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Is this a picture of Jimmy?


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That's what all the drugs did to him. :(

It's frighteningly horrible. The beautiful smile is gone and I wasn't sure if it even was him. The photo shows a man who became a shadow if his former self. I see it but still can't believe it.

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It's frighteningly horrible. The beautiful smile is gone and I wasn't sure if it even was him. The photo shows a man who became a shadow if his former self. I see it but still can't believe it.

Yes, but look how things have turned around! :) Now, he's a handsome, dignified man with wavy white hair and a beautiful smile to match! It's always terrible to see pictures of Jimmy during the times when he wasn't doing so well physically, but he made it through, didn't he? That's the silver lining, right? Fall down seven times, stand up eight? (Japanese proverb.) :)

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Yes, but look how things have turned around! :) Now, he's a handsome, dignified man with wavy white hair and a beautiful smile to match! It's always terrible to see pictures of Jimmy during the times when he wasn't doing so well physically, but he made it through, didn't he? That's the silver lining, right? Fall down seven times, stand up eight? (Japanese proverb.) :)

Oh, so true, Eskimo :)

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It's frighteningly horrible. The beautiful smile is gone and I wasn't sure if it even was him. The photo shows a man who became a shadow if his former self. I see it but still can't believe it.

It's only a photo capturing a second in time - and no-one smiles all the time. The beautiful smile was never gone, even at the height of his addictions he was a warm and smiling man. :beer:

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Yes, but look how things have turned around! :) Now, he's a handsome, dignified man with wavy white hair and a beautiful smile to match! It's always terrible to see pictures of Jimmy during the times when he wasn't doing so well physically, but he made it through, didn't he? That's the silver lining, right? Fall down seven times, stand up eight? (Japanese proverb.) :)

and here i must agree.... words of wisdom

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He does look terrible in that photo, but as everyone has said, look at him now! That's one of the (many) things that I really respect about him - that he had the inner strength to kick heroin, coke, and even (I believe) cigarettes and booze and come out the other side as the dignified and generally amazing man he is today. That can't have been easy. And look at his smile these days! Okay, he's clearly had some expensive dentistry, but it looks good, and why shouldn't he, anyway?! :)

[i have read that heroin use causes your teeth to rot in some way - John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers spent an alleged $20,000 having a complete new set of teeth fitted, as his own had rotted away due to years of heroin abuse. Yeuch! :thumbdown: Yet he's another guy who was lost for years, and has come through it all - good on him!]

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I rarely visit and post on the photo thread but, for some reason, but the thread name intrigued me and I felt compelled to view and weigh in on these photos.

I don't think that Jimmy ever lost his dignity or was undignified; either when he was using drugs or engaging in other things that some might (subjectively, IMO) label as "undignified" or "immoral". I realize that I may have a somewhat different interpretation of the word "dignity" or "dignified" than others because I have worked with people who were considered to have "lost their dignity" and, based on my interactions with them, I don't think that it's possible to lose one's dignity (or to have someone take away another's dignity). It is, IMO, an essential part of being human and I don't believe that dignity can be lost or taken away. Back to the Jimmy pics. The photographer(s) have caught Jimmy in a moment in time when, he still had his dignity but, because of his struggles with the drugs, he was looking unwell.

In 1983, my husband and I saw Jimmy on- and off-stage. And, no, we are not stalkers so my husband and I didn't approach him or make eye contact. My husband was curious and just wanted to get a glimpse of him off-stage. As ill as Jimmy looked then, the essence (smile, mannerisms, etc.) that was Jimmy from the Zep days was still there.

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^^Some nice points, MadScreamingGallery.

I must admit I've seen worse pics of Jimmy from that period, and didn't find them shocking, though sad in many ways. But that's mainly because, as others have said, we now know he came through it just fine. And in most of the pics, you can tell he's still Jimmy--Jimmy with a problem, but still Jimmy.

Edited by Aquamarine
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I rarely visit and post on the photo thread but, for some reason, but the thread name intrigued me and I felt compelled to view and weigh in on these photos.

I don't think that Jimmy ever lost his dignity or was undignified; either when he was using drugs or engaging in other things that some might (subjectively, IMO) label as "undignified" or "immoral". I realize that I may have a somewhat different interpretation of the word "dignity" or "dignified" than others because I have worked with people who were considered to have "lost their dignity" and, based on my interactions with them, I don't think that it's possible to lose one's dignity (or to have someone take away another's dignity). It is, IMO, an essential part of being human and I don't believe that dignity can be lost or taken away. Back to the Jimmy pics. The photographer(s) have caught Jimmy in a moment in time when, he still had his dignity but, because of his struggles with the drugs, he was looking unwell.

