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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Oprah and Rock's motivations for establishing and contributing to the fund in such a high profile manner can be debated. Is it virtue signalling, or is it using their celebrity status for the greater good? My point is as private citizens they did something to help and they contributed towards it. They were not obligated to do anything. The small business owner is likewise not obgligated to do anything, yet all he does do is bitch and complain about two who have. He can cry me a fucking river.  Some are so quick to brand Oprah and Rock as grandstanding, and yet it seems here the small business owner offering no solutions gets a pass for grandstanding because he's not well off. The people of Lahaina would consider themselves blessed to awake today with a home, a car and a job living paycheck to paycheck, and THAT is where his daily struggle is indeed relative to theirs.

Whatever Steve. He isn't alone in his sentiments over this. There are a lot of other people from the island who have a problem with oprah.

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18 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Whatever Steve. He isn't alone in his sentiments over this. There are a lot of other people from the island who have a problem with oprah.

We can agree to disagree, as I anticipated when you stated she should give more. As a conservative, I try not to tell anyone what to do with their money, except perhaps to make more if they don't have enough. I've noticed that most people's definition of "the rich" is always someone who has more than they do, so in my mind it is all relative.

Edited to add: I do find it interesting there is more public outcry over Oprah's contribution than the incompetent, corrupt Hawaiian officials directly responsible for the extent of the disaster in the first place. 

Edited by SteveAJones
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7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

We can agree to disagree, as I anticipated when you stated she should give more. As a conservative, I try not to tell anyone what to do with their money, except perhaps to make more if they don't have enough. I've noticed that most people's definition of "the rich" is always someone who has more than they do, so in my mind it is all relative.

Edited to add: I do find it interesting there is more public outcry over Oprah's contribution than the incompetent, corrupt Hawaiian officials directly responsible for the extent of the disaster in the first place. 

The people of Lahaina are extremely angry with the Hawaiian officials but for some reason the media would rather focus on oprah and the rock.

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51 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

Shitty Wok has Shitty Chicken, Shitty Beef,  Some dum guy, some dum girl and a most shitty moo shoo pork. Conveinyentry located by the shitty airport in the shitty of South Park.

Just past the Mongolian wall. Takea order pree. 


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4 hours ago, Strider said:

It's only a matter of time. Reparations now!

The only reparations that should be on the menu are reparations to fully employed, legal US citizens who have experienced 50 years of diminished property values and social unrest as a direct result of black locusts, white liberals and federal government housing and immigration policies.

Edited by SteveAJones
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Just now, paul carruthers said:

Wow, creatively dry Hollywood decides to reboot yet another classic tv show & as usual, the new series will be a pale shadow compared to the old. But--all my skepticism aside--it is nice to see Kelsey Grammer again....

You may have heard that the writers are on strike.

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7 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I saw a blurb about it a few months ago, wasn't aware nothing was settled yet. Whenever the writers do come back, I still think the television landscape as a whole will be as shitty as usual....

Of course it will be awful for as with cinema, televison is unwatchable garbage. I honestly can't remember the last television show I watched for more than five minutes. I'd probably have to go back to the mid-90s and yet still I struggle to recall a single episode of anything. I'm seriously drawing a blank.   

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7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Of course it will be awful for as with cinema, televison is unwatchable garbage. I honestly can't remember the last television show I watched for more than five minutes. I'd probably have to go back to the mid-90s and yet still I struggle to recall a single episode of anything. I'm seriously drawing a blank.   

Cut my cable 14 years ago.  Don't miss it one bit and love all the money I've saved since then.

Go woke
Go broke
Don't care
So there!


Edited by cryingbluerain
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12 hours ago, custard pie man said:

hope they stay out until they decide to make  good television again, until then i'm fine watching reruns of all in the family, Jeffersons, mash, etc.... could do without every commercial having a mixed marriage and kids in back seat of car look like they came from outer space 😁

Two things I've noticed about the contemporary (woke) commercials -- blacks comprise 13% of US population but nearly 75% of the advertising roles. Secondly, and more damning, straight white males are routinely portrayed as stupid and unworthy of any respect whatsoever, that is if they are featured in a television commercial at all.



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