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Your O2 Story

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I bought two tickets to the O2 concert from Advantage Tickets in September. My 15 year old daughter travelled to England just to go to this show, it was her 16th birthday present from the whole family. She waited for 3 weeks in England for Jimmy's finger to mend, and on the 10th she waited at the door all day for her tickets to arrive. Advantage Tickets kept assuring us that the tickets were on their way. But they never arrived. The next morning my EXTREMELY dissapointed daughter left England. Advantage Tickets said their courier had stolen my two tickets, and another two tickets from one other person and had probably sold them for 2 thousand pounds each. They have promised to refund my money, but have not yet done so even though I email or phone them every two weeks. I would like to know if anyone else had their tickets stolen or had a problem with Advantage Tickets.

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well my brief history...

it all started in Lisbon where me and my friend. We had a picture taken for a national newspaper about the LZ reunion..thewn off we went to Luton. Stayed at an hotel near LAncaster GAte, arrived there around 9 PM Sunday.

Dinner, went for a walk, your 1st time in London, Oxford St, then bown to Piccadilly and Trafalgar Sq where we were looking for a nice old fashioned english pub..all closing or about to so we stayed ina very loud sports bar watching NFL.

Next day we checked out and on the O2.I expected chaos there but was all very easy.we were the 1st ones in your cue, and we didnt arived earlier than 30-40 mns before doors opened.

Then, off we went again to see more of London, Greenwich, WEaterloo, South Bank, Tate and then by bus to Chelsea to see the stadium (we crazy soccer mad ppl)

After that dinner and on to the O2. Super environment there, to obad we were almost 1 hour in the merchandise cue not to get anything...

Well the concert, the concert was magical, not much more to say!!

In the end, back to the tube to Victoria St to get the train to Luton.The worst part was waiting in the airport until 6 am for the plane.

Super trip, not only because of LZ, a dream i never thinked it was possible to be true but also because i absolutly loved London cant wait to go back there this summer.

All in all, 2 magical days!

ps- and a shirt bought online to prove it!! :D

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My O2 story:

On November 12th, I got a PM from a friend from the board telling me that only one ticket was avaiable, only one. I had to decide immediately if I wanted it, because it would be offered to someone else. The gilr who was selling it was from NY, a 23 year old gilr who loved LZ and wanted to sell her spare ticket to another true real fan. The person who was making it with her could no longer go to the concert, because of the change of dates (from November to December, due to Jimmy's accident). I can't be thankful enough to those people who suggested my name, because I had given up all my hopes by that time. I was so taken aback, I just didn't know what to do. I was going to leave for a pizza with my husband that evening and just before we left I decided to check my PM box. My husband looked at my face and asked if there was something wrong with me, because I went pale at once, I showed him my PM and he said: of course you're making it, no matter if alone, you'll be there. No need to say we ordered the pizza home.

And so he picked up the phone and called Varig (Brazilian airline) to see if we could find a ticket to London using my mile reward programm. At the same time I sent the girl from NY an email telling her that I wanted the ticket (I had no idea how much she would want for her spare ticket, I was just trying to convince myself that it wouldn't be that much). My husband managed to book my air ticket to London, but I'd have to spend 9 days in the city, because there were no places in any flights. I went to bed that day with no answer back from the girl and with a flight ticket booked for the 6th December, back flight 15 th December. I just didn't sleep anything that night.

The first thing I did on the following morning was to check my emails...still no answer from the girl. I just couldn't concentrate at work that day, I was too anxious! Finally in that afternoon the gilr sent me an email saying it would be a pleasure to sell it to me and that she'd get 290 Dollars for the ticket (that's what she paid, the official price plus taxes). No cent of profit, she just wanted to share this unique experience with another real fan. I still can't believe how lucky I was. It is amaizng and I'll be forever thankful that there are so many wonderful people among LZ fans.

So I booked a hotel next to the O2, and got in contact with some lovely friends I made here, some of them are the best people I have ever met in my whole life. This concert will be in my memory as the best concert I have ever been to for two reasons: it was LZ (even if Bonzo wasn't there, it was the closest I'd ever come to being to a LZ concert - saw P&P twice back in 1996 - still this one was like the "real" Zeppelin was flying high again) and because of this concert I met my dear friends, people I wanted to meet for so long.

I can't tell how I spent those three weeks before my flight to London, it all looked like a dream, I couldn't (and I still can't) believe how lucky I was.

One day before I got my plane, Varig cancelled the back flight from London. I just panicked.

