They live on the other Jenning's Farm, right next door. The dog's name is Enzo. Great dog, he loved attention. Here's my pic of him, from our Zeppelin inspired trip, last summer:


My husband was a little bemused that I became especially verklempt at meeting a black dog and a Farmer Jennings at Bonzo's resting place, bless his patient heart, but he hugged me anyway. :'(

When people bring bottles of vodka there, I sure hope it means they've quit! We brought some flowers:


RIP Bonzo, love you forever...

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How ironic. Must be a very friendly dog.

He is! Met his mother Sally too, she's even more of a glutton for being petted. They live right next to the church. I think he and his owner, John keep an eye out and when folks show up to visit the headstone, they wander over to check 'em out. We had a very nice conversation with him while we were there, and petted one or the other of the dogs the whole time. :) He told tales of John, Jason and Pat, knew or knows them all. He was a lovely guy.

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That's really cool.^

Hope the doggie doesn't use the headstones as fire hydrants. :lol:


Well... heh. I kind of think he does.

I understand that it's hard to tell, but the first and second black dogs don't look the same to me. The second and third kinda do, but who can tell.

It's an odd angle in the first photo. But the church is basically his back yard, so it's likely the same dog.

Edited to say - also, in none of the photos is he wearing a collar.

Very fitting that a large, mellow black dog watches over Bonzo, isn't it?

Edited by SunChild
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  • 4 months later...
Hey, I think I met that dog! He's owned by Farmer Jennings, whose wife works for the church. They live on the other Jenning's Farm, right next door. The dog's name is Enzo. Great dog, he loved attention. Here's my pic of him, from our Zeppelin inspired trip, last summer:


My husband was a little bemused that I became especially verklempt at meeting a black dog and a Farmer Jennings at Bonzo's resting place, bless his patient heart, but he hugged me anyway. :'(

When people bring bottles of vodka there, I sure hope it means they've quit! We brought some flowers:


RIP Bonzo, love you forever...


thats really cool!

but seriously, i think people bringing vodka is pushing it.

RIP John Henry Bonham!

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