In 1983, my husband and I saw Jimmy on- and off-stage. And, no, we are not stalkers so my husband and I didn't approach him or make eye contact. My husband was curious and just wanted to get a glimpse of him off-stage. As ill as Jimmy looked then, the essence (smile, mannerisms, etc.) that was Jimmy from the Zep days was still there.

Another great post. :D

I was using the word "dignified" as a description of Jimmy's current "look". You know, the "dignified older man" sort of look. I guess that's how I see him, with his white wavy hair and the black suits I've seen him in recently. He looks like a distinguished English gentleman. Someone who's paid his dues and come out on top, with the wisdom of experience. Perhaps I picked the wrong word and started a bad ball rolling. Actually, I think I did, and I'm sorry about that. I agree with your thoughts above, Mad. Thanks for posting them. :)

And now, before I make things worse, I'm going to stop. :lol:

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^^Some nice points, MadScreamingGallery.

I must admit I've seen worse pics of Jimmy from that period, and didn't find them shocking, though sad in many ways. But that's mainly because, as others have said, we now know he came through it just fine. And in most of the pics, you can tell he's still Jimmy--Jimmy with a problem, but still Jimmy.

Thanks, Aquamarine. :)

Another great post. :D

I was using the word "dignified" as a description of Jimmy's current "look". You know, the "dignified older man" sort of look. I guess that's how I see him, with his white wavy hair and the black suits I've seen him in recently. He looks like a distinguished English gentleman. Someone who's paid his dues and come out on top, with the wisdom of experience. Perhaps I picked the wrong word and started a bad ball rolling. Actually, I think I did, and I'm sorry about that. I agree with your thoughts above, Mad. Thanks for posting them. :)

And now, before I make things worse, I'm going to stop. :lol:

Thank you, EskimoBlueDay. :D

I completely understood what you meant so there's no need to apologize. I think the word "dignified" was used a couple of times (not just by you) so I didn't quote any posts. I wrote what I did, not in response to anyone's post, but b/c I recognize that, because of my experiences, I have a particular bias/sensitivity about "dignity" and/or "dignified". I've cringed when I've seen and heard someone dismiss a group of people as having "lost their dignity" - once in front of the people! :'( . When that happens, it just feels to me as if the person saying it is diminishing them and taking away a bit of their humanity.

I do agree that Jimmy is looking like a very distinguished English gentleman or an elder statesman. Now, I wondering if I didn't get another bad ball rolling by using the term "elder." :lol:


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It's only a photo capturing a second in time - and no-one smiles all the time. The beautiful smile was never gone, even at the height of his addictions he was a warm and smiling man. :beer:

I think she simply means his teeth were jacked up...no? Sure he was still smiling, but maybe his nice smile was gone...

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Thanks, Aquamarine. :)

Thank you, EskimoBlueDay. :D

I completely understood what you meant so there's no need to apologize. I think the word "dignified" was used a couple of times (not just by you) so I didn't quote any posts. I wrote what I did, not in response to anyone's post, but b/c I recognize that, because of my experiences, I have a particular bias/sensitivity about "dignity" and/or "dignified". I've cringed when I've seen and heard someone dismiss a group of people as having "lost their dignity" - once in front of the people! :'( . When that happens, it just feels to me as if the person saying it is diminishing them and taking away a bit of their humanity.

I do agree that Jimmy is looking like a very distinguished English gentleman or an elder statesman. Now, I wondering if I didn't get another bad ball rolling by using the term "elder." :lol:


:beer: right back at ya! :D Sometimes I could kick myself. I read my posts before I submit them to make sure I've explained myself well, and I still manage to come out garbled. :( I just read my initial post again and I wish I'd worded it differently. Oh well. As I said, fall down seven times, stand up eight. :)

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EBD - you did NOT sound garbled nor do you need to apologize for your posts. I thought they were lovely and eloquently stated, and I agree with what you and MSG said.

It is sad to see anyone go through addictions and struggles. All you want to do is reach out and try to help and it's hard to see it happen. But the point with Jimmy is, he got through it and as evidenced by the event of a month ago, he very much still has it.

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