My husband managed to book me another back flight to São Paulo on the 18th December, I'd have to spend three days more in London. God, I was already going alone leaving husband and kids at home, feeling soooo guilty my husband wouldn't be there because with me - he is also a big LZ fan....and I'd spend even more time and money away form home because of a concert! I felt so bad about it all.

But my family was just wonderful, they gave me all the support I needed, they were truly happy for me, and so I went, alone to London, to see my favorite band, the band I love since 1971, as I first heard their music.

No need to say that the concert was simply marvellous, that I was moved to tears as I realised I was really there, that this one concert will live in my memory till the last days of my life.

No need to tell that I met some wonderful people either. They are real friends, people I met on the old board and that are now part of my life, people I love and care for, friends for life.

No need to tell that the girl from NY lives also in my heart. God bless her beautiful soul.

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PS - Terrible luck for AussieFan and especially his/her daughter. Sorry to hear things didn't work out.

My thoughts too, that's really awful! I hope you hear form them soon and that at least they refund you with the money you paid for the tickets.

Edited by brspled
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Before the concert:

1.) I didn't win the passcode lottery. That was apparent within a few hours of the congratulatory emailing for the lucky winners. I immediately went on ebay to see what I could find. A lot of auctions for passcodes with BIN's had already ended, some for big money. The cheapest one I saw was $389. I have no idea why the seller chose that particular price, but after contacting him directly, I pulled the trigger and bought the code. He was true to his word and sent it within a minute after I PayPal'd for it.

A tense sojourn into Ticketmaster UK led to a single "standing" ticket for the arena floor (My wife declined to go, but cheered me on. I love her.)

2.) The excrement hit the propeller, with Harvey Goldsmith threatening to cancel all the tickets of those who got their password from their spouse, sibling, best friend's third cousin, or, well......a scalper. Many righteous Zep fans on the different forums were also outraged, calling the passcode buyers a bunch of cheaters. I fully expected to see villagers with torches storming my house, ready to cast me down into the fires of damnation.

Yep, I bought a passcode. I don't apologize.

3.) In spite of HG's blustering, I made my plans. I cashed in enough travel points to completely cover the airfare and hotel, so the concert ticket and beer money would be the major expenses.

4.) AARGGH!! The show was postponed to Dec. 10. Everyone had to change their travel plans. It seemed like this whole thing was cursed. Still, I would not be thwarted. I was told that it would cost $$ to change everything, and I got a different figure (anywhere from $1100 to $1500, depending on which agent I happened to get on the phone at any time). I have to say, the male travel agents were largely unsympathetic, mostly having an attitude of "Gee, that's too bad. I guess you'll just have to suck it up because there's nothing I can do." The female agents were a lot more helpful. I finally said to one "You work in the travel industry so you must know the right things to say to the airline and hotel managers. Pretend you're doing this for yourself and then just say those things to them."

The cost for changing my air and hotel went from $1500 to......$0. Nothing.

I don't remember that agent's name now, but I hope someone close to her gave her a really nice Christmas present. She was great.

5.) Hurrah! All of us slimy passcode buyers were granted amnesty. I left work from San Diego on Friday, drove to Los Angeles in rush hour traffic but made the flight on time. All of sudden I was in England. That seemed like one of the fastest overseas flights I had ever been on.

6.) Waited a few hours in the longest part of the alphabet on Sunday to get my ticket and wristband, then another hour or so in the merchandise line (Did I say the concert ticket and beer were the only major expenses?). I figured I would get all the stuff that everybody back home asked for and a shirt for myself right then and not carry it around on the night of the show.

7.) Went to a couple of pre-concert fan club parties on Sunday night, one at the Swan and the other that was hosted by Sharon at the subterranean place of which I can't recall the name. They were both a lot of fun. It was a blast meeting other fans. In the basement bar, we got to watch a bunch of Led Zeppelin bootleg videos. I told my wife it was sort of like going to the San Diego Comic Convention. Same single-minded passion, just a different outlet.

The concert:

Yep, finally got there. No pre-concert beer, I wanted to be able to hold my position for several hours without having to hold my bladder. I worked my way up about 30 feet from the stage, dead center. It was packed pretty tight right where I was, which made it difficult to play air guitar. I had to keep the air guitar down low. I look pretty stupid playing air guitar anyway, so it's just as well.

