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It's already past midnight here in Brazil, so.....


A great friend, a wonderful person, a beautiful woman, one of the best people I have met in my life....

9, I wish you Happyness, Health, Friendship, Love, Music...I wish you everything that is good.

And more.

Have a great day, my friend


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Guess who came to the party too? :wave:

I wish the most Wonderful and Happiest Birthday to my beautiful, wonderful, sweet, great friend NINE LIVES




I'm shocked!!!!!!

Eowyn is here!!!! :cheer:

9....you'd better have many b-days during this year, maybe Eowyn comes to all of them.... :rolleyes:


Hi Eowyn, sooooooooooooo happy to have you here. ;)

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So this is not an unbirthday its a true birthday, unlike the unbirthday you had recently but this :wave::cheer: is in fact the real birthday cos thats just happened whereas the un birthday can happen on any given day. :blink:



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So this is not an unbirthday its a true birthday, unlike the unbirthday you had recently but this :wave::cheer: is in fact the real birthday cos thats just happened whereas the un birthday can happen on any given day. :blink:



I knew if she had enough unbirthdays, Eowyn might show up eventually--two causes for celebration today, which is the REAL birthday! :chickeddance:

Cheers Eowyn and nine!! :beer:

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