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Jimi Vs. Jimmy

Swan  Song

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The big 3 for me are: Clapton, Page and Hendrix. My favourite is obviously Page followed very closely by Clapton, then there's a bit of a gap and then Hendrix, but you can't really go wrong with any combination of these 3.

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Its liek compairing apples to oranges, they both excelled to the top of their game in their own fields. Nothing much more to say other then these is no need for classifacations on which is better, Just like the debate clapton vrs hendrix... you wont get anywhere debating who is better. Its just not a measure of excellence.

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I think Page would definitely win. The dead can't play guitar worth shit...

Why is it that many people like Page more but think Jimi would win? I'm probably one of them.

Wait...is this the Led Zeppelin forum? oh wait yeah it is.

I don't think even Page would think he could win, honestly. I'd rather play the devil. Hendrix was a tough act to proceed or follow. Playing "against" him would be career suicide.

Besides, do any high profile guitarists have any actual "Guitar Battles"?

Guitar playing isn't a slam dunk contest or a rap-off. What is this, "Bring It On, Home Edition".

It's already been brought!

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You can't compare these two great guitarist's (How would you even win a guitarbattle? The one who plays the fastest lick?). Both of them have changed the rock'n'roll history forever, and inspired tons of guitarist's and bands.

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I had entirely forgotten this thread.... Thanks for the kind words people! :D

How's it going "Swan Song?" To be honest, I would choose Hendrix over Pagey with Pagey coming in a very close second. Hendrix re-revolutionized the guitar and how it would be played. Pagey, as well as all of the fellow British and American guitar players, copied a lot of Hendrix's guitar playing style after Hendrix came on the music scene in 1966-67. The real question here is how would PRINCE have done against Pagey and Hendrix considering that PRINCE was voted second all-time greatest guitarist under Hendrix with Pagey voted third under PRINCE? ROCK ON!

It wasn't this simple. Hendrix also learned from others, some English guitarists in particular, certainly Jeff Beck, and at least arguably Pete Townshend also. Hendrix brought together many different experimental things and unified them in a coherent, new style; that was the revolution he made. Pagey actually has said just that. B)

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  • 1 month later...

i think it's all about personal taste.

some people tell me hendrix is/was/whatever/ the best.

that maybe so - but to me NOBODY sounds as good as Jimmy Page.

they may be technically better - have to rely on people telling me this - as cant tell the technical side of things

#BUT there's just no contest Jimmy wins hands down over every other guitarist i have ever heard!!


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One interesting look at them is Page had years of studio experience under his belt when Zeppelin formed. He already knew what sound he wanted and was skilled in crafting certain sounds within a studio environment. Hendrix was still learning and exploring when he died. His albums became more and more layered as he matured. Hendrix's studio influence would have only continued to influence rock and roll-including Led Zeppelin.

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of having it be a "battle" kind of thing, they tour together and play a couple of solos together on each others' sets. They could switch who opens and who closes the show every night. I would love to see that. I wish I could. I think they both changed guitar forever and I love both of their music to no end. So I think more about how awesome it would be (or would HAVE been) to see them both live....at the same time. Imagine that!

I think we'd all win in the end. :thumbsup:

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I don't know how one could choose between the two of them. Page used unique tunings and had the riffs from God. Hendrix used electricity to the max; controlled feedback which he made melodic and tons of other things.

I guess this is a 12 round draw. No blood spilled either.

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If Page played like he did on "Dazed and Confused" from TSRTS, I don't think that Hendrix could keep up. He took the pentatonic blues scale to a new level with that number.....


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If Page played like he did on "Dazed and Confused" from TSRTS, I don't think that Hendrix could keep up. He took the pentatonic blues scale to a new level with that number.....


SIBLY does it for me 'cgab1'

Regards, Danny

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