It was such a rush to see Led Zeppelin take the stage and play the first notes of Good Times Bad Times. The sound mix was kind of screwed up for the first couple of songs, but then all was well. I was ecstatic. I had seen the reunions at Live-Aid and the Atlantic 40th in person, but this was no half-hour under-rehearsed set. It was a full-length kick-ass show. Sure, there were songs I wanted to hear that didn't get played, but it was great just the same. I regretted not sneaking my camera in. I figured I would be the one guy that security made an example of and get tossed out, but as I looked around at the sea of cell phones and minicams, I wished I could have taken one picture.

After the concert:

I went back to the hotel for a nightcap. I would have liked to ride the concert buzz longer but I had an early flight back the next morning. Actually, I rode the concert buzz for a long time and I rekindle it every time I pop in the umm....unofficial audio CD or DVD.

The trip home went without a hitch. This event started out with heavy negativity hanging over it in the weeks leading up to it, but when the day came to actually make the trip, everything fell into place. It was absolutely tremendous and special.


I'm a high school teacher and I skipped two days of work to make the trip. One student, who often wears rock band t-shirts, noted on Monday December 10 that Led Zeppelin was playing in London and his math teacher, who is never sick, was mysteriously absent. When I came back to school on Wednesday, lots of students were saying "Oh my God! Did you really go see them? That is so awesome!"

I may be a nerdy math teacher but I gained a lot of street-cred that day. Then my principal pulled me aside........

She said "The kids are saying you went to see Led Zeppelin in London."

I kind of hemmed and hawed, and said I didn't know how those crazy rumors got started, then I felt like kind of a jerk and started to tell her. She said "Stop. I don't need to know. I know you're a dedicated teacher but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I just thought it was kind of cute."

So, that's my long story. If you had the patience to read it, I hope you found at least some of it interesting. If not, well, you're a good sport. Thanks for reading.

Edited by likecats
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My thoughts too, that's really awful! I hope you hear form them soon and that at least they refund you with the money you paid for the tickets.

Thank you brspled for your thoughts. I liked your story! I am still hopeful for a refund and I spend a lot of time emailling authorities in England trying to find out what I can do. 18,000 of the 20,000 tickets were by ballot, did anyone else buy their tickets from Advantage Tickets? Regards, AussieFan, mother of a younger Aussie fan.

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Considering the ticket ballot drama and Plant's statement about fans coming from 50 different countries, I'm sure there are many interesting stories about the whole O2 experience including getting tickets, traveling, parties, and, of course, the concert itself. Although some people have certainly shared their stories, or parts of them, in other threads, I don't think there has been a topic devoted to this purpose alone. I know telling my story to friends and strangers alike has been therapuetic and thought I might share here if others are willing to do the same. For me, traveling from the US with my pregnant wife was truely an adventure. I bet there are many fascinating stories out there so please, whether you got into the concert or not, take a few moments and share your adventure...

My story is short ....I have to tell you that if you want something bad enough you can make it happen...I did not win the code online...I did not buy a code on ebay... but I knew I had to be there..I bought airline tickets to london... I made reservation at hotel close to o2...paid the extra money to switch tickets and hotel after jimmy's finger incident....with no ticket, but still determined to see the great LZ....with many friends thinking my husband and I were nuts....arrived in London...spent the day before the concert searching for tickets at O2....happen to meet a ticket broker towards end of day....and yes we got in....was worth every penny...was the most incredible show I have ever seen in my life...will never ever forget it.....thats my story

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joey123 - please see post #51, is it possible you got my tickets? It was amazing that you got tickets! Some of my daughter's teachers are fans, they were so jealous that she got tickets, then so devastated when she got back and had missed out. Thank you every one for your thoughts, AussieFan

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joey123 - please see post #51, is it possible you got my tickets? It was amazing that you got tickets! Some of my daughter's teachers are fans, they were so jealous that she got tickets, then so devastated when she got back and had missed out. Thank you every one for your thoughts, AussieFan

Hi aussie fan, Wow that is a real sad story..I feel bad..We got the tickets from gold coast tickets...the ticket broker just got off the phone with a couple from canada that decided not to go..thats when we happened to talk to him..we just got lucky....I sure hope you can retreive your money...I would bug them until you get your money back.......joey123

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I was very lucky......

Predictably I failed to be allocated tickets in the ballot. I was resigned to the fact that I wouldn't be going. There was no way I even considered asking my contacts within the Zep Camp as I assumed they would be inundated. I know Ross Halfin a little but even when he asked if I had tickets I made it clear that I did not expect any favours. He was with Bill Curbishly when we had our telephone call and Bill told Ross that 'there will be tickets available on the day'. I reiterated that I didn't expect anything.

