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Britney Spears & Dr. Phil's visit . . .

The Rover

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Dr. Phil visits Britney in hospital



Pakistan is in shambles. Kenyans fear for their lives.

The U.S might elect its first-ever African American president. A doe-eyed 14-year-old was fatally knifed and left dying on the corner of a quiet, Toronto street.

So what are people talking about? Britney Spears.

The fallen pop princess doesn't disappoint – especially in this, the latest frame of the former superstar's twisted soft porn flick that is her life.

It got even worse today as Britain's raunchy News of the World reported that Spears popped more than 100 prescription tablets about 36 hours before her custody meltdown late Thursday night, washing them down with a Purple Monster, a "mind-blowing home-made cocktail of vodka, NyQuil anti-flu syrup and an energy drink like Red Bull."

The tabloid quotes an unnamed friend as saying she believes Spears was saved from falling into a coma because all the substances counteracted one another.

"It looks like everything in her medicine cabinet went down her neck," the friend said.

The tabloid also claims it was her ex-husband Kevin Federline who called 911, sparking a three-hour standoff at Spears's L.A. home.

The paper said her ex-husband realized Spears had a gun – a Baretta pistol he bought her as a birthday gift – in the room where she was holding their two young sons. Federline, the paper said, thought Spears might kill the children.

Tabloids and stuffy news organizations alike have been blowing up over the last few days with photos of Spears, 26, flailing on a gurney before being whisked off to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for a roughly 24-hour stay.

As she was packing to leave the hospital yesterday, MTV reports Spears got a surprise visit from a family friend – America's favourite telepsychologist Dr. Phil McGraw.

The balding guru caught the train wreck of a pop star in her room as she was packing to go home.

"My meeting with Britney and some of her family members this morning ... leaves me convinced more than ever that she is in dire need of both medical and psychological intervention," McGraw told reporters.

"We visited for about an hour before I walked with her to her car. I am very concerned for her."

Spears's hospitalization and news that she has temporarily lost joint custody of her two kids to Federline – a court ruled Friday in an emergency hearing that she won't even have visitation rights for a little while – have provided endless fodder for gossip. Custody of the Spears-Federline children will be discussed in a hearing Jan. 14.

Although hospital officials have had no comment on Spears, and authorities have given no full explanation of why she was hospitalized, several reports said that by late yesterday doctors had concluded the former Mouseketeer no longer needed to be on suicide watch and was not a danger to self or others.

Spears' latest escapades – including shaving her head and swearing off underwear – have unleashed debates on the media's role in her downward spiral and when to cease coverage. And they've prompted questions about when enough pop princess coverage is enough.

Apparently Dr. Phil thinks Spears is worth a bit more buzz. Rumour has it she'll be appearing on his show this Wednesday.

Edited by The Rover
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I remember reading someone posting about Shania Twain. She had a family, packed it up, and moved away from the spotlight. Britney Spears could do the same. But she chooses to mingle with the paparazzi, unlike anyone I've ever heard of.

It's completely her fault, and I do find it annoying that people actually give a shit about her fucked up life. She's a full on whore. She makes really bad music. And she was obviously not mentally competent enough to have kids. Yet she did anyways.

I also remember reading somewhere online that while all the media was surrounding Lindsay Lohan, that Britney Spears was driving her car back and fourth down the street, attempting to get the Paparazzi's attention.

She was doing this, instead of raising her children (who are really going to be fucked up). She deserves to Crash and burn.

Edited by electricmage
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we need to take brit to the vet and have her put down

Classy post.

Didn't you just reply that the American Indian Holocost was the worst?

Does your sig say Make Love Not War, and you have a peace sign in it?

That's some twisted set of morals you got there.

And electricmage? Crash and Burn?

So she makes crappy music ,she should die? Wtf is the matter with you people?

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Classy post.

Didn't you just reply that the American Indian Holocost was the worst?

Does your sig say Make Love Not War, and you have a peace sign in it?

That's some twisted set of morals you got there.

And electricmage? Crash and Burn?

So she makes crappy music ,she should die? Wtf is the matter with you people?

can't take a joke

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Classy post.

Didn't you just reply that the American Indian Holocost was the worst?

Does your sig say Make Love Not War, and you have a peace sign in it?

That's some twisted set of morals you got there.

And electricmage? Crash and Burn?

So she makes crappy music ,she should die? Wtf is the matter with you people?

I never said Die. Although it would probably do the world a service, in all honesty. We'd have a few months of the "Anna Nicole" bullshit. And that would be it. Ah, what a world it would be...

