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with a 'WORD' she can get...." - what's the word?

feather in the wind

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the meaning of STH is universal

I disagree. The CONCEPT of a stairway (path, ladder, zigurat, etc. etc.) to god (or gods) is universal. However it's meaning in various cultures is often derived from the experiences (or consciousness) of those within those particular cultures.

Jacob's ladder is a fine example. Ask someone Jewish what it "means" and you'll get an answer. Ask someone who is Christian what it "means" and you're likely to get a different answer. One can certainly focus their attention on right or wrong interpretations, if they choose to follow that course , but my personal belief is that , like most things of value in life , it's importance lies not so much in what a thing IS , but rather in what it brings out in the observer.

(time for another aleve)

Edited by Idunn
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that's the fun of it all, and to dig deep into the 'dirt'.

nothing can be 'overanalyzed' the meaning stops somewhere. i want to KNOW why? how? where? when?

"If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does naught. Reason is a lie" <-------- from 'the book of law'

You might dig deep but are you getting "the MESSAGE" or the message you want ?
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i know what u mean. yes, plant 'wrote' the words, but the 'base' was there. i have read about jacob's ladder, again, a symbol of the 'staiway to heaven'.

idunn wrote: "it's importance lies not so much in what a thing IS , but rather in what it brings out in the observer."

can't argue that, ^ good statement.

Bilbo the Rover:

there are so many 'messages' in life, we must choose the message that 'fits' us individually but in the end, the message is universal "the song remains the same". and no, i haven't found my message .........................yet ;) (must be the mid life crisis i am going thru these days, finding myself)

great discussions! good stuff.

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i haven't found my message .........................yet (must be the mid life crisis i am going thru these days, finding myself)

Maybe it's less important to find the answers than it is to ask the questions. Having said that, midpoints are wonderful teachers, imho. :)

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Waaaaayy too much is made of the deeper meaning of StH. It's a clever song no doubt but as a "philosophy to Life" - no. No, it's not that at all.

Now Carouselambra from ITTOD is a much more reflective and intense song about the trials of life and its obstacles. Listen to it and see for yourself...Sisters of the way-side bide their time in quiet peace,

Await their place within the ring of calm;

Still stand to turn in seconds of release,

Await the call they know may never come.

In times of lightness, no intruder dared upon

To jeopardize the course, upset the run;

And all was joy and hands were raised toward the sun

As love in the halls of plenty overrun.

Still in their bliss unchallenged mighty feast,

Unending dances shadowed on the day.

Within their walls, their daunting formless keep,

Preserved their joy and kept their doubts at bay.

Faceless legions stood in readiness to weep,

Just turn a coin, bring order to the fray;

And ev'rything is soon no sooner thought than deed,

But no one seemed to question anyway.

How keen the hunter's eye prevails upon the land

To seek the unsuspecting and the weak;

And powerless the fabled sat, too smug to lift a hand

Toward the foe that threatened from the deep.

Who cares to dry the cheeks of those who saddened stand

Adrift upon a sea of futile speech?


.................... reach


Where was your word, where did you go?

Where was your helping, where was your bow? Bow.

Dull is the armour, cold is the day.

Hard was the journey, dark was the way. Way.

I heard the word; I couldn't stay. Oh.

I couldn't stand it another day, another day-ay,

another day, another day.

Touched by the timely coming,

Roused from the keeper's sleep,

Release the grip, throw down the key.

Held now within the knowing,

Rest now within the peace.

Take of the fruit, but guard the seed.

Held now within the knowing,

Rest now within the beat.

Take of the fruit, but guard the seed...

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That "secret" masonic word isn't so "secret" anymore.
You believe ,you know--check out the thread about Robert Plant & JRR Tolkien ,theres alot of information there ------by the way Robert has taken alot of photos with krauss for professional promotional reasons--he has also made it clear right from the start that raising sand

was a band project----not really a duet---he reffered it to : Dick&Dee Dee- Krauss was not at the LED ZEPPELIN 02 arena consert,on Dec.10.2007 ---for a reason.......

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Well, i don't know about a 'word...never really thought about it. All i know is that when we were teenagers growing-up in the late '70's & StH came on the radio (or 8-track), everyone would cease to speak, unless they were singing the song. If you did'nt, you got an evil stare :angry: from everyone else & were considered a complete idiot for not knowing better than to TALK during such a meaningful song. Only one other song got that treatment: Freebird (and Dream On, depending on who you were hanging with that day.. :blink: ) So it was'nt the word, it was the meaning behind it that drew us to have that respect...the meaning of hope, love, faith, & God...everyone's Stairway to Heaven, not just hers, but she represented what everyone wanted...to find that kind of faith that just knows, if only with one word. ok, i know i did'nt answer the original question...

Were we the only teenagers on the planet who did this??? I really wanna know!

And i am NOT listening to it backwards...sorry, i have to draw the line somewhere B)

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taken from Thelemic mysticism quote:

"There are many magical teachers but in recorded history we have scarcely had

a dozen Magi in the technical sense of the word. They may be recognized by the

fact that their message may be formulated as a single word, which word must be

such that it overturns all existing beliefs and codes. We may take as

instances the Word of Buddha—Anatta (absence of an atman or soul) [...]

Mohammed, again, with the single word Allah [...] Similarly, Aiwass, uttering

the word Thelema (with all its implications), destroys completely the formula

of the Dying God."

there it is! possibly ;) i like to think so, but maybe not, who knows? only the chosen few ;)

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taken from Thelemic mysticism quote:

"There are many magical teachers but in recorded history we have scarcely had

a dozen Magi in the technical sense of the word. They may be recognized by the

fact that their message may be formulated as a single word, which word must be

such that it overturns all existing beliefs and codes. We may take as

instances the Word of Buddha—Anatta (absence of an atman or soul) [...]

Mohammed, again, with the single word Allah [...] Similarly, Aiwass, uttering

the word Thelema (with all its implications), destroys completely the formula

of the Dying God."

there it is! possibly ;) i like to think so, but maybe not, who knows? only the chosen few ;)

Al Crowley - "A-ha!"

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