On the Friday of the week before the gig I had a call....

''Hi Alistair, It's Andrew from the ABC Trust''

''Hi Andrew, how are you doing''

''Good thanks, do you have tickets for the gig?''


''Would you like to go?''

''Of course!''

''Would you like to join us on our private boat to the O2?''

''Jeez-Oh! Of course!''

''Well I'll email you the details''

''I don't know what to say Andrew. I'm speechless''

''There will be passes for the aftershow party too''

''I'm gobsmacked''

''OK I'll send you the email and we'll look forward to seeing you''

''I'll be there. Thank-you sooo much!!''

So as you can imagine, I put the phone down and just yelled 'YEEEESSSS!!!!' .....

Next instalment....

The journey to London. Drunk in Covent Garden. Private Boats with famous guitarists and actresses.........

To Be Continued........

Edited by trampled
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bigzepfan, definitely worth the read. Rock on, indeed!





I'm a high school teacher and I skipped two days of work to make the trip. One student, who often wears rock band t-shirts, noted on Monday December 10 that Led Zeppelin was playing in London and his math teacher, who is never sick, was mysteriously absent. When I came back to school on Wednesday, lots of students were saying "Oh my God! Did you really go see them? That is so awesome!"

I may be a nerdy math teacher but I gained a lot of street-cred that day. Then my principal pulled me aside........

She said "The kids are saying you went to see Led Zeppelin in London."

I kind of hemmed and hawed, and said I didn't know how those crazy rumors got started, then I felt like kind of a jerk and started to tell her. She said "Stop. I don't need to know. I know you're a dedicated teacher but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I just thought it was kind of cute."

So, that's my long story. If you had the patience to read it, I hope you found at least some of it interesting. If not, well, you're a good sport. Thanks for reading.

What a great story, thanks for sharing! LOL, "The kids are saying you went to see Led Zeppelin in London"... priceless!

I was very lucky......

Predictably I failed to be allocated tickets in the ballot. I was resigned to the fact that I wouldn't be going. There was no way I even considered asking my contacts within the Zep Camp as I assumed they would be inundated. I know Ross Halfin a little but even when he asked if I had tickets I made it clear that I did not expect any favours. He was with Bill Curbishly when we had our telephone call and Bill told Ross that 'there will be tickets available on the day'. I reiterated that I didn't expect anything.

On the Friday of the week before the gig I had a call....

''Hi Alistair, It's Andrew from the ABC Trust''

''Hi Andrew, how are you doing''

''Good thanks, do you have tickets for the gig?''


''Would you like to go?''

''Of course!''

''Would you like to join us on our private boat to the O2?''

''Jeez-Oh! Of course!''

''Well I'll email you the details''

''I don't know what to say Andrew. I'm speechless''

''There will be passes for the aftershow party too''

''I'm gobsmacked''

''OK I'll send you the email and we'll look forward to seeing you''

''I'll be there. Thank-you sooo much!!''

So as you can imagine, I put the phone down and just yelled 'YEEEESSSS!!!!' .....

Next instalment....

The journey to London. Drunk in Covent Garden. Private Boats with famous guitarists and actresses.........

To Be Continued........

Arrggghhhh!!! I want to read all the juicy details, please come back soon. :)

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Here's our account of the ballot process, the trip overseas, the camping out for two days for front row, the rehearsal and soundcheck and the show...



Excellent story, it felt like i was in the queue with you... instead I was sat on the upper tier near the back. Have you posted your pics anywhere? Did you get any video footage?

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:) I'm glad this topic has been given new life. Keep the stories coming!

PS - Terrible luck for AussieFan and especially his/her daughter. Sorry to hear things didn't work out.

After reading the 02 post.....I feel so unbelievably lucky to be able to be at the concert...we we at the right place at the right time...and there was someone on our side..........wow......will never ever forget the experience....went there with no tickets...and happened to meet a ticket broker at the right time when a client didnt want there tickets.....perfect timing...he could of sold them to any ....any....body...wow I feel lucky.....