On top of that, the girl is just fucked up in the head. How dare she be allowed to bring children into this world. I'm all about Child Welfare, but these kids are probably going to be beyond saving. It's her fault. Instead of raising her kids, shes out partying with other pieces of shit, and not raising her kids properly. Blame her mental state all you want. But she knows fully well what her actions do for her.

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Ah, the tabloids, pity I have nothing better to do than waste time reading them; if only I had a life. I do hope Britney Spears resolves all her issues favorably and recovers quite well despite everyone's worst intentions. Now the media can no longer aggravate Princess Diana, I guess they are bored and desperate for a new target. In a way it reminds me of orcas hunting baby seals off the coast of Argentina.

I'm glad Dr. Phil was there. He could turn out to be her strength in all of her turmoil.

Edited by eternal light
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I thought that Britney was cute when she first came out and liked some of her songs, so what happened to her????? She certainly has the money to get out of the spotlight and get her life back on track but instead she chooses to keep herself out there so the media can capture her every move and the sad thing is that she seems to not listen to anyone. I am not the biggest fan of hers but she is still human and I just hope she can get her self together because I am certainly sick and tired of hearing about her problems 24/7! This train wreck is very sad to watch and what is even worse there is the paparazzi in her face ALL of the time! She seriously needs to get herself together and think about her children's welfare before it is too late.

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I thought that Britney was cute when she first came out and liked some of her songs, so what happened to her????? She certainly has the money to get out of the spotlight and get her life back on track but instead she chooses to keep herself out there so the media can capture her every move and the sad thing is that she seems to not listen to anyone. I am not the biggest fan of hers but she is still human and I just hope she can get her self together because I am certainly sick and tired of hearing about her problems 24/7! This train wreck is very sad to watch and what is even worse there is the paparazzi in her face ALL of the time! She seriously needs to get herself together and think about her children's welfare before it is too late.

It's all she knows how to do. She needs help to do all that. I think Dr. Phil may attempt to get her into more therapy. It seems to have reached that point. She's addicted to the cameras and she doesn't know how to get out of the spotlight.

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It's all she knows how to do. She needs help to do all that. I think Dr. Phil may attempt to get her into more therapy. It seems to have reached that point. She's addicted to the cameras and she doesn't know how to get out of the spotlight.

^^ I totally agree 100%, you hit the nail on the head!! He may be the thing that she needs to get herself together.

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Chriss Crocker, lol....

Well, I did my fair share of Britney-bashing, but enough is enough already! It's pretty obvious this will end up bad if she doesn't get any professional help. I could be 'cool' and keep on bashing with the rest, but I follow my own thoughts, independent of what others think, and my view is that she's self-destructing and that simply isn't funny.

I remember reading someone posting about Shania Twain. She had a family, packed it up, and moved away from the spotlight. Britney Spears could do the same. But she chooses to mingle with the paparazzi, unlike anyone I've ever heard of.

It's completely her fault, and I do find it annoying that people actually give a shit about her fucked up life. She's a full on whore. She makes really bad music. And she was obviously not mentally competent enough to have kids. Yet she did anyways.

I also remember reading somewhere online that while all the media was surrounding Lindsay Lohan, that Britney Spears was driving her car back and fourth down the street, attempting to get the Paparazzi's attention.

She was doing this, instead of raising her children (who are really going to be fucked up). She deserves to Crash and burn.

Dude, maybe she was driving her car back and forth to get attention, but in the grand sheme of things that doesn't matter at all. It's pretty obvious that someone should take care of her and get her on the right track. Trust me, if she was part of YOUR family you would say the same.

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Well, I did my fair share of Britney-bashing, but enough is enough already! It's pretty obvious this will end up bad if she doesn't get any professional help. I could be 'cool' and keep on bashing with the rest, but I follow my own thoughts, independent of what others think, and my view is that she's self-destructing and that simply isn't funny.

Well-put. It's kinda like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Dude, maybe she was driving her car back and forth to get attention, but in the grand sheme of things that doesn't matter at all. It's pretty obvious that someone should take care of her and get her on the right track. Trust me, if she was part of YOUR family you would say the same.

I mostly agree with this. She definitely needs help, and if Dr. Phil can do that for her/with her, then good for him. Where my opinion differs is in the fact that even if folks 'take care of her' and

get her on the right track', it still may not be enough in the long run. At some point she'll have to want it, and I have no idea if she's reached that point yet.

As rough as it must be on her or her family to have all that media attention, I can't help but wonder about the thousands of folks who are also falling apart at the seams but don't have the resources to seek help or have it foisted on them.

Anyway, I hope Britney gets the help she needs... cuz IMO, if she doesn't get it (and SOON) she's going to wind up dead, accidentally or intentionally, but dead.

Just my two cents.

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