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Frampton Comes Alive!


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Oh, that was humor! :blink:

Yeah, I got that, my squirrely friend. I just get the sense that many people look at the "glitz" of the Comes Alive album without considering the great talent of Peter Frampton. Besides, he is a truly nice gentleman, not deserving of such disrespect.

On the other hand:

You act like your the first person to ever make this silly attempt at satire. It's actually an old stale joke. It was 1976 for God's sake!! Are you just catching on now?

If you still find it the funniest thing you can copy and post on a forum it might be your sense of humor that needs a tune up. Maybe you could move up into the new millenium? Probably not. How about a nice stab at Britney Spears? She's an easy target.

Post something funny and I'm sure I'll chuckle right along with you. :D

Take it easy old fella, just giving you some of your own.

Peace, Love and all that!! :lol:

Wow, you are right I'm not funny. What a revelation. This changes everything , I 'll no longer try to post anything with a touch of humor.

I'm just going to post about actual events, like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978)

With Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees....with no dialogue .....and George Burns narrating.

Butchering Beatles songs , wow those guys could act........now that's some funny shit.

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I saw on VH1 not too long ago about how KISS Alive wasn't really 'alive' because after listening to playbacks of their concerts they realized what crappy musicians they were and rerecorded nearly all of it with dubbed in crowd noise.

And they still sucked.

I guess that my point was that Peter Frampton was awesome and DID live up to the hype.

Yeah, the album cover pic is gay and the thing was played WAY TOO MUCH on local FM, but so was "Dark Side Of The Moon" and I don't hear too many jokes about Pink Floyd's hype.

Whatever. Old joke, ha ha, been there, heard it, got the T-shirt. :D

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Wow, you are right I'm not funny. What a revelation. This changes everything , I 'll no longer try to post anything with a touch of humor.

I'm just going to post about actual events, like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978)

With Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees....with no dialogue .....and George Burns narrating.

Butchering Beatles songs , wow those guys could act........now that's some funny shit.

Yeah! Now that was funny! Even Peter regrets that piece of crap!

I think that you're trying too hard, my friend! I'm not the enemy.

Look out, squirrels attacking at 11 o'clock!

And it just keeps getting funnier every time I hear it!! :lol:

*Jimmy backs away slowly from Levee's prized thread* :unsure:

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Yeah! Now that was funny! Even Peter regrets that piece of crap!

I think that you're trying too hard, my friend! I'm not the enemy.

Look out, squirrels attacking at 11 o'clock!

And it just keeps getting funnier every time I hear it!! :lol:

*Jimmy backs away slowly from Levee's prized thread* :unsure:




What about those Tigerbeat magazines I wanted to trade for?




Crap. He's gone.

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Sgt. Pepper...Bee Gees/Frampton version sucked as bad as Frampton Comes Alive !!!!

The producers of it just cashed in on the crappiness of comes alive to propogate Sgt. P !!!!

Both sucked !!! :lol:

JUST like KISS !!!!! gag a fuckin' maggot !!!!!!!

Well, Steve Martin and Aerosmith also participated, shall we condemn them as well? B)

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Sgt. Pepper...Bee Gees/Frampton version sucked as bad as Frampton Comes Alive !!!!

The producers of it just cashed in on the crappiness of comes alive to propogate Sgt. P !!!!

Both sucked !!! :lol:

JUST like KISS !!!!! gag a fuckin' maggot !!!!!!!

Aw the memories.

Sgt. Pepper era brings to mind KISS Meet The Phantom.

This ones is dedicated to Joelmon, Stringbender and Evster2012 (who I think was at the amusement park when they shot this crap) ....

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Sgt. Pepper...Bee Gees/Frampton version sucked as bad as Frampton Comes Alive !!!!

The producers of it just cashed in on the crappiness of comes alive to propogate Sgt. P !!!!

Both sucked !!! :lol:

JUST like KISS !!!!! gag a fuckin' maggot !!!!!!!


If only Triumph:The Insult Dog could have been outside for the line up of "fans" to see this Sgt. Pepper piece of corporate crap ! !

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So this is what you guy's have been doing while I've been at work. Wait till your Father get's home. :angry::D

For me , it's become a "Hey Remember the 70s" celebration.