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My Led Zeppelin Experience London 12-10-07

Current mood: rockin

Category: Music

this was written a couple of days after I returned

So here we go...I had major jetlag and needed to recover before sitting down to write this. Just so no one gets the wrong idea and gets pissed I had to pay for my ticket the same as everyone else $600.00

I got a call about a month ago from my touring buddy Roy and his old lady. He said ,"Vinnie, I got some incredible news! I am working for Foreigner and we are opening up for Led Zeppelin in London on the 10th of December and my old lady can't go." He then said I could take her place as his guest at the show and would I like to go!!! Of course, I thought he was pulling my leg at first as I had entered every drawing for tickets I could find, with no luck. But when I realized he was serious and that I would acutally be there to witness the reunion of Led Zeppelin, I was beside myself with joy, as I thought this would never happen. I got on the web and started looking for plane tickets and hotels. I found a decent flight. Hotels were another story, but as luck would have it our friend from England, Hannah, called to tell us she would be in London that weekend watching her friend's flat and she asked if I needed a place to stay in London. It seemed as though the stars aligned for me and everything just fell into place. I talked to Roy again and let him know I had a place and a ticket and was for sure going to make it, and off I went to London too see Led Zeppelin!! Can you believe it? I arrived in London on Sunday Hannah and her friend Maeve picked me up from Gatwick and we headed for London. We made a quick stop at her flat to drop off my things; then a tour of London. It was cold and raining so at about four (tea time) I decided I had seen enough and was over it. I just wanted the day to end, as the show was the next day. London is nice, just not my cup of tea, lol. I took them to dinner at a local pub and I had a great meal- steak and stout pie (good stuff)! We went back to the flat and talked for a while. I then retired and got some sleep as Monday was going to be the greatest day of my life. I woke up and started my journey through the London Tube to east London were the O2 arena is located. I was on my way to meet Roy at his hotel near the gig. Nothing eventful-just a long ride on a very clean subway. I arrived at the hotel and had to wait about two hours for him to arrive from Heathrow. We finally met up and I was informed by my friend that not only could I stay with him in his hotel room but I was also going to the gig with the Foreigner crew. I dropped my stuff and off we went to the gig. Now I was getting excited. We were on our way to meet up with management rep who had my ticket. We were driven over in private vans and were droped off right behind the stage--Led Zeppelin's stage! Can you believe this? And it gets better! We wait around a few minutes. The manager rep turns up and hands my friend an envelope. He opens it and hands me another with my name. I open it to not only find my ticket and wristband but an all access laminate...ALL ACCESS!....and a wristband for the afterparty. I was about to drop dead right there. I, of course, hugged Roy and helped him load some guitars, as we started loading in Foreigner in shock. I just kept thinking that it was a dream and I would wake up any minute. So as the day went on, I sat in the arena and watched everyone soundcheck while my friend did his gig. I watched Bill Wyman do his thing as well as Albert Lee, Maggie Bell, Kieth Emerson, Chris Squire, Alan White, Simon Kirk, Foreigner and then another legend Paul Rogers! His sound check was amazing! He did Seagull acoustic and Can't Get Enough of Your Love. So after all that, I am sitting on stage left and Foreigner's production manager, who had been so cool to me all day treating me like I was on his crew, came up and offered me a meal ticket for dinner. I first declined saying "You guys have done enough for me" and he said "Bullocks, go eat, Mate! You're with us!" I took the ticket and went down to catering with the lads and I decided to have a little steak while my friend Roy had the fish. We sat down and--could you believe it--Jason Bonham comes down and sits across from us and starts talking to Roy (as Jason is also the drummer in Foreigner). He asks how the food is as he got lamb shank. Roy and I said it was good. Jason looked at me and said "Looks good, but Roy, Mate, you're an awful long way from a decent ocean to be eating fish...you should have had the lamb!" Roy looks up at Jason and says "I don't eat anything you all FUCK over here!" Jason started laughing, as did I and everyone else in ear shot. After we all got done choking with laughter, we sat and chated for a while about how surreal it all was and about our families and friends who wanted to attend but could not, exchanged some looks at photos and such and some more pleasant conversation. We then finished dinner, wished Jason luck, and off we went to have a smoke and a look around the arena.We walked around for about an hour until doors opened and then decided to go out the "load in" dock for our smoke. You won't believe what happened next. I start to follow Roy. As he stops to talk to Robbie, I see Dave Grohll from Foo Fighters/Nirvana and I say "Hey Dave, you were not kidding when you said you would not miss this for the world!" He looks at me and says, "Are you kidding me? It is fucking Zeppelin man...we are at LED FUCKING ZEPPELIN MAN!" "Can you believe it? I would have canceled my tour to be here. We are at Zeppelin man!" So as we walk away laughing we walk to the dock and as we are heading outside one of the security gaurds yells