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John Mayer

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So does anyone else out there just love this guy? I got to see him this summer and he is by far the best live act I've ever seen. His improv is ridiculous and he did this cover of I Don't Need No Doctor that blew me away. He's even better live than studio.

Granted his first few albums were kind of poppy and may not appeal to everyone, but the last two and his other live album Any Given Thursday are fantastic. Lately he kind of sounds like Eric Clapton meets Stevie Ray Vaughan. I absolutely love both of those guys, too, so this new sound really appeals to me. Rolling Stone did also name him a guitar god along with John Frusciante and Derek Trucks last year. I had the chance to see the Chili Peppers a year and a half ago and as awesome as Frusciante was, I think Mayer was even better.

I'd also have to say I'm kind of tired of this stereotype of the John Mayer fan as 14 year old girls because I didn't see anyone there who looked like they were even in high school. A good half of the people were around my age (college aged) and the rest were middle aged men haha. There was this 50 year old dude a few seats over dancing his ass off. It was amazing.

So any other fans?

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I haven't purchased any cds or anything of his, but seeing him play at some award show a while back I was Stunned! He is flippin HOT, on the guit I mean. Not so sore on the eyes as well. :shifty:

He still has plenty of years left in him to only get better.

I can only imagine.

Bless the "guitarmen." :)

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I understand his guitar prowess and his genuine desire to move away from his status as a "pop" star but I wouldn't call myself a fan. The guy does have my respect though but that's about it. As guitar players go he's only recycling what so many find familiar (such as the well worn Clapton/SRV riffs), I'll take someone like Derek Trucks (who's actually breaking new ground) any day of the week over John Mayer.

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WELL....*deep breath!*

I was lucky enough to get a last-minute spare ticket to see him at the Royal Albert Hall back in September (I think).

I hadn't really heard any of his stuff before, but I'd heard him be raved about, and I'd heard he was a fantastic guitarist, so I wasn't gonna pass that up! Even though it meant an impromptu trip all the way down to London.

I went with my brother and a few of our mates (one of them couldn't come, that's why I got the ticket) and we listened to Continuum in the car on the way down...I thought it was fantastic so I was getting very excited by the time we got there!

He was fabulous...one of the best new guitarists I've heard in years, he's a fantastic songwriter, and there's such effortless feeling to his voice...it's lovely.

Effortless is a good word for him really, I think he's just one of those people that was blessed with a great talent and really was born to do it.

Since then I've become the proud owner of Heavier Things and Continuum, which are both great. :D

Edited by Chicken
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I understand his guitar prowess and his genuine desire to move away from his status as a "pop" star but I wouldn't call myself a fan. The guy does have my respect though but that's about it. As guitar players go he's only recycling what so many find familiar (such as the well worn Clapton/SRV riffs), I'll take someone like Derek Trucks (who's actually breaking new ground) any day of the week over John Mayer.

Most of you know, that I don't care for John Mayer. But the Derek Trucks comment is dead on. Although John Mayer supposedly loves SRV. He isn't anywhere near SRV's level.

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Haha I kind of figured there'd be as much pro as anti-Mayer sentiment in here. Anyway, in regards to him using recycled riffs, it is kind of true. I even heard him jokingly say he'd been ripping off Clapton for years. This was not really an outlandish statement for me. Add in SRV and yes, you pretty much have Mayer's music. It may not be groundbreaking, but at least the music he's miming is good haha. Most contemporary rock is a bunch of crappy bands copying the other crappy bands of today. At least he's throwing a little old school at us.

Anyway, I just think you can't really say you definitively dislike him until you've seen him live because it's really inspired. His improv is beyond incredible. His vocals are even better live.

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