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Suddenly hip to not like Zeppelin?


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Seems lately more people are trying to be hip and not like Zeppelin....they usually say the same crap the haters say and of course have no substantial evidence to their argument...seems like Zep gets attacked more then any other classic rock band too..I guess some people think they are too cool for school and don't want to be part of the crowd...it's fine if you don't like them but their usual bitching is pathetic (Jimmy can't play, Robert has no voice left....nothing they wrote was their's,etc.)....anyone else notice this lately?

P.S. I totally shut this clown up the other day...he was rambling on about how great the Beatles were and what rip off artists Zep were....when I told him that the Beatles were successfully sued more times then Zep for song infringement, he had nothing to say....too funny!!

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Personally, I find it quite the opposite... there are alot of new fans who jumped on because of the reunion... most of them are poser fans and they all say "Stairway to Heaven" is their favorite song and even a few of them says they like "him" :rolleyes:

also, there is a sudden influx of those "1977 Tour Over America" shirts that everyone wears... personally, I dont wear that shirt since so many people who dont even know LZ wear it... so atleast were i live and at my school, LZ is a fad among the masses...

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I lived through this already, it was called the 1980's....I stuck by them then, I'll stick by them through what ever happens. It's not about what everyone else likes...it's about what you like. Why be like all the other lemmings out there and follow what's cool ? These days what's cool lasts for all of 15 minutes anyway.

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I lived through this already, it was called the 1980's....I stuck by them then, I'll stick by them through what ever happens. It's not about what everyone else likes...it's about what you like. Why be like all the other lemmings out there and follow what's cool ? These days what's cool lasts for all of 15 minutes anyway.

I agree....I always love people who say that LZ is high school music...then they name who they dig and it's some easy listening shit that makes me puke!!!

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you know im not going to lie, about 2 years ago i used to hate Zeppelin and I mean HATE Zeppelin, but that was when I was into one band and one band only, which was Korn. Then I heard Jimmy Page's solo on stairway to heaven about a year back, just when I was starting to get good at guitar, and that was it. I started listening to them everyday and I had there whole collection on my I-Pod and, whenever I heard a new song I would say to my self "This is Zeppelin? I love this song!" Actually though people in my area that are 14-18 years old are just starting get into them and they act as if you like Led Zeppelin then your cool.

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I lived through this already, it was called the 1980's....I stuck by them then, I'll stick by them through what ever happens. It's not about what everyone else likes...it's about what you like. Why be like all the other lemmings out there and follow what's cool ? These days what's cool lasts for all of 15 minutes anyway.

Its never changed for me in relation to sticking by Zeppelin when they have been in and out of favour with press or public.

They have and will always be my No1 band.

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Seems lately more people are trying to be hip and not like Zeppelin....they usually say the same crap the haters say and of course have no substantial evidence to their argument...seems like Zep gets attacked more then any other classic rock band too..I guess some people think they are too cool for school and don't want to be part of the crowd...it's fine if you don't like them but their usual bitching is pathetic (Jimmy can't play, Robert has no voice left....nothing they wrote was their's,etc.)....anyone else notice this lately?

P.S. I totally shut this clown up the other day...he was rambling on about how great the Beatles were and what rip off artists Zep were....when I told him that the Beatles were successfully sued more times then Zep for song infringement, he had nothing to say....too funny!!

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People have always complained about Stairway being overplayed and voted best song for years. That was the radio's fault for not playing a better variety of their songs. Recently, though, I notice the (classic rock) radio stations in NY playing a good variety of their songs, but still the "same olds" of other old groups. I think they're just slow or clueless...

I don't think the Beatles (as a band) were ever successfully sued over their music, although they did borrow a few lines here and there. George Harrison was very famously sued - "My Sweet Lord" vs. "He's So Fine", over the chords. Led Zeppelin had to change credits or settled out of court over their many accusations, from what I understand.

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well, from what I've seen, none of the songs that Led Zep supposedly "stole" sound anything like the originals, nor do the lyrics as a whole come close to the original lyrics. a chord or a line here and there isn't stealing, it's what bluesmen did all the time, it's how music evolved.

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It's remarkable that those who put Zepp down jump on that band wagon. As far as playing. I haven't met a drummer yet that didn't have difficulties to try to play like JB. They come close. But their always the first to admit this. As far as Jimmy Page. I like to see any modern day guitar player do the whole live version of Dazed and Confused from beginning to end......with the bow section too. I'm willing to place bets that a little after the bow section....they will run out of speed.

This stigma has always followed the band in one form or another. As you remember the press always liked hammering Led Zepp......for not falling for their game. So what if Zepp took some ideas here and there. Name one artists who doesn't practice this. They gave us alot of color and magic in their music. Even Prince stated this once in an interview that starting in the ninties music lost alot of color. And if you listen to any of the rock stuff of Prince (I'm not a fan) you can hear Zepp's influence. B)

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I really don't care if people like it or not- I wear my shirts, sing the songs and the whole nine yards. If they don't like the way it looks, don't look, if they think I can't sing don't listen. I try not to sing look though because I can't carry a tune ina bucket.

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I was one of 2 people in a school of 1100 kids who was into Zeppelin. It just wasn't cool in 1985. Fast forward 5 years and mobs of people my age are into Sonic Youth, Janes Addiction, The Who and most of all Led Zeppelin. Now I can look back and appreciate the Beastie Boys first album and early Duran Duran (which maybe I like all along but couldn't admit it). Everybody's always changing teams.

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Distracted by a snip of a riff i heard on the radio once in 69. Then i was into usual late 60s stuff, i was 12. Got into Rex, Slade, anything that was guitar orientated, loud and caused strange expressions on my parents faces.

Time to leave kids stuff and join my peers who were into Genesis-(Gabriel) Yes, Alice Cooper and Led Zeppelin.I was 13.

I picked on a band people new the least about and asked for the latest Zep, bought 3rd vinyl.

Put the pin on the Atlantic and scoped out the disc in the cover.Immigrant, Since, Gallows, Friends, my goodness ! I thought. and immediately went backtracking. Bought 2nd Zep and there it was, the riff. Whole Lotta Love.

Im 50 next year, and i have been inspired by Led Zeppelin in so many directions, fron Tolkien to poetry.

I have loads of CDs by loads of artist's. All were fantastic at the time and still are. But the one band that always haunts me,

either by Roberts lyrics, his high pitched roar, or Jimmys cordom (if you liken their songs to a path) and his ability to find his way back after wandering off for miles,ie: Dazed, Trampled, H M M Times, are Led Zeppelin.

My point is you either dig em or you don't. Whether it be a serendipitous moment or just curiosity. It's got F-all

about being cool. It's that they are cool.I aquired a copy of Knebworth August 11th 79 and find myself featured as one of the individuals in a camera focus after STH. How cool is that ! :D

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P.S. I totally shut this clown up the other day...he was rambling on about how great the Beatles were and what rip off artists Zep were....when I told him that the Beatles were successfully sued more times then Zep for song infringement, he had nothing to say....too funny!!

Nice work, Wolfman! :thumbsup:

Anyone who's paid attention to my posts knows that the ripoff accusation really stick in my craw. So good on ya!

59 . . . "blue perpendicular fuck" . . . :hysterical: I'm stealing that.

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