out to us did you drop something? and I say "What is it?" He says "It is an envelope with the name Roy on it" I say "That is Roy." It turns out it is his ticket to the show as even the people working the show had to have tickets to watch Zeppelin. What a CLOSE call!!! I walk back and get it from him and as I turn around Roy says to me "Look, Paul McCartney! Can you believe that--a true Beatle!!" I look at Roy, he looks at me, and he says "Let's stand out of the way" and I say "Of course, that is real rock royalty and you know it is big event when he shows up to see a show!!" Paul heard me say that and as he walks up to extend his hand, I take it and he says to us "Come on boys, were going to the bar! Everyone to the bar, come on boys, lets go to the bar!" Roy shakes his hand and says "You buyin, Paul?" Paul McCartney just laughs and says again "To the bar, boys" as if he really wants us to follow him. We did not go Roy had to work and I don't drink anymore so we kept going to have our smoke. So now comes the good part...we go back in and watch all the openers from the side of the stage and after that we go up to check out where the after party is. As we are walking we see some people in what looks like a bar. We walk in to check it out. I walk up to the bar and order a soda as I am waiting there Jeff Beck walks up and stands right there and waits for his drink. I look over and say "Hey," he says "Hey back" and says to me "Going to be a good one mate." I just could not believe what was going on. So after all that, to our seats we go which are incredible off stage right a few rows up--perfect seats--and wait for the moment of truth.....and about ten minutes later it happens. The light go out and then after a video intro of their career, they appear out of the black...LED ZEPPELIN! They open with a thunderous version of Good Times Bad Times then into Ramble On then Black Dog. The band sounded incredible! Jason was on fire! Then they do In My Time Of Dying and then a song they never performed live before (off of the Presence album) For your Life, and Jimmy Page and Robert Plant are on fire! Then they did Trampled Under Foot and Nobodys Fault But Mine, then No Quarter with an incredible solo from John Paul Jones who was incredible! They were just tearing it up! It sounded amazing and they were better then I had ever imagined and it only got better they then went in to Since I've Been Loving You and then Dazed and Confused. Page did the whole bow solo with the green pyrimid it was like watching them in 1973! It was amazing and Page was flawless as he put all other guitar players to shame with that solo. Then it happened--the dream to top all dreams--there Page was standing with his double neck guitar...They did Stairway to Heaven and it brought tears to my eyes. It sounded amazing. I just could not believe it and I thought "It can't get any better than this," but I was wrong...it did. They finished Stairway and Plant thanked Ahmett and then they did one of my all time favorites-The Song Remains The Same, again with the double neck. It sounded like the heavens had opened up and and showered the arena with a thunderous sound. Plant introduced Jason and told some old story about him as a child. Then they went into a really old classic, Misty Mountain Hop, in which Jason Bonham outdid his dad on the kit. It was an amazing thing to witness. Then just when you thought it couldn't get any better, it did again! They finished the set with probably the heaviest song of the night, Kashmir, where, again, the band proved why they were and still are the best rock band in history. They smoked everybody I have ever seen in concert with that one song alone. They hugged each other, they took a bow and left the stage with the audience in a frenzy. About 3 minutes later they appeared again out of the black Jimmy Page walked up to the microphone and thanked evryone and went into an incredible version of Whole Lotta Love, complete with Jimmy Page's Therimin solo. They then took another bow. You can only imagine what was going through their minds. It was a magical night! They left the stage and then appeared about a minute later with an amazing version of another old classic...Rock and Roll. Jason Bonham got down on his knees and started bowing to the other 3 members. They thanked everyone again and off into the dark they went. As I looked around, I had to keep reminding myself of what I just witnessed, as it felt like a dream. It was something I will never forget and next to my son being born was the greatest thing I ever witnessed. Still in shock from the show, me, Roy, Robbie and a few others decided to hit the afterparty. That turned out to be not a good idea, as there were thousands of people trying to get in to the party. We walked in and all the rockstars that attended the concert were there. We walked around for about a half hour and decided to call it a night--it was obvious the members of Led Zeppelin were not there and were off somewhere planning their next takeover of the world! We went back to the hotel, ordered room service and reminiced about what we just witnessed. Got a few hours sleep, said goodbye to my dear friend Roy (who I will never forget for what he did for me) and off to the airport I went for the grueling 15 hour journey home. During the flight, all I kept praying was that the plane wouldn't crash, because I just wanted to get home and tell everyone what I had just witnessed. And I haven't stopped tallking about it since! So there is my story after 27 years, it just goes to show you that dreams do come true. They really do. I hope everybody enjoys the story. I went to London, I met a Beatle, a Yardbird and a Foo Fighter and had dinner with a Bonham. Oh yeah....and saw LED ZEPPELIN!