... I just realize that now the long running The Simpsons is a ripoff of this 70s classic. An oafish middle-ager with a annoying voiced housewife with three kids ... a underachiever son, a liberal-slanted daughter and a potentially normal third kid. Even the opening intro is similar.

Up yours Matt Groening!

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For me , it's become a "Hey Remember the 70s" celebration.

... I just realize that now the long running The Simpsons is a ripoff of this 70s classic. An oafish middle-ager with a annoying voiced housewife with three kids ... a underachiever son, a liberal-slanted daughter and a potentially normal third kid. Even the opening intro is similar.

Up yours Matt Groening!

Well the subject was about FCA etc. All 70's related. I think for alot of us, it reminds us of a change for the worse.... so to speak

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I'd like to believe there's a conspiracy, because frankly, the alternative is worse. Gotta face the facts, though... Mediocrity sells -- people don't want to be challenged. If the term "easy listening" isn't an indicator of our society's values, I don't know what is.

Sorry, but I have to disagree with everything you posted. Not being mean, just looking at your post logically.

Frampton Comes Alive was the most hyped releases of all time and was overplayed by radio. The cover photo sucked and they aimed at the teen-aged girls for sales.

OK. That is all true.

Peter Frampton is nowhere near mediocre, he is a guitar genius. His playing at the concert had an incredible effect on me. He was AMAZING. A lot of his solos were complex and fascinating, often sounding like a great sax solo. They had a mammoth sound system that I'd rate as one of the best that I've ever heard.

If you look at the greatest selling tours and albums, groups like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin are at the top. I don't consider any of them "mediocre".

"Easy listening" is not an indicator of our societies' values, it's one type of music genre. You could just as well say that Bluegrass is an indicator of societies' values. It doesn't make any sense.

Saying that people don't want to be challenged is a generalization. Some people do, some don't. It's as varied as different people's taste in music.

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"Appears in Wayne's World when Cassandra shows Wayne some old records that she has bought. When she asks Wayne if he's seen it before, he claims to have been issued it, as he lived in the suburbs, and that it came in the mail with samples of Tide".

I started this thread as pure satire, to make a point about the hype that went along with this album.

I do that sometimes, I think this place should be fun and informative.

Having said that if I had known it was going to bring out some serious discussions on the state of the music from that time I would have done this a long time ago. It's been wonderful to read the give and take from you about your feelings of how your musical tastes were formed.

JimmyPage77, you really need to get a sense of humor, last time I checked they are not burning buildings because of this thread. I was not try to threaten or steal your youth. Just borrow it for a bit.


I have two copies of Frampton Comes Alive. The one I bought in 1976 and the one that came with my wife when we got married. I think most people from my generation could say pretty much the same thing.


Edited by Del Zeppnile
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  • 6 months later...
Saw the show. Peter was great. I don't get the joke, except that some idiot missed the best tour of 1976 and in his alcoholic/drug-induced haze missed the point of it.

Don't know why this thread exists, except that bad taste must be popular on this site.

Although, they are right about Springsteen and Mellencamp. Two assholes that can't sing their way out of a fart bubble. Glad I could clear this up for you. :lol:


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I know... one of the guys in the dorm at college was just gaga over this release. He was a most typical example of the kind of tool that "bought" whatever was crammed down his throat by the big media machinery !

I just knew it was conspiracy ! Just like when the industry conspired to bring Bruce Springsteen into the limelight in the early 70s. They did the same thing with John Cougar Mellancamp in the 80s.

I can smell that kind of MEDIA MANIPULATION a mile away!! 10 miles away !

I can go on and on.... Boston, Def Leppard.... Fads that should just go away, so we can all listen to just the good stuff. There should be one radio station in each town that plays nothing but coporately created and sponsored commercially crafted music. And One station in each town that DOES NOT play any of those songs. So, there would be artists with different songs on "both' stations. That would fair, But instead, the industry and the govt. thinks we, as a population would be better served with homoginized crap. FUCK THEM !! :D

This is the music a lot of us...here... grew up with........ and I...personally.... don't give a shit what you think! If you don't like it don't listen to it. Spend some money and listen to CDs.... but keep your ignorant opinions about a whole generations music...... to yourself. What do you consider the good stuff......Donnie and Marrie the Archies? Try living in a communistic country and see what kind of music stations you get.

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