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Today I was reading a dutch site on which a guy stated "...Bonzo or John Heineken, which were nicknames, sadly died in 1980...". 

As for now I've been a huge Led Zeppelin - and especially John Bonham - fan for over 45 years, but I've never ever heard Bonham being called John Heineken. I know he liked the beer but giving him this nickname? Never heard of. Anybody?

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1 hour ago, Moby_Dick_Ale said:

Today I was reading a dutch site on which a guy stated "...Bonzo or John Heineken, which were nicknames, sadly died in 1980...". 

As for now I've been a huge Led Zeppelin - and especially John Bonham - fan for over 45 years, but I've never ever heard Bonham being called John Heineken. I know he liked the beer but giving him this nickname? Never heard of. Anybody?

I'm pretty sure it was at one of the LA '75 shows where Plant introduces Bonham before (or maybe after) Moby Dick as "John Heineken Beer Bonham", or something to that effect.  Obviously a reference to his partying. 

Edited by JohnOsbourne
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9 hours ago, Moby_Dick_Ale said:

Today I was reading a dutch site on which a guy stated "...Bonzo or John Heineken, which were nicknames, sadly died in 1980...". 

As for now I've been a huge Led Zeppelin - and especially John Bonham - fan for over 45 years, but I've never ever heard Bonham being called John Heineken. I know he liked the beer but giving him this nickname? Never heard of. Anybody?

". . . The man who only drinks Hieneken . . . " Plant quote intro to Moby D June 21st 1977.

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I've been looking up some transcriptions on http://www.rambleonzep.com and found a few mentions of 'Heineken' by Robert, but in a more general way.

Just one time he's referring to Bonzo in a some kind of nickname way

03-27-1975: "...John Paul Jones, grand piano and Heineken beer..."

05-30-1977: "...The very warm, the very Heineken, John Bonham, Over The Top!..."

06-21-1977: "...The man who drinks Heineken..."

06-22-1977: "...Mr Bonham has now gone to see the man who distributes Heineken..."

06-25-1977: "...Bring to the front of the stage Mr John Henry, John Henry Heineken Bonham, on the left there..."





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