All The Best,


Edited by allbettsareoff
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My Led Zeppelin Experience London 12-10-07

Current mood: rockin

Category: Music

this was written a couple of days after I returned


All The Best,


What a great time you had, thank you for sharing! I love the bit where getting invited for drinks by Paul McCartney was just a run up to the best part... and right you are!


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I have read through a bunch of the stories above and they are amazing. I have a pretty great story from that night too, but it starts a few months before the show, when the first round of ballot winners was announced. A guy in my office called me and said "you gotta come down here". There, in his inbox, is a winning ballot. I tried my best to play it cool but finally I cracked and said "you are taking me, right?" To my great dismay he said "uhh...um.. no, I am taking my girlfriend". His "girlfriend" was a girl he had met in Las Vegas a few weeks before. Needless to say I was devastated. What a waste of a ticket, I thought... I offered him a pile of money to sell me his tickets, but no deal. In any event I am happy to report that they are still together, so maybe it wasn't a waste after all. But that is his story not mine.

My story picks up again a few hours later when I see passcodes for sale on eaby. (I know that is a sore spot for many around here, but hopefully we are all over it by now) I quickly read the terms and conditions on my friend's winning ballot. I am a lawyer. I saw nothing contained therein that would preclude me from purchasing a passcode on ebay. Transfering a purchased ticket, yes, but not transfering a passcode. So I did. When I bought the tickets from ticketmaster using the code I was over the moon with excitement. Truth be told I was jumping around my house like a man possessed shrieking "I AM GOING TO SEE ZEPPELIN". I was euphoric.

A day later my hopes were dashed. Harvey Goldsmith said he would cancel all tickets purchased by someone other than the passcode winner. In my view he changed the rules of the game, but whatever side of the debate you are (were) on, I am sure that anyone reading this can imagine how devastated I was. I wrote to Harvey, both on his blog and privately, and urged him to reconsider on both compassionate and legal bases. Any of you who visited his blog may have seen some of my posts there. I took comfort with the people at lzls.org who were all in the same boat. But that was a horrible few months. I barely ate or slept. The one highlight was being quoted for a story by the BBC about the whole debacle.

Anyway, as you all know, eventually Harvey caved in and I was off to London. This is where the story went beyond my wildest imagination.

The night of the show, there was a Canadian Radio Station that was to have been broadcasting from the O2. I said to my friend who came with me let's try to track them down and see if they will interview a couple Canadians who made the trip to see the show. After searching the arena I could not find them. I asked security and they directed me to the media office. I have no idea why, but when I was in the media office asking where I could find the radio station, the lady inside handed us media passes. She must not have understood what we were asking for! This was like a gift from heaven.

With our passes, we ended up in the front row of the arena to watch the show. It was unreal. The show was incredible. I don't want to gloss over it, but I think you have all heard and seen how amazing it was so I won't try to recount it here.

Standing in the front row I thought I could not get any luckier. I did. After the show we tried to use the media passes to get into the party at the Indigo. We were denied access. No media allowed. You needed a wristband. However, I recall that prior to the show there was a dinner taking place on the 2nd or 3rd floor of the O2. I said to my buddy "let's see what is going on up there". We got up there and there was a lively party, but again we weren't allowed in. For this party you needed a red sticker that said "Backstage Bar". We sat around outside for a bit and then it hit me. Why not ask someone for their sticker... A nice family was walking out and so I mustered up the courage and politely asked if we could have their passes. To my great surprise they obliged!!

Into the party we went. We walked around totally in awe of where we were. Zeppelin symbols lit up the walls and if you looked out the one side of the bar you could see into the arena. We were high above and right behind the stage where Zeppelin had just played. The bar opened right into the back of the arena!

