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Sir Edmund Hillary


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2 hours ago, kipper said:

Hillary Clinton claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary

Turned out to be a total lie

Was it really a lie or had she made an assumption and got it wrong. Even if it was a bit of embellishment what's so wrong with that, nobody got hurt..

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20 hours ago, JTM said:

Was it really a lie or had she made an assumption and got it wrong. Even if it was a bit of embellishment what's so wrong with that, nobody got hurt..

It was a lie and she got caught. She claimed later than her mother was a "follower" of Sir Edmund Hillary long before he got to Everest which happened after Hillary was born. Then later before her mother died she got her mother to say the mother made it up.

Hillary makes up lots of stuff. On Fox news they have shown her to be a pathological liar.

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19 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Putin had nothing to do with the US election or did he? Or didn't he? Depending on which side of the bed Mr Whippy got out of.;)

Whatever he did didn't have any effect. Hillary just isn't like by most people. Even people who voted for her only tolerate her. She screwed herself not Putin.

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4 hours ago, kipper said:

It was a lie and she got caught. She claimed later than her mother was a "follower" of Sir Edmund Hillary long before he got to Everest which happened after Hillary was born. Then later before her mother died she got her mother to say the mother made it up.

Hillary makes up lots of stuff. On Fox news they have shown her to be a pathological liar.

Ok, so if it was a lie it was pretty harmless, no big deal. Anyway lies are part an parcel of being a politician they ALL lie and deceive. As for Fox news we no longer have it here, too few viewers to make it viable but when we did I would dip in before I turned in for the night, I would watch Bill O'Pervert's opening rant (1 am here), the right wing bile he would spew almost made me want to brick my TV. How I laughed when he got exposed for being a dirty filthy sex pest.

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2 hours ago, JTM said:

Ok, so if it was a lie it was pretty harmless, no big deal. Anyway lies are part an parcel of being a politician they ALL lie and deceive. As for Fox news we no longer have it here, too few viewers to make it viable but when we did I would dip in before I turned in for the night, I would watch Bill O'Pervert's opening rant (1 am here), the right wing bile he would spew almost made me want to brick my TV. How I laughed when he got exposed for being a dirty filthy sex pest.

...yet still not as perverted as Slick Willy Clinton!

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35 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

...yet still not as perverted as Slick Willy Clinton!

What ! You think getting a BJ in the OO is perverted, come off it, an act of unfaithfulness yes, but when yer sack's full, well...

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36 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

...well besides being a person in power at the time and taking advantage of a young woman who worked for him, there were numerous other women he ASSAULTED even before he became POTUS.  And Hilary blamed the women!

Par for the course then eh, The orange man has had his fair share of morally questionable dalliances.

Edited by JTM
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2 minutes ago, JTM said:

Par for the course then eh, The orange man has had his fair share of morally questionable dalliances.

Funny that ALL Trump's accusers have disappeared since he got elected...except the sleazy hooker...and the dancer he represents!

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Jesus Christ. I thought this was the Sir Edmund Hillary thread? Why sully it by rehashing this nonsense? kipper's got Clinton on the brain. He can't go anywhere without bringing her name up. 

For the record, Monica Lewinsky has admitted she wanted Bill Clinton and went after him any way she could. She was the active agent in that little dalliance.

As for Trump's accusers, they are still out there...along with all the other lawsuits brought against him. It's just that Trump creates a dumpster fire every time he opens his mouth because he has the attention-span of a gnat and cannot stay on point with his own Cabinet and party. He says one thing, then contradicts himself one hour later. Leaving his staff to try and clean up the mess.

Right now, there are more important things to deal with than old sexual harassment claims.

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1 minute ago, Strider said:

Jesus Christ. I thought this was the Sir Edmund Hillary thread? Why sully it by rehashing this nonsense? kipper's got Clinton on the brain. He can't go anywhere without bringing her name up. 

For the record, Monica Lewinsky has admitted she wanted Bill Clinton and went after him any way she could. She was the active agent in that little dalliance.

As for Trump's accusers, they are still out there...along with all the other lawsuits brought against him. It's just that Trump creates a dumpster fire every time he opens his mouth because he has the attention-span of a gnat and cannot stay on point with his own Cabinet and party. He says one thing, then contradicts himself one hour later. Leaving his staff to try and clean up the mess.

Right now, there are more important things to deal with than old sexual harassment claims.

...like missing e-mails and destroyed private servers?

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Back on subject, I was fortunate enough to by a limited edition Sir Edmund Hilary book from Eastonpress that was signed by the man himself.  Sadly, he passed away two weeks later, so I am SOOO glad I forked out the bucks for that book!  A true pioneer!.

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7 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

...like missing e-mails and destroyed private servers?

Oh for crying out loud, that's your comeback? Guess what...most of the e-mails were found. Trump's yammering "what about the server, the e-mails, the server?" is just nonsense to distract his base. 

The e-mails were combed over and nothing egregious was found. Hillary used the same system that Colin Powell used. And since Trump took office, it has been discovered that both Trump and his son have shared sensitive materials through public servers. Trump even had classified info on his phone laying out in full view of Chinese officials.

But please, keep dwelling on old Hillary and her e-mails. I'm due back on planet Earth now.

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5 minutes ago, Strider said:

Oh for crying out loud, that's your comeback? Guess what...most of the e-mails were found. Trump's yammering "what about the server, the e-mails, the server?" is just nonsense to distract his base. 

The e-mails were combed over and nothing egregious was found. Hillary used the same system that Colin Powell used. And since Trump took office, it has been discovered that both Trump and his son have shared sensitive materials through public servers. Trump even had classified info on his phone laying out in full view of Chinese officials.

But please, keep dwelling on old Hillary and her e-mails. I'm due back on planet Earth now.

You may need to seek help for T.D.S.

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...AGAIN, back to the subject at hand.  I was trekking in Nepal in 1999 and saw this older guy walking very fast ahead of me on the trail.  I walked faster and saw that his backpack had Peter H. stenciled on it.  He turned slightly to see who was behind him and I asked "Are you Peter Hilary?"  (there were rumors flying around that he was in the area).  He looked just like his dad.  He said "Well yes I am!"  I shook his hand and thanked him and his dad for not only inspiring me to do adventurous travel, but for all the schools and medical clinics they set up in the region.  We chatted a while and he asked if I was an "expeditioner".  I laughed and told him no and he said "You've got a great walk...I'd take you along my next adventure!"  THAT made my day...I took a photo with him and went on my way!  

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5 hours ago, Strider said:

Jesus Christ. I thought this was the Sir Edmund Hillary thread? Why sully it by rehashing this nonsense? kipper's got Clinton on the brain. He can't go anywhere without bringing her name up. 

For the record, Monica Lewinsky has admitted she wanted Bill Clinton and went after him any way she could. She was the active agent in that little dalliance.


And of course Bill had no power to say no, no power to not set up a situation to be alone with the 20 something white house intern, or no ability to not ask his secretary to lie for him. Yeah, it was all Monica's fault, Bill was just a victim  LOL!


Talk about warped thinking

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5 hours ago, Walter said:

No trolling going on here...reviving a vacant thread after 4 years just to start more shit around here. Get a fuckin life already! 

it was a relevant point to mention a famous person who claimed she was named after the man.

I would want your life but then I would have to move to a swampland and drive a dick extension car.  And quite frankly I dont have that much to prove to myself.

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