Then we saw a couple celebs. Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) and adult film star Tera Patrick and her husband from BioHazzard. But that was it. After about an hour in there I began to think I was in the "B-list" party. I wanted to leave. You can only bug Chad Smith for so long... But my buddy, smartly, said "We're in England, backstage at the Zeppelin show. Let's have another drink before we go. So we did. THANK GOODNESS!!!! Because...... about 15 minuets later John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham walked in. I was speechless. We spoke to both of them at some length. Jason's whole family was also back there. They were all so happy and they posed for a few pictures by a professional photographer and by others at the party. They stayed for about an hour, but to me it seemed like forever! It was probably the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me in my life. My camera battery died, but not before I got a few pictures myself. My avatar is me and JPJ backstage after the show. I felt like the luckiest guy on the planet. And you know what? For that moment in time, I probably was....

Edited by Dandu
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Dandu, that's a wonderful story! I'm so glad so many fans not only got in, but had all sorts of good luck. The stars were aligned for Zeppelin fans! Makes me feel all warm and cozy... never mind the pass code debacle, when such good fortune was to be had by real fans.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd wondered about posting here, 'cause I thought my story was pretty boring compared with those who got to go to the rehersal and after-show...

...but this is for those who need to be reassured that some got there without Ebay, resellers or knowing somebody. And Aussie Fan, I so feel for you and your daughter - but this is how luck can happen...

I'm also posting to bump the thread and hopefully get to read a few more stories from 6 months ago.

When I heard the news in September I HAD to give myself a chance. Zep toured Oz once when I was 13 and didn't even think about going to such a thing then But I then grew up with the music as it was happening from the fourth album onwards (and of course explored back through the first three). My garage band did some Zep covers. I was devastated when Bonzo died. I believed (as you all do) that they were the greatest ever rock band. I've got a Les Paul primarily because that's what Jimmy played.

So, I registered in the ballot. I really didn't expect to hear anything. So no surprise - first ballot, nothing. Second ballot, nothing. Show gets postponed until December 10.

Thursday December 6, I'm shift/deleting spam and just about to do the same to a message which starts "Congratulations..." (as you do - because it's obviously spam) and I notice 'ahmettribute' in the 'from' field. I come around to thinking this might be the real thing then notice wording "first served basis until sold", not the 3 days which had occurred with the initial draws. And the email is 16 hours old - they'd all get snapped up in 5 milliseconds wouldn't they?

One of our receptionists (that knows my love for and taste in music) saw me pale and shaking and asks "what's up?". "I've got an email with a passcode for a Led Zeppelin ticket". "Well go! Where is it?". "In London" "Oh shit! When?" "On Monday". "Shit!". "Shiiiiit". Unbelievable.

A quick enquiry on the possibility on flights and cancelling my appointments ("shiiiiit"), and I put the passcode into the Ticketmaster link, still full expecting an "allocation exhausted" or similar message. Amazingly, proceded from page to page until one confirmed I had purchased a floor ticket. Went and paid for the very non-discount flights which were on hold and a room. (Somewhere in there I also told my wife). I was flying out on QF1 on Sunday 6pm (GMT +10) for Heathrow, Monday 6am. Returing Wednesday 11am to get back here Thurday night (and work Friday!). I'd never been to England (or even Europe) before.

Got to Sydney Airport at 3pm to find out the flight was delayed 4 hours. We eventually took off at 10:45pm after some more "problems". (SYD has a jet curfew from 11pm). I've noticed this week that the last two Sundays QF1 to London via Bangkok has been delayed until the Monday morning - I would have missed the show. As it was I was shitting myself all the way there that something would go wrong - $4000 down the drain.

OK. Got to London about 10:30am. Customs girl asks "purpose of your visit to the United Kingdom". "To see Led Zeppelin". "Will I put don 'conference'?" Stupid shuttle driver got lost (I was directing her with my Dad's 1986 London pockewt street directory) so didn't get to the (dodgy) "hotel" until 1:30 pm. Still just enough time to get the tube to the O2, get wristbanded, meet a few locals who, impressed with my effort, bought me a few beers, then...

...SAW THE SHOW OF MY LIFE (but you all know that :D )

Then caught the tube straight back and went to bed! Spent the next (beautiful, cold but sunny) day wandering around London with a big smile on my face. The next day - home. I'd spent as long in the air as in London but worth every second and every cent / penny.

As I explained it to my Mum in her language. "You know that parable about the pearl merchant, who sees the best, most perfect pearl and sells everything he has to buy that pearl?... It was that show!". I think she understood.

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I was at the 02 today... it was a lot quieter than it was that night! :D

Building work has started on the ravensbourne college next to the arena.

The boarding around the outside of the site has Kashmir lyrics on it
They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed...

Part of the proceeds from 10th dec were going towards scholarships for the college...so I guess thats why they are using the lyrics.

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